DIY Ground Box Thread
Jan 13, 2024 at 7:03 AM Post #1,366 of 2,166
further to yesterdays sounds better ? but not having altered any settings including volume. Has any one else notice if hBN " beds in" for want of a better phrase over a period of time?
There is a 24 -48 hour settling-in
Jan 15, 2024 at 5:40 AM Post #1,367 of 2,166
Guys, don’t forget your magnetite ac cable wraps!
Underneath is a great way to treat hanging ac (or dc) cables with ac cable wraps using a vacuum sealer and bags from AliE and some zip ties…





Just vacuum them for a second or two to keep flexibilty in the bag and use some kind of hanging system to keep the weight off of the cable.
Jan 19, 2024 at 6:25 AM Post #1,368 of 2,166
Question the use of magnetite due to its magnetic properties ?
if yes would not a more coherent magnetic source be more efficacious ?
what do I mean by coherent ...each grain of magnetite will act as a small magnet but with insufficient power to be able orientate itself in the mass. If they were to all align would there effect not be magnified?

in my experience [as a hobbyist gold panner] magnetite or black sand is readily attracted to even low power magnets. this is used a means of removing the relatively dense magnetite from your cons.[ pic shows magnetite and a grain of gold in a sample I collected from Scotland ]

So further the addition of hBN to my dacs power cable. It seems things are still getting better...Im still getting that "wow" on the first note as the music kicks in. Which isnt always the case!

for interest... as Im not certain this adds much !
image 2 is an attempt to view hBN at about 100x . the hBN dust is stuck to cellotape
image 3 is RS crystals obliquely illuminated in a baggie at about 50x mag


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Jan 19, 2024 at 1:44 PM Post #1,369 of 2,166
Question the use of magnetite due to its magnetic properties ?
if yes would not a more coherent magnetic source be more efficacious ?
what do I mean by coherent ...each grain of magnetite will act as a small magnet but with insufficient power to be able orientate itself in the mass. If they were to all align would there effect not be magnified?

in my experience [as a hobbyist gold panner] magnetite or black sand is readily attracted to even low power magnets. this is used a means of removing the relatively dense magnetite from your cons.[ pic shows magnetite and a grain of gold in a sample I collected from Scotland ]

So further the addition of hBN to my dacs power cable. It seems things are still getting better...Im still getting that "wow" on the first note as the music kicks in. Which isnt always the case!

for interest... as Im not certain this adds much !
image 2 is an attempt to view hBN at about 100x . the hBN dust is stuck to cellotape
image 3 is RS crystals obliquely illuminated in a baggie at about 50x mag
I asked myself more questions than I can remember or count when experimenting and coming up with the DIY project. In the end, the audible cause and effect is what I found to work best for me. I do not know if anyone could answer your question accurately.
Jan 20, 2024 at 7:07 AM Post #1,370 of 2,166
I asked myself more questions than I can remember or count when experimenting and coming up with the DIY project. In the end, the audible cause and effect is what I found to work best for me. I do not know if anyone could answer your question accurately.
ok !

my thought go back to a previous project of mine ...a friend indicated that the addition of neodymium magnets could be beneficial when added to signal cables[ ic's].

my experience adding ring magnets to 3mm dia ptfe sheathed silver plated copper screened silver plated copper clad steel [spccs] took the ic from almost unlistenable to very acceptable.


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Jan 20, 2024 at 1:20 PM Post #1,371 of 2,166
ok !

my thought go back to a previous project of mine ...a friend indicated that the addition of neodymium magnets could be beneficial when added to signal cables[ ic's].

my experience adding ring magnets to 3mm dia ptfe sheathed silver plated copper screened silver plated copper clad steel [spccs] took the ic from almost unlistenable to very acceptable.
I tried using magnets inside and outside ground boxes, including at, around and on cables. Spent maybe an hour to see if there were any perceptible audible gains to be had. Did not find any. Please try and see what you can come up with.
Jan 27, 2024 at 3:43 AM Post #1,374 of 2,166
Sorry if this been covered already, but I don't feel like reading 92 pages :wink:

I have 2 * NCore NC500 power amps and a Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC. and would like to try and DIY a ground box. At start I would like one box for all electronics, so maybe connect it to ground on the power strip. But what is the best mix of content to use? How to build it?

Or maybe its easier to buy a finished cheap one, like the Quartz Acoustics Premium Audio Ground Box?
Jan 27, 2024 at 7:28 AM Post #1,375 of 2,166
Hey guys, a bit off topic but I thought perhaps some of you would know. What is a recommendation for a turntable with good sound quality but at entry level prices? My rare record collection is growing, but nothing to play it on. I'll even try a ground box on it.
the project tt are ok at the lower end ...and very good at the top!
a lot depends on budget...cost no object id look at rega p3 a no fuss tt.
Jan 27, 2024 at 7:40 AM Post #1,376 of 2,166
Further to my magnet question....
After a week of faffing around I finally played the two pairs of cables one with and one without magnets.

rather than me trying to describe the audible effects Ive created an image of the two traces. The trace for each is pink noise an appear separately at the top. The lower larger image has one trace superimposed over the other. The yellow line divides the two.
I can see far more delineation in the lower trace especially at 300 -600hz, 900 - 1200hz, 7500 - 15000 hz. Sonically this indicates a clearer presentation at those freqs imo


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Jan 27, 2024 at 10:24 AM Post #1,377 of 2,166
Sorry if this been covered already, but I don't feel like reading 92 pages :wink:

I have 2 * NCore NC500 power amps and a Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC. and would like to try and DIY a ground box. At start I would like one box for all electronics, so maybe connect it to ground on the power strip. But what is the best mix of content to use? How to build it?

Or maybe its easier to buy a finished cheap one, like the Quartz Acoustics Premium Audio Ground Box?
Before i got into digital a few years ago my main sources were two turntables (Linn LP12 with a Naim Aro arm and an SME 20/2 with an SME arm) and a Krell SACD 505 (now in the basement as it stopped working and Krell do not have parts for it). Based on my experience an entry level turntable could result in remorse compared to a reasonable digital front end. However, a good turntable like a Rega 3 or higher can work well if sited properly and tweaked appropriately. A Technics SL 1200 is near plug and play also. Another option is to consider a higher end used turntable that can be upgraded in stages. As you are into ground boxes and cables, a turntable can be a minefield of upgrades and tweaks. You need to factor in a good phono cartridge and phono stage as these can be make or break. I have owned 7 turntables in the past 30 years and when set up correctly a high end turntable can give the best digital gear a good run for its money.
Feb 4, 2024 at 2:01 PM Post #1,379 of 2,166
Sorry if this been covered already, but I don't feel like reading 92 pages :wink:

I have 2 * NCore NC500 power amps and a Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC. and would like to try and DIY a ground box. At start I would like one box for all electronics, so maybe connect it to ground on the power strip. But what is the best mix of content to use? How to build it?

Or maybe its easier to buy a finished cheap one, like the Quartz Acoustics Premium Audio Ground Box?
It was easier for me to do the latter, due to limited availability and high cost of materials down here in the Antipodes. The QA boxes work well, and very much benefit from having higher quality ground cables which I have done a lot of DIY experimentation with. I expect the higher capacity and highly optimised DIY boxes on the thread work even better.

This thread is sprawling that's for sure. It is full of gold nuggets though, most the product of @cdacosta 's trailblazing. Here's a PDF summary @EDhaenens very kindly put together.

I notice new people are getting lost in this thread. Therefore I made a summary of what is in this thread from building a ground box to treating AC line with rochelle salt. This file can be updated when new things get discovered. Hope this helps

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Feb 4, 2024 at 3:25 PM Post #1,380 of 2,166
It was easier for me to do the latter, due to limited availability and high cost of materials down here in the Antipodes. The QA boxes work well, and very much benefit from having higher quality ground cables which I have done a lot of DIY experimentation with. I expect the higher capacity and highly optimised DIY boxes on the thread work even better.

This thread is sprawling that's for sure. It is full of gold nuggets though, most the product of @cdacosta 's trailblazing. Here's a PDF summary @EDhaenens very kindly put together.

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Cheers, that PDF is really nice!

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