Jan 26, 2021 at 6:43 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 111


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 16, 2015
So, what's everyone think? https://drop.com/buy/drop-dan-clark-audio-aeon-open-x

I ordered a set because (a) I like shiny new things and (b) AirPods Max really aren't cutting it sq wise for me. The price seems fair for what is offered.

Not much information but they seem comparable to the Aeon RT Closed but possibly with different pads.

Looks like they should arrive next week.
Jan 26, 2021 at 8:00 PM Post #2 of 111
I’m curious as to the impact of the perforated pads are on what appears to otherwise be identical to the RT model.
Jan 26, 2021 at 8:03 PM Post #3 of 111
I’m curious as to the impact of the perforated pads are on what appears to otherwise be identical to the RT model.
With a little luck it will open up the soundstage. How much is anyone’s guess. Tough to buy something you can’t listen to and no reviews but I was in the mood. Smarter play may have been to just grab the RT from DCA directly. Oh well. I needed a little excitement in my life.
Jan 26, 2021 at 9:53 PM Post #5 of 111
Wonder if these get the same 2 year warranty as normal DCA products?
It appears that these may not - rather they get a 30 day return policy. That's a bit of a bummer. I may request to cancel. I'd be better off paying the extra $20 for the RT.

It appears that these may not - rather they get a 30 day return policy. That's a bit of a bummer. I may request to cancel. I'd be better off paying the extra $20 for the RT.
Correction - I checked in with Dan Clark Audio and it is indeed the same 2 year transferable warranty they offer on all products. Feeling much better.
Jan 26, 2021 at 10:23 PM Post #6 of 111
Did this get dropped recently? I thought there was an X version of Aeon already got dropped? Was it the closed?

I looked at the measurements, and I expect warm thickness with the lower mids lift. No idea how consistently tuned DCA drivers are.

From what I understand, the open Aeons are tuned a bit thick, it's odd since it's called open, but not really if you compare to Sennys or Hifimans.
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Jan 26, 2021 at 10:27 PM Post #7 of 111
Did this get dropped recently? I thought there was an X version of Aeon already got dropped? Was it the closed?

I looked at the measurements, and I expect warm thickness with the lower mids lift. No idea how consistently tuned DCA drivers are.

From what I understand, the open Aeons are tuned a bit thick, it's odd since it's called open, but not really if you compare to Sennys or Hifimans.
Dropped today I believe. Yes there is an open version and this is the closed counterpart.
Feb 21, 2021 at 11:35 AM Post #11 of 111
Mine arrived yesterday. This is my first set of planar headphones. Most recently, I've been listing to various Beyers -- 1770, T5 (3rd), and Amirons.

Out of the box, I really like them. They're very comfortable and sound great. They don't have as much oomph as the Beyers for the lower frequencies, but I don't mean that in a bad way at all. They have a good amount of bass. I need to do some more listening. I'm curious how these sound from portable sources, but I do most of my listening with stationary equipment.
Feb 24, 2021 at 9:12 PM Post #12 of 111
Hey @mrspeakers I was looking at the FR graphs and the one in Drop looks different than the one you provided for the Aeon RT Closed. They are supposed to be the same headphone, right?

Here's the FR from Drop for the Aeon Closed X:

Here's the FR you provided for the Aeon RT Closed (green line):


My concern is the 4k dip and the dropoff starting at 5k in your measurements compared to the Drop measurements. Which one is correct? Could someone help explain these differences? I want to buy the headphone but am a little worried based on the measurements provided by Dan. I like my treble fuller and I thought the Aeon Closed X was going to change that based on Drop's measurements but now I don't know.
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Feb 24, 2021 at 10:39 PM Post #13 of 111
Hey @mrspeakers I was looking at the FR graphs and the one in Drop looks different than the one you provided for the Aeon RT Closed. They are supposed to be the same headphone, right?

Here's the FR from Drop for the Aeon Closed X:

Here's the FR you provided for the Aeon RT Closed:


My concern is the 4k dip and the dropoff starting at 5k in your measurements compared to the Drop measurements. Which one is correct? Could someone help explain these differences? I want to buy the headphone but am a little worried based on the measurements provided by Dan. I like my treble fuller and I thought the Aeon Closed X was going to change that based on Drop's measurements but now I don't know.
They are supposed to be exactly the same per DCA.
Feb 24, 2021 at 11:09 PM Post #15 of 111
I understand that, but the measurements are nowhere near the same in the treble, which is why I made the post asking for someone to help explain why it's so different.
Gotcha. Not sure. DCA will probably chime in. Really enjoying mine.

Mine arrived yesterday. This is my first set of planar headphones. Most recently, I've been listing to various Beyers -- 1770, T5 (3rd), and Amirons.

Out of the box, I really like them. They're very comfortable and sound great. They don't have as much oomph as the Beyers for the lower frequencies, but I don't mean that in a bad way at all. They have a good amount of bass. I need to do some more listening. I'm curious how these sound from portable sources, but I do most of my listening with stationary equipment.
If you mean a smartphone probably not going to work well. These require some power. Maybe not massive power but more than a phone. Someone posted a review of the RT open in the other thread and was driving them with some DAPs but I think you’re going to want a decent amp with these. I had to get my JDS Atom to about 3pm on low gain to get any sort of dynamics.

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