Kelly, that's the thing about this crazy little thing that we call life. Yes, i'm young, 16, but yet, i already have a world of regrets in life. Am i a true audiophile? No. I have invested my last summer entirely to the audio gods, and am still not yet happy, but i've learned so much about my self, and have become a better person in it. Sure, that's taking an overly epic view of it all, but i honostly believe finding head-fi was a life-changing experence, as well as a wallet shrinking one
I've thrown away close to a grand on building my headphone system, and i am not pleased with it still, but i have an acheavable goal for what i am looking for. Perfection is unrealistic, not even worth trying for. While pretty much everyone here says that, saying it, and realizing it are two completely different things. Perhaps it's an oversimplified anaology, finding head-fi, and spending approperately has caused me to look at the world differently. I love music. I've always loved music, ever since my dad played his old classical LP's when i was just a wee lad. My headphone system, is that love, but so much more at the same time. I know focus on details. I hear everything which everyone who is responsible for the piece placed in it. I hear music differently, and it's so much better. I analyize everything. Words, the viabrato on the shaking hand of a master cellist, and the slight whur in the voice of a masterful singer. I can interperate everything on a much deeper level, and can begin to understand what they intended to do when they wrote their songs, what they wanted to bring to the world, and the effect of every hand that has touched the music in one way or another. Then why keep obessing over details? It's not a meaningless focus on the obseesion of a small white noise barely audible in the backround of my melos, or the slight rattle that occurs with the lowest of notes on my beyerdynamic 931's, it's about finding the meaning in life. What drives average people to pour their hearts and souls into creating lyrics and melodies that embody the human soul. You see, i hate anaylitical sound, i want soul, the soul of the song writer, the soul of the guartist, and the soul of the enginer who designed the headphones, and really cared about how people listened and enjoyed music
So, getting back to kelly's point, do i have regrets with spending all of my money? of course. I've got prom comming up in a couple of months, and i cannot give my girlfriend the prom that she deserves, and all that she has done for me since we met 4 years ago. Will i be able to buy christmas gifts for all who i'd like to give them to? Nope. But, everything in life comes at a cost. Do you feel differently about music that you did before you got this addiction? Do you see it on a different level as i do? Then, perhaps this whole experence has been worthwhile.
Anyone else take some meaning in my long winded and unfocused rant?