DT-880 advice required
Jan 31, 2006 at 12:25 AM Post #46 of 51

Originally Posted by fewtch

OK, it's slightly rolled off below 30 Hz

Seriously though, my ears agree with the Headroom graph. You just won't find anything flatter out there.

Everyone worries about response below 30Hz but very little music actually has information in that range. Maybe pianos and organs, but very little else.

Regarding Grados, I find my SR-225s to have strong bass impact but they really don't go very deep at all. Like someone else here said, it is more like a midbass hump. My Ety ER-4S definitely has deeper bass but not as much impact. I don't particularly appreciate the Grado bass personally.
Jan 31, 2006 at 4:17 AM Post #48 of 51
Sorry Seijang, bad day I guess. I always get moody around this time of year due to the lack of light (I live in Seattle and don't even take Prozac, so gimme a break
Jan 31, 2006 at 6:07 AM Post #49 of 51
Well, I just received a pair of used DT-880's today and I spent a couple hours comparing them to my AKG K271S and my UM2's. One of the things I wish for with my AKG's is just a bit more bass. I'm not talking about much, but I consider the 271's to be slightly shy of neutral when it comes to bass. I've heard Senn 600's, 650's and Audio Technica W1000 and W100's lately and I considered all of them to be on the heavy side when it comes to bass. From comments I've read around here, I was really hoping the DT-880 would get me to that neutral point. It saddens me to have to say that I find them ever so slightly leaner than even my 271's. I do not consider myself a basshead, but I like the level of the bass I hear to match the level of other frequencies.

I also agree that these cans lack impact. That's actually the one single area where I feel the UM2 bests either pair of my full size cans. These IEM's just have a midbass slam to them that rocks.

So far, I'm not real happy with the highs either. I found myself cringing at times while listening to a CD that sounds terrific through my AKG's. I'm going to spend some more time with them before making any strong statements on this though. FYI, the source I'm using is analog out from an 8 year old Sony DVD player, made back before Blockbuster even started renting DVD's. My amp is a Wheatfield HA-1 tube amp.

By the way, I have an infinite baffle sub setup in my listening room that I spent hours tuning with a feedback destroyer to get the response as flat as possible at my listening position. I tuned the whole system with a properly weighted SPL meter, so I believe I have a pretty good feel for neutral bass levels.

Jan 31, 2006 at 6:41 AM Post #50 of 51
I also think the DT880's bass quantity and quality is not optimal. Compared to the K701, its treble can be slightly harsh and sibilant and bass quantity is lower. The K701 sounds more neutral to me and seems better balanced.

Versus ATs, the DT880 is also lacking in the bass department. The AD2000 has bass that goes deeper while also being tighter, more detailed and better textured. The W2002's bass is also good. The L3000's bass is amazing and would be difficult to compare to the DT880's.

I also think the RS-1 and HF-1 have more bass impact and better bass quality than the DT880.

Note that my DT880 has a Cardas cable.
Jan 31, 2006 at 6:43 AM Post #51 of 51

Originally Posted by Elephas
Versus ATs, the DT880 is also lacking in the bass department. The AD2000 has bass that goes deeper while also being tighter, more detailed and better textured. The W2002's bass is also good. The L3000's bass is amazing and would be difficult to compare to the DT880's.

I also think the RS-1 and HF-1 have more bass impact and better bass quality than the DT880.

Note that my DT880 has a Cardas cable.

Respect your opinion, but it's hard to see how bass could go any deeper than it does with the DT880. The frequency spectrum is only so big, and to my ears the DT880 goes all the way down to bass inaudibility (~20 Hz) with no peaks or dips whatsoever.

Perhaps we just hear differently, but my ears agree with the Headroom graphs on this one. Then again I'm a big fan of the AKG K501, so maybe you should take my bass opinions with a grain of salt.

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