Dre Beats sound quality question!!!!????
Mar 1, 2012 at 7:26 PM Post #5 of 11
MG7's eat Beats for breakfast in terms of bass quality. Ha.
Mar 1, 2012 at 7:41 PM Post #6 of 11
I have to recommend the Monster Turbine, because they are about the same price as the Tours, have a heck of a lot of bass, and block outside noise pretty darn well. Plus, they are made by the same company that created the Beats by Dr Dre. 

My sister owns them and let me borrow them. Their sound quality actually surprised and pleased me.
Mar 1, 2012 at 8:00 PM Post #7 of 11
I've owned beats tours and they do have a nice amount of bass however, they do not offer much more than that, they're over priced for what you get and have these terrible highs that will burn your ears with some songs. I would stay away from them as many others here will tell you. I sold my pair quickly as possible to keep my sanity. However if you must - I would buy the tours for bass over the Solo. But please consider dearly on something else because you may find yourself highly disappointed as I did.

If you want good bass try looking at Monster Turbines, (which monster actually got right) Hippo VB or Brainwavz M2. you would be doing yourself a favour also the head-fi community. 

Mar 1, 2012 at 8:50 PM Post #9 of 11
I own the Tours, Solos and the Turbines and I recommend the Turbines highly. Tours and Solos are a bit of a tossup. I use the Tours more often but I tend to favor IEMs for their portability.
Mar 1, 2012 at 10:08 PM Post #10 of 11
Beats headphone jacks do not fit with Element Cases... my iPhone uses a white element case http://www.elementcase.com/Vapor-Pro-White-Edition-iPhone-Case-p/api4-1113-w3ww.htm
Even if I liked Beats, if I cannot use them for all devices without add-ons, then I cannot use them....
I point this out because they say they have an oversized headphone port
Mar 2, 2012 at 10:33 AM Post #11 of 11
At your initial question:
I've had the "luxury" to hear both
-HD's have bloated bass with no treble or mid-range
-Tours have no real bass extension
Now you want bass, here are some suggestions, and I see you are form the UK (finally someone) so:
-Sony MDR-EX510's = £45 = better lower extension and overall good mids
-FS Atrio MG7's = £70 (from the atrio.me deal from the US, or from these forums) - by far the best sub-bass kinds I have EVER heard
-TFTA 1XB & 1V = Ironically £50-60 from me selling them or £100 brand new = best mid-bass (1XB) i have ever heard
-Monster Turbines £30-50 = Bloated bass, but better than the tours
-Monster Turbine Pro Gold = £100-220 (depending on your place you buy them from) = great bass levels, overall really nice earphones - make sure you buy from an authorised dealer, or a person who can prove the original proof of purchase being from an authorised dealer, as there are A LOT of fakes around
-Monster Mile Davis Tribute = (Currently at £100-140 at monster US - get someone from the US to buy them for you) - i ain't heard them yet, but read GREAT things on them in comparison to the MTPG's (above) - so they should do very well...especially at this price point.
-Sony MDR-XB500's = £35-50 (amazing mid-bass, bit muddy sounding, but a HELL LOT better than the solos)
-Sony MDR-XB700's = £60-75 (all-round amazing headphones, only downside...they are huge...i wouldn't carry them around)
End of the day, you can buy whatever you want - but honestly, I wouldn't buy any of the beats, they are over-priced for what they offer.
They might sound good at first with their heavy emphasis on the mid-bass (impact of bass) but if you comapre them to real earphones or headphones, you will realise a lot of detail is not only lost, but the lows (bass) isn't as well pronounced/extended

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