Dont Taze Me Bro! Quote of the year!
Sep 20, 2007 at 3:00 AM Post #16 of 152
What a complete wab. He was asking for it from the off, you cause a fuss like that completely without merit and dont co-operate with the law, are warned by the law that they will use force against you if you do not co-operate and yet continue to act like a ****ing child. I hope he grows up because if he lives his life like that hes asking for a sucker punch in the mouth from the nearest ned.
Sep 20, 2007 at 3:02 AM Post #17 of 152

Originally Posted by Lazarus Short /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Whatever you may or may not think of the fellow, or what he deserved, I am disturbed to be living in a society where brute force is the first option to exercise in the resolution of any problem. It should be the last. Police have tazers, clubs and guns, and I recall that old adage: When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail.

BTW: Do not be fooled by the allegation that tazers are non-lethal, for they can and have killed several people.


That was far from brute force. The cops were actually quite patient with this D-bag.
Sep 20, 2007 at 3:15 AM Post #18 of 152
That was funny as hell! Now that my sides have stopped hurting from laughing...I think the police handled it very well. If you plan to resist arrest...even false arrest...then you're asking for a hurtin'. Like someone already said...submit to the arrest (because come hell or high water it will happen) yourself some pain...and have your day in court later.
Sep 20, 2007 at 3:28 AM Post #19 of 152

Originally Posted by Duggeh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What a complete wab.............. He was asking for it from the off...............hes asking for a sucker punch in the mouth from the nearest ned.

With expressions like this, I realize I must get to Scotland.
Sep 20, 2007 at 3:37 AM Post #20 of 152

Originally Posted by Lazarus Short /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Whatever you may or may not think of the fellow, or what he deserved, I am disturbed to be living in a society where brute force is the first option to exercise in the resolution of any problem. It should be the last. Police have tazers, clubs and guns, and I recall that old adage: When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail.

BTW: Do not be fooled by the allegation that tazers are non-lethal, for they can and have killed several people.


Agree completely.

That was absolutely 100% ridiculous, as evidenced by his being charged with inciting a riot, which translates into them not actually having a valid reason to arrest him. Resisting arrest is a valid reason, but they arrested him prior to his resisting arrest. He was tazed after he was already subdued. If they beat him in the face with a club after he was already pinned to the ground would that be okay? This was excessive force in my book.

Again, let me just reiterate this: he was tazed after he was already subdued. Tazing is a method for subduing a potentially dangerous suspect in the process of resisting arrest, etc., not a method for punishing someone for not being cooperative. Someone physically resisting arrest resists being tazed. Someone already subdued says (or pleads, in this case), "Don't taze me." I don't think it could more clear.
Sep 20, 2007 at 3:38 AM Post #21 of 152
Leno (ugg) is talking about it right now. He said anytime a white guy says "bro" he deserves to get tazed. [size=xx-small]lame[/size]
Sep 20, 2007 at 3:49 AM Post #22 of 152
I think it's more telling that everyone is just following the sensationalism of the taser event itself.....not what happened previously or after. Since this guy was making every attempt to resist the police, I don't know how easy it would be for them to try to throw him out. But it's being investigated.

This link has video of the whole question session and a follow up from the President of the University of Florida.
Sep 20, 2007 at 3:49 AM Post #23 of 152
Kerry's response:


In 37 years of public appearances, through wars, protests and highly emotional events, I have never had a dialogue end this way. I believe I could have handled the situation without interruption, but I do not know what warnings or other exchanges transpired between the young man and the police prior to his barging to the front of the line and their intervention. I asked the police to allow me to answer the question and was in the process of responding when he was taken into custody. I was not aware that a taser was used until after I left the building. I hope that neither the student nor any of the police were injured. I regret enormously that a good healthy discussion was interrupted.

I have my own thoughts on this, but I am able to keep them to myself. It's a big part of this, but I hope it doesn't blow the thread.

They should have just hogtied him. Tazing does get the public unnecessarily jumpy and seems a bit excessive here. But a good old fashion hogtying just embarrasses. It's even better if they stick and apple in the mouth (the screaming revs the public as well; the apple quiets the little piggy, hence calming the public. It's win win.). Do you know what it's like to get dragged out of a building on your belly by the bit of rope in between your bound feet. I don't know, but I've dreamed of it. Five dollars says that the hogtying scenario would've sparked a standing-O.

Duggeh's post is priceless. Where does he get those wonderful words.
Sep 20, 2007 at 4:29 AM Post #24 of 152
Tell me how did police ever manage to subdue people before the invention of the taser? And how are 6 or 7 trained officers unable to handcuff and individual that is being held to the ground. its kinda shocking how many people are taking the police side on this. What happens when you trust people with power and authority to serve and protect the general population, but they abuse it? Do you simply stand idle? Do you trust the authorities to make the right decisions? Even when they are blatently abusing their power right in front of you? And then go make a peaceful protest about it afterwards?

First they came for the Socialists, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left
to speak up for me.
Sep 20, 2007 at 4:51 AM Post #26 of 152
I think it's brutal. He was resisting arrest, sure, but he was on the ground with them all pinning him down. He wasn't posing a threat or anything. Even if he's an A-hole, it's irrelevent. Also, just what were they arresting him for?
Sep 20, 2007 at 5:08 AM Post #27 of 152
The taser, a less-than-lethal device, is in common as compliance method because the usual non-lethal compliance methods, saps, boots, and batons, look much worse on camera.

Stupid, but hey, perception is everything in policing.


Originally Posted by Marados /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think it's brutal. He was resisting arrest, sure, but he was on the ground with them all pinning him down. He wasn't posing a threat or anything. Even if he's an A-hole, it's irrelevent. Also, just what were they arresting him for?

I don't even know why they bothered to arrest him. At private events like these, the cops are just state certified bouncers. Take him outside, rough him up a bit, and let him back out on the street.


Originally Posted by Samgotit
They should have just hogtied him. Tazing does get the public unnecessarily jumpy and seems a bit excessive here.

Hogtying isn't any less lethal than tasing. Also, you have to make the subject at least somewhat compliant before starting to tie him up, and as above, beating the stuffing out of him looks bad on camera.
Sep 20, 2007 at 5:25 AM Post #28 of 152
It was a publicity stunt. He is a limelight seeking blogger. He was laughing off camera, but when the cameras were pointed at him, he hammed it up. :wink:
Sep 20, 2007 at 5:34 AM Post #29 of 152

Originally Posted by marvin /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I don't even know why they bothered to arrest him. At private events like these, the cops are just state certified bouncers. Take him outside, rough him up a bit, and let him back out on the street.


cause he did what he did. if he would of just walked out or let them walk him out without screaming like a bitch "does anyone see this?!" they probably would of let him walk free..

his mouth got him a buy one arrest get a Taze for free..all he had todo was listen and shut up..thats it.

the timing of the taze sound after he said "dont taze me bro" was awesome!
how do you call someone a Bro at that moment? i would not even call my brother a bro let alone a policemen while he has his knee in the back of my neck...
this kid is the type to wear popped collar pink polo's and just be a complete dick at house parties.."hey Bro, Wanna brew?" "yeah Bro thats so cool."
" hey Bro make sure you bring the camera tomorrow so i can make Kerry look stupid...YEAH Bro!!"
Sep 20, 2007 at 6:08 AM Post #30 of 152

Originally Posted by marvin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hogtying isn't any less lethal than tasing. Also, you have to make the subject at least somewhat compliant before starting to tie him up, and as above, beating the stuffing out of him looks bad on camera.

hmm, using hundreds of thousands of volts to mess up your bodies nervous system with a device whose long term effects are unknown with cases of death documented. You're right, tying someone up isn't any less lethal.

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