"Discman" as source?
Nov 11, 2014 at 10:27 AM Post #2 of 5
Considering using a portable disc player as source - any recommendations?

I'd recommend against it.
1) More opportunities to scratch up your CDs
2) You can only bring so many CDs with you
3) Spare parts and maintenance: can you replace the laser head? can you replace the spindle motor? even if you get it cheap now think of the long run (main reason why I'm no longer using any kind of disc-spinning source, unless it's a HDD)
And then when you think about it, you can have something like this:

1) I archive any discs I buy after ripping*
*which, thanks to my tastes and exorbitant customs fees, half of which are only in digital copy; the rest I stock up in my brother's apartment in California and shipped whenever they send out anything through any means where Customs won't rape my wallet
2) There are roughly 70 albums (and 75CDs, since some are double disc albums) in the 32gb card, all in CD quality FLAC.
3) IF anything breaks in this thing, there are tons of shops everywhere that can look at it, vs how many shops that still service disc players; not to mention that the last CDP (not a Discman/portable) I had that had its transport give up the ghost would cost $200 just for a replacement CDM-4 transport (plus shipping cost, plus Customs fees, etc); the carrier subsidized the phone (and I've had an option to upgrade, but I'm holding off); etc
Nov 11, 2014 at 10:36 AM Post #4 of 5
Using a Sony D303 and a D25. I use the optical out of the D303 much of the time though the amp section is extremely good, especially when you consider it was made 25 years ago! I used the Sony CD Walkman D-EJ955 a lot and still have two of the, running fine. It has a line out and optical. Great sound. 
Otherwise I use any number of DAPs that I have. Once micro SD card will hold many, many albums in lossless or WAV in one neat little bundle. 
Nov 11, 2014 at 10:43 AM Post #5 of 5
What is that? I've never seen such a thing.

You mean the amplifier? It's a Meier Corda Cantate.2 - it has USB input so no need for a separate DAC unless I need a lot of current (voltage swing drops when its single power supply has to power both the amp and the DAC).
I actually have some ancient players myself - both Discmans and MD Walkmans - but the thing is I don't use them for the same reasons. I just keep them around and running properly enough to listen to when I miss high school. If I used them everyday for as long as the smartphone though they'd need some work sooner, even if I don't treat them like I used to treat my old players back when I was a 12yo idiot who would toss a Discman into the bag when lunch was over.

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