Detailed, involving, neutral headphones
Dec 5, 2005 at 12:11 PM Post #17 of 26
There definitely is some similarities between K701 and HD650 but after all they're totally different headphones.

K701 is better in: soundstaging, positioning, details
HD650 is better in: midrange, fullness and not being any fatiguing

Bass goes quite even with these but their basses differ from each other a lot. K701 has fast, deep and punchy bass when HD650 has much larger amount of bass but it's still deep and punchy. Not as fast though.

DT880 I've heard with Corda HA1 MkII but I can still say that it has just great details. Maybe even better than SA5000. Soundstaging is about same as with 650s but bass is something I don't like in DT880. It certainly is there but it's like hidden or something. It hits you eventually but is not always there like with 650s.


Originally Posted by cheechoz
If you want mega detail, then the SA5000 is the answer! But, if your concerned with good rocking bass reponse, then I would look into the Grado line.

Actually I find bass easily better with SA5000. It's faster and much punchier than with Grado HF-1/RS-1. Fits better for rock music (imo).
Dec 5, 2005 at 1:24 PM Post #18 of 26

Originally Posted by Patu
K701 is better in: soundstaging, positioning, details
HD650 is better in: midrange, fullness and not being any fatiguing

Thank you so much... if I had any itch to buy the K701 it is now gone. You just saved me a bunch of money.
Dec 5, 2005 at 4:08 PM Post #19 of 26

Originally Posted by philodox
Thank you so much... if I had any itch to buy the K701 it is now gone. You just saved me a bunch of money.

Well I can only compare the HD600 with the K-701 but have to diagree on the midrange and the fatiguing. There may be more fullness in the HD600 (the K701's bass is a bit too dry for me sometimes), but the K-701 has the sweetest mids I've ever heard and theres no sign of fatigue in my setup.

But on topic:

If you want to complement your Senn, and want something for Rock, I'd go for the SA5K over the K-701 any day (just make sure it wont be too bright in your setup).
The K-701 is no Rock-Can (speak Hard-Rock/Metal-Can) at all IMO, at least not in my setup. It's just too smooth and not really able to provide enough aggression at lower volumes.

Grado would be another option, but I've got mine for only two days ... so no comment here ...
Dec 5, 2005 at 5:11 PM Post #20 of 26
I guess the sa5k controversy is related to the synergy. On my opinion they are very neutrual and therefore require "musical" or "envolving" or just "coloured" source and fast amp. I personally spent a week or so wondering why on hell did I buy them, they sounded very cold to my ears. Now I really enjoy the clarity and details of these cans (especially classical and male vocals).

dt880 - somewhere in between in senns and sa5k in details department, but more "musical" than both of them. The most difficult to drive out of these three and non-forgiving.

I would suggest dt880 are better with neutrual source and sony's otherwise.
Dec 5, 2005 at 5:17 PM Post #21 of 26
When I saw the thread title the first thought that came to me was the Grado HP2 as some of the others have also suggested above. To me these are highly resolving, detailed, full, natural, and neutral. Often headphones that are detailed may also be bright, brittle, etched, thin, analytical, etc. But the HP2 really doesn't have any type of idiosyncrasies, except soundstage I suppose, otherwise it's really a reference in accuracy.
Dec 5, 2005 at 8:30 PM Post #22 of 26
Hi everybody,

thank you all for your replies. I will keep all recommendations in mind and try to listen as much as possible.

Unfortunately not all headphones are easily available in Germany for a decent price. Considering value for money, AKG or Beyerdynamic would probably be best. The Etys are OK, too, and have the advantage of potable use.

Despite that, I want to hear Grados and the SA5000. Maybe this is really what I want, a headphone with a really forward presentation... From what I read on this site, AKG and Senns just don't seem to be the best for that...

Thanks again, Andreas
Dec 5, 2005 at 10:12 PM Post #23 of 26

Originally Posted by AndreasG
Despite that, I want to hear Grados and the SA5000. Maybe this is really what I want, a headphone with a really forward presentation... From what I read on this site, AKG and Senns just don't seem to be the best for that...

Thanks again, Andreas

You should try the for sale forum. Once in a while, there is a Sony SA5000 put up for sale at very decent price + it is probably burn in as well. If you do not like it, you can probably sell it again in the for sale forum and get the most of your money back as well.
Dec 6, 2005 at 2:48 AM Post #24 of 26
Offhand from your recommendations I think of DT880 and the new AKG K701 as well, but I haven't heard a lot of either. I have a pair of DT880, and since I generally prefer quality and tightness over quantity of bass that might be right down my alley...
Dec 6, 2005 at 1:21 PM Post #26 of 26

Originally Posted by philodox
Thank you so much... if I had any itch to buy the K701 it is now gone. You just saved me a bunch of money.

You're welcome.

Oh and for vocals it's harder to say but I'd still choose 650s. They're more involving and smoother. It works specially well with female vocals.

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