DENAFRIPS FPGA Firmware Update (12TH Anniv.)
May 17, 2024 at 6:48 AM Post #1,171 of 1,232
I'm using Hifiman HE1000SE and Flux Labs Mentor as a headamp for my headphone set-up. Connected with balanced XLR cables from Pontus II to Mentor.
Thanks for that….NICE headphones! (Still cruising along with my vintage Audeze LCD-2s).
My Pontus is on my speaker system…but I can see that I will have to try the v1.4 firmware sometime in the near future to see what I think…I am still suffering "buyers remorse" from installing v. 1.3! 😀
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May 17, 2024 at 7:00 AM Post #1,172 of 1,232
Thanks for that….NICE headphones! (Still cruising along with my vintage Audeze LCD-2s).
My Pontus is on my speaker system…but I can see that I will have to try the v1.4 firmware sometime in the near future to see what I think…I am still suffering "buyers remorse" from installing v. 1.2! 😀
Yeah, there is no good word spread on 1.2 or 1.3. mostly it is between 1.0 and 1.4 :). My speakers do like 1.4 more as well. But I can see why others like 1.0. more. It all depends on what you are accustomed to, or if you want a more intimate soundstage or more holography and soundstage. Purely technically the 1.4 is on a higher level though.
May 17, 2024 at 7:28 AM Post #1,173 of 1,232
It`s interesting that my experience vary so much from the rest of you when it comes til P2`s 1.0 vs 1.4 soundstage on speakers. The soundstage width is pretty much the same, but 1.0 brings the music so much closer to me vs 1.4. The listening spot are a bit far away from the speakers, but the difference between 1.0 and 1.4 are quite big. I wonder if it could have something to do with the slight phase issue with the 1.0 that makes the music sounds closer... just guessing though.
May 17, 2024 at 3:46 PM Post #1,174 of 1,232
My stereo system is: Pontus 2 (usb from pc) - Ragnarok 2 - Yamaha NS1000M with some fancy-ish cables in between.
My headphone system is: Auralic Aries - Denafrips Iris DDC - Pontus 2 12th (i2s) - Sparkos Aries (Burson V7 classic single and double) - Abyss 1266 PHI TC (also fancy-ish cables).
... did you try the Auralic+Iris+Pontus front end on you stereo as well?
In my setup, adding the DDC between Auralic Aries and DAC made quite a difference.
Also, b/c you said for you the difference between 1.0 and 1.4 seems quite the opposite of what most others report, I'd say: Maybe the PC/USB-->Pontus direct link puts a lot of noise-related issues into your stereo front end...? Just guessing. Maybe the older firmware make the sound more agreeable...
May 17, 2024 at 5:10 PM Post #1,175 of 1,232
Hey…you guys have piqued my curiosity about FINALLY trying v.1.4. I downloaded it for my FPGA when it first came out, but never installed it after being jaded b v. 1.3……so I have that file on my hard drive…but I just clicked on the old link that I have for the installation instructions and got a blank page with EROR 404 ! 😫…LOL! They must have moved the link? I sent an email out to Alvin…but I was wondering if anyone here could post the new link here?
I am not good at this stuff and I am old…so I kind of have to read the instruction over a few times and study the process a bit before I do it and get in the groove, so that I don't make any mistakes. I have done it before…but this stuff makes me PARANOID!!! 😀
May 17, 2024 at 6:28 PM Post #1,176 of 1,232
Hey…you guys have piqued my curiosity about FINALLY trying v.1.4. I downloaded it for my FPGA when it first came out, but never installed it after being jaded b v. 1.3……so I have that file on my hard drive…but I just clicked on the old link that I have for the installation instructions and got a blank page with EROR 404 ! 😫…LOL! They must have moved the link? I sent an email out to Alvin…but I was wondering if anyone here could post the new link here?
I am not good at this stuff and I am old…so I kind of have to read the instruction over a few times and study the process a bit before I do it and get in the groove, so that I don't make any mistakes. I have done it before…but this stuff makes me PARANOID!!! 😀
If you have the chip like me (EP4CE6F) then you can use this address to donwload all versions:
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May 17, 2024 at 6:56 PM Post #1,178 of 1,232
There is a link on that page with instructions for both win and mac.
May 18, 2024 at 1:22 AM Post #1,179 of 1,232

... did you try the Auralic+Iris+Pontus front end on you stereo as well?
In my setup, adding the DDC between Auralic Aries and DAC made quite a difference.
Also, b/c you said for you the difference between 1.0 and 1.4 seems quite the opposite of what most others report, I'd say: Maybe the PC/USB-->Pontus direct link puts a lot of noise-related issues into your stereo front end...? Just guessing. Maybe the older firmware make the sound more agreeable...
I haven`t tried that yet, but I did compare Iris vs no Iris with my Ares 12th in my stereo system and didn`t hear much difference actually, but then I was using my Elac Vela speakers. I think the Yamaha speakers are a bit more revealing, so I`ll give that a try.

I did hear a significant difference between Iris vs no Iris (just AES fra Auralic) when I used Ares 12th in my headphone system though. I prioritize my headphone system, so that`s why the Auralic, Iris and Pontus 2 12th is there rather than in my stereo system.
May 18, 2024 at 2:42 AM Post #1,180 of 1,232
It`s interesting that my experience vary so much from the rest of you when it comes til P2`s 1.0 vs 1.4 soundstage on speakers. The soundstage width is pretty much the same, but 1.0 brings the music so much closer to me vs 1.4. The listening spot are a bit far away from the speakers, but the difference between 1.0 and 1.4 are quite big. I wonder if it could have something to do with the slight phase issue with the 1.0 that makes the music sounds closer... just guessing though.
I concur, I am enjoying 1.4 and it is like 1.0 but more detailed, focused, improved imaging, bass slams with the right tracks and it is not smoothed out in the edges (hard hits).

There's better sound quality that is for sure, 1.0 still king overall for long sessions of listening, mellow, delicate sound, the right amount of everything to please everyone

I'll repeat what I said in a few posts before, it is not about being better or worse, it's about being able to choose at anytime the type of sound you want and obtain it in a matter of seconds

I think Denafrips is next l

Hey…you guys have piqued my curiosity about FINALLY trying v.1.4. I downloaded it for my FPGA when it first came out, but never installed it after being jaded b v. 1.3……so I have that file on my hard drive…but I just clicked on the old link that I have for the installation instructions and got a blank page with EROR 404 ! 😫…LOL! They must have moved the link? I sent an email out to Alvin…but I was wondering if anyone here could post the new link here?
I am not good at this stuff and I am old…so I kind of have to read the instruction over a few times and study the process a bit before I do it and get in the groove, so that I don't make any mistakes. I have done it before…but this stuff makes me PARANOID!!! 😀
here is the real reason why - if I want to move to 1.4 - I will have to ask Alvin (Vincent) again for the correct link and step by step instructions (P2/12 original 1.3)…. I'm not good at fiddling with SW. I am a “humanist”…
May 21, 2024 at 7:52 AM Post #1,181 of 1,232
here is the real reason why - if I want to move to 1.4 - I will have to ask Alvin (Vincent) again for the correct link and step by step instructions (P2/12 original 1.3)…. I'm not good at fiddling with SW. I am a “humanist”…
Understood that such fw upgrade process is not for everyone and since many audiophiles are truly "analog" people that does not fit well together either :).

Nevertheless, it's worth it. Also, I finally went ahead and ordered Iris 12th to pair with Pontus II. Seems like Iris 12th was also updated with newer fw and it pairs well now. Those firmwares do change the units to such extent they are now so different than when released. Can't wait for further enhancements it will bring to the chain. But after that I'll be done with chasing the rabbit hole and will give it a good few years of just pure listening :).
May 31, 2024 at 1:46 PM Post #1,182 of 1,232
Hey... nothing new, but I just re-evaluate the "OS sharp" mode. Have been listening in "OS slow" for the last 2+ years after very brief initial try-outs.
I thought the "OS fast/slow" option only changes very high frequency response, but turns out also transients (drums, ...) are sharper and more snappy with OS sharp.
(pop-corn posting... nothing new really)
=== edit some 2 hours later ===
Wow, it's not just top end and transients.
Seems the two filtering modes are miles apart actually, with no clear winner for me.
The OS sharp seems "truer to recording", but the "OS slow" has some more of that magic sauce -- toe tapping x-factor. Longer decays...
My 2nd DAC (RME) has a lot of "different" filters, but they differ much less compared to these to OS modes.
Make me appreciate my Denafrips stuff even more!!
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Jun 10, 2024 at 4:26 PM Post #1,185 of 1,232
Those are famous last words for me.....I just don't seem to be able to actually drink that Kool-aid.
..and you are totally right. Just one week after Iris I was able to get one of the last free pairs of Usher UA-50 speakers and I’m in heaven. I mean, the HEkSE are still at their best with Iris, Pontus II and Flux Labs Mentor.. But those Ushers are just convincing endgame for me, so addictive.

But yeah, I will correct that once it changes again :). This time I just don’t see that hapenning in the foreseeable future..
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