Does anybody listen to music they don't understand?
Jul 10, 2006 at 5:54 PM Post #31 of 56

Originally Posted by gratefulshrink
It's funny, but when I opened the thread, I expected that you would mean listening to music that you don't understand in terms of the theory behind it (such as most avante-garde classical, or similalry esoteric music), and not that you don't understand the language of the vocalists.

But, to answer your question, I have tons of world music, as well classical choral/vocal and ancient chant, where I don't understand the words. Doesn't bother me one bit.

i expected the exact same thing!

personally, lyrics are the LAST thing i pay attention to when i listen to music. i mean, let's face it: 99% of lyrics in popular music absolutely suck. seriously.

one of my favorite albums, Bílé Inferno by Iva Bittová & Vladimir Vaclavek, is in this day i have absolutely no clue what the hell they're singing about, and i until now i haven't even really wondered.
Jul 10, 2006 at 5:59 PM Post #33 of 56
feel kinda left out as I just started getting into jpop. my favorite artist being utada hikaru. I just think her voice is amazing. Not only that, but she doesn't suck at live performances unlike some american pop stars
Jul 10, 2006 at 11:44 PM Post #36 of 56
The English version of Du Hast was a real letdown. It seemed a lot creepier when I had no idea what the words meant.

Most of the music I listen to is English though (whether I can understand it or not is another matter).
Jul 11, 2006 at 5:34 AM Post #37 of 56
Yeah, I listen to a lot of music I can't understand. My classical collection consists mostly of symphonies which have vocal passages in german/italian/french, et cetera. Then you have the strange operas like the ones Salvadore Dali did... and then you have post-rock geniuses like Sigur Ros. And progressive artists, Magma.
Jul 11, 2006 at 5:55 AM Post #38 of 56

Originally Posted by Rock&Roll Ninja
Does anybody know where I can buy some Chinese (mandarin) metal? My classes need some cookie-monster growling.....

Yeah there's a band called Seraphim that has some, can buy the albums at Sonic Cathedral, its fairly accessible Power Metal music with a few growls to accompany the female vocals

Dark Symphonies has alot of rare extreme metal artists as well

otherwise I suggest just do a search by country on Metal Archives, and check out the various labels of the Chinese bands and find the distribution (not hard to do)
Jul 11, 2006 at 7:07 AM Post #39 of 56
Yes, I listen to music in other languages (Ex: Rammstein). It's funny, because without the meaning of the words, you are left with just the pure sound of their voice! It's a different experience for me.
Jul 11, 2006 at 11:17 AM Post #40 of 56

Originally Posted by Rempert
The English version of Du Hast was a real letdown. It seemed a lot creepier when I had no idea what the words meant.

did they translate the rudimentary wordplay in the refrain? the german version first comes across as
"du hasst... du hasst mich" meaning "you hate... you hate me". only the complete sentence changes "hasst" into "hast" (pronounced identically) and gives it a wholly different meaning:
"du hast mich gefragt", meaning "you've asked me". "und ich hab nein gesagt" (and i said no - the reason for her/his hatred in the first place.)

rammstein love playing with ambiguity and their ambiguous image, there's more to them than meets the eye. (all in all their lyrics don't really negate VicAjax's point, though ...)
Jul 11, 2006 at 11:44 AM Post #41 of 56

Originally Posted by mbd
B try anything off My Bloody Valentine's 'Loveless' :).

Haha I'm listening to it right now thinking the same thing

As for another great album which I have no idea what is being said,
Rosenstolz-Das Grosse Leben.

Some beautiful female vocals, and the fact that I have absolutely no idea makes it sound even better.
Aug 24, 2006 at 9:20 PM Post #42 of 56

Einstürzende Neubauten
Kenji Kawai
Plastic Tree
Blue Oyster Cult
Aug 24, 2006 at 9:29 PM Post #43 of 56
Yeah... Khanate

Anyone in THAT much pain, I'm not sure I want to know what the heck he's singing about...
Aug 25, 2006 at 5:44 AM Post #44 of 56
im 15 so this wont seem as goofy (immature wasnt the word)

i put the lyrics to smells like teen spirit on my AIM profile for a while.

i didnt put a -nirvana or a -smells like teen spirit at the end of it

ive never had more questions like "what is that CRAP on your profile" "what does that stuff on ur prof mean" "thats a song right"

ive embarssed many people by saying "youve never heard smells like teen spirit befoRE?"

i actually prefer to improv my own lyircs to that song. if i was stuck on an island wiht a 1 track cd and boombox player that never ran out of batteries, i would put smells like teen spirit on it
(it isnt my favorite song though)

BUT it would help keep me sane to take the time making up lyrics to the song

its not that you cant hear cobains voice well, or that he's unclear, its just that it doesnt make sense lol

edit: i find blue oyster colt relatively easy to understand

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