Did I damage my ears?
Dec 9, 2014 at 11:03 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


New Head-Fier
Dec 9, 2014
I just bought new yamaha 677 and Dali Zensor 7 speakers...
I said to myself, I love music and I need a good equipment....
In store they told me that Dali will not give enough bass so I should buy subwoofer too, just a marketing tactic....
the bass is too strong....especially listening to FLAC music files and not TV...
SO I was going crazy, the sound was so good. I was listening it for few days non stop loud...
Not superloud but imagine a real band playing in your room.......
After 3rd day I felt kind of burn pain in my right ear.......
I said hey it is just little pain, nothing to worrry
So I listened more, few days later I was hearing that hish distortion in few songs, I changed speakers and same story....
Then I pushed close right ear and no problem on my left....
THen I had a feeling like something came off inside my right ear, ear wax dropped because of loud bass. 
But that cant be true......Ear wax being dislodged because of loud bass.....
But the feeling is like there is ear wax inside my ear just laying there, like it peeled off or something....
I dont know what happened. DId I in fact damage my ears?
I bought wonderful system and now I cant listen to it anymore. 
Now I get that small pain in my ears I listen to music in my spekaers even in really moderate loudness.....
SHould I stop listening to music, because I have read that I can get permanent hearing damage...
Dec 9, 2014 at 11:24 AM Post #2 of 10
You should actually NOT post into forums but visit a doctor that examines your ears thoroughly. Please do it now/as soon as possible for your hearing's sake. 
Dec 9, 2014 at 12:26 PM Post #3 of 10
Not superloud but imagine a real band playing in your room.......

Actually a real band playing in a room would be too loud - an energetic drummer will drown out everybody else and force them to raise the gain on their amps. Worse, as is often the case with bands playing in small venues without a real audio engineer working the place, they'll always drown out the vocals.
After 3rd day I felt kind of burn pain in my right ear.......
I said hey it is just little pain, nothing to worrry
So I listened more, few days later I was hearing that hish distortion in few songs, I changed speakers and same story....
Then I pushed close right ear and no problem on my left....
THen I had a feeling like something came off inside my right ear, ear wax dropped because of loud bass. 
But that cant be true......Ear wax being dislodged because of loud bass.....
But the feeling is like there is ear wax inside my ear just laying there, like it peeled off or something....
I dont know what happened. DId I in fact damage my ears?
Now I get that small pain in my ears I listen to music in my spekaers even in really moderate loudness.....
SHould I stop listening to music, because I have read that I can get permanent hearing damage...

If it's that severe I'd check with an ENT doctor instead of asking here whether I should stop listening (well, stop for now until you see a doctor).
In store they told me that Dali will not give enough bass so I should buy subwoofer too, just a marketing tactic....

Frequency response of the Zensor 7 lists the -3dB point (ie after that point it takes a nose dive) at 40hz, so depending on the size of your room and the music you listen to, a sub might still help filling in from 20hz to 40hz. Personally though I still would be more inclined to just get large towers like the Zensor 7 and not deal with integrating a sub into the system anymore as it can potentially cause other acoustic issues depending on the room, unfortunately you can't always predict that based on the room specs.
the bass is too strong....especially listening to FLAC music files and not TV...

You were probably just used to compressed music (low bitrate MP3, etc) and whatever speakers you were using before that didn't go all the way down to 40hz or lower, much less produce those frequencies at high enough SPLs. Do you listen to the Deftones, AC/DC, STP, etc? On moderately loud volume levels you can feel a bit of a kick in your chest from just the Zensor 7, no subwoofer. I only kick up the volume when it's my favorite song/s from whatever album I'm listening to, and usually it's rarely more than two tracks even if it's one of the albums that I really listen to from start to finish.
Dec 9, 2014 at 1:10 PM Post #4 of 10
I have to tell you, I love the Zensor 7, I have the whole package zensor with center, and two Zensor 1...
Just amazing. There is too much bass.....too much.. Before I had Harman Kardon amp, 10 years old and JM LAB CHORUS 707 speakers, 
But I did not enjoy in listening to music anymore so I stopped....
But with Dali, I started to listen to music again, all day long....could not get enought of it....
I dont have any pain in my ears now....but I will go to see a doc probably tomorrow
it is very strange, because I have been listening to music in car for many years at full volume.....
but here there is so much real bass, it is probably not good for my ears.....
how do musicians do it, where they are exposed to much louder noise all the time.....very strange...
Dec 9, 2014 at 1:27 PM Post #5 of 10
  I have to tell you, I love the Zensor 7, I have the whole package zensor with center, and two Zensor 1...
Just amazing. There is too much bass.....too much.. Before I had Harman Kardon amp, 10 years old and JM LAB CHORUS 707 speakers, 

The Chorus 707 is a standmount speaker. Even if it goes down to 50hz before it hits the -3db point, it doesn't mean they both have the same response curve at that region. The 707 may be on its way down and only hits the -3dB point at 50hz or so, while the Zensor 7 may have a louder output at the same region, plus it goes down to 40hz. The Zensor has two 7in drivers, the Chorus 707 only has one and it has to produce the midrange frequencies as well.
I dont have any pain in my ears now....but I will go to see a doc probably tomorrow
it is very strange, because I have been listening to music in car for many years at full volume.....

You could have damaged your ears by doing that, and then listening to the Zensors just dealt the critical blow. Imagine the a windshield hit several times by a hammer without breaking, that's your listening in the car at full volume; then finally the last three blows shattered it, that's you on the Zensors.
To start with, how do you drive at full volume? Even a stock receiver would get loud enough, but with a lot of distortion; the sound pressure alone would give me a headache, and that's on my very clean DD C4 amplifier driving Focal Polyglass mids and Vifa TC25 tweeters. Past that I won't even be able to pay attention to everything outside the car.
Dec 9, 2014 at 1:32 PM Post #6 of 10
i love loud music.....i dont know why....just love it.......
but now I will probably have to sell my whole system.....
did anybody else had te same problem, how do you guys listen to your music, never loud?
Dec 9, 2014 at 1:51 PM Post #7 of 10
  i love loud music.....i dont know why....just love it.......
but now I will probably have to sell my whole system.....

Let me put it this way...there are some people right now who have syphilis, HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea, chlamydia, whatever, who absolutely loved having casual sex without condoms. At some point, you're bound to get unlucky, and when it happens, well, you can't have any more bareback sex (or even any kind of sex, given severe untreated syphilis will make you look like a zombie, and gonorrhea will give you burning pee that will make erections hard to come by), unless you're a psychopath who wants to spread the disease. It's the same with listening to music too loud - feels great now, but it'll hit you hard later and you will no longer be able to enjoy listening. You could also technically "spread" the condition to other people, if you have weakened hearing but no pain, you'll end up listening too loud to absolutely everything, and people can get acclimated to that because they have to share the TV at home with you. Or depending on how you handle your hearing loss, like my grandmother who fills in parts of conversations she hears as garbled noise as "let's get money from her bank account then sneak off to Vegas with it," you'll get hit with paranoia and affect all your other relationships.
did anybody else had te same problem, how do you guys listen to your music, never loud?

I get my ears cleaned annually. I've pushed earwax in deeper with Q-tips that my ENT said that since it's impossible for me to actually see what I'm doing inside my own ear, I should leave it alone and he'll do it. Doesn't charge me a cent either (it's his thing with his wife's patients since birth, and now I have two god sons who go to her) but of course I at least bring him pastries.
Dec 9, 2014 at 3:19 PM Post #9 of 10
  i am going to hospital tomorrow so they will check it out. I will go at night, I hate waiting for hours.......

Are you sure there is an ENT during off hours? They might have only those integral for emergency room operations that involve life threatening situations (like surgeons and cardiologists, neurosurgeons, etc). You can't just walk into an ER and expect a general practitioner or an ER thoraxic or neurosurgeon to start poking around in your ear canal.
Dec 9, 2014 at 5:22 PM Post #10 of 10
  i am going to hospital tomorrow so they will check it out. I will go at night, I hate waiting for hours.......

Do this with headphones:  http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.otorrinoadomicilio.com/audiometria/&gws_rd=cr&ei=6nCHVKeBLoiuyATh1YDIBw
Just click "Comenzar la prueba" and when you hear something click "Si lo Oigo". When you finish, check the graphic and look at the differences between your ears. I recomend you to go to the doctor. Probably your eardrum is Perforated or you have Otitis or both. xD However in any case you gotta stop listening too loud.
A concert reach 110 dB, that's too loud, even listening more than a minute at that level is dangerous. I'll recommend you a period of no more than 2 hours at 90 dB.

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