DT880 600Ohm Manufaktur VS AKG K 702 for Acoustic music
Mar 27, 2017 at 12:06 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


Mar 27, 2017
Hello everyone! I am a new member of this marvelous forum and a novice in terms of great headphones.
Being a classical musician, I feel a necessity to provide some great gear for my listening sessions.

I listen to acoustic music 90% of the time and i have a dilemma!

Here in Germany, I can get AKG K702 and Beyerdynaic DT 880 600Ohm Manufaktur for the same price - 199€.

I have another 200€ for AMP/DAC. Currently I have no equipment other than computer.

What I realized, DT 880 would benefit from tube Amp, and K 702 from SS Amp.
I have no preferences, I am just interested in quality of the sound.

I will use headphones at home, so no kind of isolation is needed!

I know that these kind of comparisons are already common here, but I would like your opinion!

My favorite music is all sorts of classical (symphonies, concertos), some progressive rock and movie soundtracks.

My music library is FLAC and SACD.

Sorry for my English, and thank you in advance! :)
Mar 27, 2017 at 3:29 PM Post #3 of 17
Hello everyone! I am a new member of this marvelous forum and a novice in terms of great headphones.
Being a classical musician, I feel a necessity to provide some great gear for my listening sessions.

I listen to acoustic music 90% of the time and i have a dilemma!

Here in Germany, I can get AKG K702 and Beyerdynaic DT 880 600Ohm Manufaktur for the same prize - 199€.

I have another 200€ for AMP/DAC. Currently I have no equipment other than computer.

What I realized, DT 880 would benefit from tube Amp, and K 702 from SS Amp.
I have no preferences, I am just interested in quality of the sound.

I will use headphones at home, so no kind of isolation is needed!

I know that these kind of comparisons are already common here, but I would like your opinion!

My favorite music is all sorts of classical (symphonies, concertos), some progressive rock and movie soundtracks.

My music library is FLAC and SACD.

Sorry for my English, and thank you in advance!

If you are primarily an acoustic listener, I would add the HD600 and HE400i to my list, were I you. Both are very good with acoustic music, in my opinion, particularly the HD600.
Mar 27, 2017 at 4:21 PM Post #4 of 17
Thank you for your answers!
Alynx - I would be very grateful!
Sermann005 - The problem is that in Germany, I can not get HD600 below 350 euros, and Hifiman is 420 euros.

I cou spend around 400.

Mar 30, 2017 at 8:26 AM Post #10 of 17
I was listening to tracks from the 2L Nordic Sound test bench and I found the AKG K701 to be better for classical, only because of the wider soundstage which also has more height to it. Regarding other aspects, such as rendition of the instruments and their texture, both are very alike.  Id say with the DT 880 individual notes have more air around them. Making out decay and room effects is equally good on both cans. Maybe the DT 880 are a little sharper, making piano notes a little splashy around the edges, but just maybe. Also I found the K701 to have more upper bass presence, not by much, but enough to give piano notes more heft and weight to them. If you want me to listen to a track, just link it and Ill check it out.
Mar 31, 2017 at 4:12 PM Post #14 of 17
Listening right now ... :) Im throwing the HD 598 into the mix aswell. With the dac/amp that Im using right now, they have the best synergy together. Unfortunately I havent my ODAC/O2 stack here with me right now. The dac/amp that Im using right now is not the best for the 880s or the 701s.
OK. The soundstage of the K701, while beeing slightly eliptic, is still impressive and makes the track feel grand and spacious. The DT 880 comes in second with a more cohesive soundstage. HD 598 last. The part at 19 min mark, the grand finale ^^, the 701 and 880 both do a very good job at keeping every instrument separated from each other with air and space around each instrument. Even on this youtube track. On the 598 it gets a little confused. But just by direct comparison. Again, the more forward nature of the upper mids/lower treble on the 701 is gives violins, i guess thats what they are... could be wrong :frowning2:, a more upfront presentation, like you are sitting in the first row. With the 880 its more laid back, maybe 5. row. But thats actually good. Too much violins and strings in your face is hurting my ears, for real. I think for this track in particular Id go with the 880 with the right dac and amp. The HD 598 with my current dac/amp sounded the best just because they sound just really good together to begin with. 

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