DC Area Meet - December 15th, 2019
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Nov 12, 2019 at 11:04 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 74


100+ Head-Fier
Jun 24, 2009
Come join the Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia headphone enthusiasts for an awesome pre-holiday meet! Come enjoy that piece of gear that you can buy yourself in the coming holiday season!

Previously, we usually leveraged some free venues (usually libraries), but this time around, we'll be doing things a bit different. A local head-fier, @blacktone , has offered us an amazing space for our listening pleasure.

6363 Walker Lane STE 300
Alexandria, VA 22310

Part of Metro Park
https://goo.gl/maps/PB38VuWCiv8xguxs5 (shows the road for dropoff, entrance to bldg, & garage)
Just a short distance from the Franconia-Springfield Metro (~15 min walk or 4 min Uber) and equally short distance from the beltway!

We'll have access to a fantastic space (see attached), complete with multiple conferences rooms that we'll have set up for quiet listening, internet (that will work better than the library), and plenty of outlets (outlets still need power strips!). Again, thx to @blacktone for setting this up. There's also a parking garage! The building does have locked access, but prior to the meet, a group of us will work on a proper system to get people inside post haste!

NOTE: There will be signage posted at the entrance with a number to call to get people inside. Someone will be able to come grab you once we know you are here.

Sunday, December 15th
9:30AM - 6:30PM

Some of us will probably grab some food after if that is of interest and as always, feel free to show up when able!
Let us know if you will be attending and what you will bring! Nevertheless, always feel free to come as you are and try what there is to offer! We're always happy to meet new enthusiasts! (and don't forget power strips for your gear!)

Also, we'll be trying something new at this meet. At previous events, we've heard interest in having more in-depth setups that will allow attendees to test different parts of an audio chain. With the help of some members, we will be doing exactly that! (Level matched of course...to the best of our ability. I think someone has a SPL meter >.>)
Right now, the plan is to have 2 such setups:
  1. DAC comparison setup - feeds multiple dacs via 1 source, these will all output to the same amplifier
  2. Amp comparison setup - 1 DAC feeds multiple amps at varying price points, feed into a switchbox and into your headphones!
If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to ask/comment! Most of this coordination will happen in PMs just to keep the number of cooks down! We hope you enjoy this opportunity!

Attending: (check for updates...)
Silverion77: Gumby, McIntosh MHA100, HFM HE-6, ZMF Atticus & Eikon (if there's something in my profile you'd like me to bring, please ask! E.g. T3, etc)
Kendavis: QuTest, M-Scaler, Liquid Gold, Utopias
darmanastartes: JDS Labs The Element, SMSL SU-8
Kyrk: Violectric v850 & v281, Senn HD600 & HD650, Chord Hugo 1, Schiit Jotunheim, HD800, Fidelio X2, Audioquest Nighthawk & Nightowl
Gandhisfist: Aurorus Australis & Borealis
ToonMechaMan: Convert-2, Phonitor X, Hugo 2, Focal Utopica, HFM HE1000V2, Sony MDR-Z1R, HD800SDR
ivanrocks321: Shure KSE1500, Stax SR007 mk1, Stax SR009, Chord Quetest, and a new estat amp, Grado HP2 (maybe)
LTA (willsw): Z10e, microZOTL, Stax, DCA Voce, ZMF Auteur, Focal Stellia/Utopia, Klipsch HP-3, Meze Empyrean, Holo Audio Spring 2 KTE
lcasadonte: Beyer T5P 2nd gen, Auralic Stack, A&K Kann, Tia Fourte's
backdrifter: Shure SRH1840, TRN BA5, BLON BL03, Radsone HE100, Sony MH755, E1DA9038S
CAPT Deadpool: Lyr 3 + blind tube shootout
Blaarp: LCD2, HFM Arya, Questyle CMA 400i
yage: DNA Stratus + DAC (or some hot disc spinning)
HeadAmp (justin w.): Spirit Torino Radiante & STUFF! (I'll wager on BHSE, GSX, etc. The headamp special!)
Schiit: Bifrost 2, Ragnarok 2, Lyr3, Modi 3, Magni 3/3+/3 Heresy, Loki, + sources & headphones
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Nov 12, 2019 at 11:05 PM Post #2 of 74
Meet Rules
  1. Please treat fellow head-fiers and their gear with the utmost care and respect.
  2. Please don't unplug headphones without asking permission from the owners first.
  3. Please don't turn anything on or off without asking permission first.
  4. Please don't move anyone's gear from their established area without asking permission.
  5. Absolutely no food and drink will be allowed near any equipment including your own.
  6. Please have courtesy and ensure that your hands are CLEAN before handling others' equipment.
  7. Be mindful of the time you are spending listening to others’ gear especially if there are others waiting in line.
  8. Be mindful of personal hygiene. DO NOT use hair gel or other product that may damage or stain a headband or earpads.
Nov 13, 2019 at 11:26 PM Post #7 of 74
I'll be attending and bringing my Convert-2, Phonitor X, and Hugo 2. Headphones will my Utopia, HE1000V2, MDR-Z1R, and HD800SDR.
Nov 14, 2019 at 1:01 AM Post #8 of 74
Ill bring violectric v850, violectric v281, sennheiser hd600, sennheiser hd650, chord hugo 1, Schiit Jotunheim, HD800 (unmodded), Fidelio X2, audioquest nighthawk, audioquest nightowl etc. I've got several other mid-fi cans. I'll try to update photos so u can tell me what to bring.
Nov 17, 2019 at 11:13 AM Post #13 of 74
Very possible I’ll be coming. If so I’ll be bring a few things

Shure KSE1500, Stax SR007 mk1, Stax SR009, Chord Quetest, and a new estat amp that has yet to be released or announced yet.
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