Deciding on Universities :S
Oct 4, 2005 at 3:16 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


Nov 26, 2003
well... this is my last year in high school and i'm looking at universities now, don't really know where i want to go... I live in markham- about 30-40 minutes from Toronto. I've been looking at york, waterloo, ryerson, carlton and the RMC. I'm also interested in UofT but they didn't have any of those books at the university fair. I'm planning on doing a BA in history or something like that (can't really decide). if any of you go to these schools could you give me a little advice?
Oct 4, 2005 at 4:28 AM Post #4 of 9
Probably Carleton in Ottawa.
UT and Western Ontario are both good for Philosophy!
Oct 4, 2005 at 4:32 AM Post #5 of 9
I went to western a took a few philosophy courses...I have since found out that philosophy isn't my cup of didn't fail, actually I did rather well...but I just found it drab...the only thing I liked was listening to people in class try to take point of views that they knew nothing about in an attempt to kiss up to the prof (I know you see that in every area, but I found it really over the top in philosophy)
Oct 5, 2005 at 8:39 AM Post #7 of 9
Best advice I can give you, go to a University with a good Co-op program. Makes a huge difference when it comes time for you to look for a job.
Oct 5, 2005 at 12:51 PM Post #8 of 9
I agree w/ the advice that you should visit campuses.
It was a great motivator for me as I was finishing HS. All I could think about was my new dorm room w/ an ocean view. Made the mistake (not really) of rooming w/ my best friend. We had a great time and were both nearly expelled for poor grades in the first trimester.
It all turned out fine (PhD etc.) in the end.
Anyway, I can still remember my campus visit and what an eye opener it was. I actually went on a tour of colleges with other students and the Dean of Boys and the Dean of Girls. Great time. Helped me stay focussed through the end of HS.
Oct 5, 2005 at 1:12 PM Post #9 of 9
Don't go to UofT. Everyone I know who went there ended up hating it after a year or 2 at most. Other than that, visit a bunch of campuses, go out of town so you have to live away from home, and have fun.

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