Dagnabit, how does "View New Posts" and "Go to first unread post" work?
Nov 29, 2001 at 4:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1

Dusty Chalk

Head-Fi-holic: With headphones would just be a benny.
Jun 22, 2001
I really like these features, and I'm not ... complaining, so much as ... whining (the difference being blaming others vs. blaming yourself or fate).

"Go to first unread post" seems to go away fairly quickly -- is there any way to alter the timeout for myself? I like to click on "View New Posts", then methodically click on each thread that interests me, click on "Go to first unread post", read, respond if applicable, then move on to another post.

Only I noticed that if I take too long to respond, the next time I get to a thread, there's no "Go to first unread post".

So I changed it to starting with "View New Posts", then opening each thread in a separate window (that I'm interested in), which can be like 20 posts. == 21 windows.

But just now, Netscape crashed. So when I went back to "View New Posts" -- it had forgotten all 20 of those threads, and only had about 4 threads in there. Is there any way that we can make that "marking" an optionally manual process? Or something?

Or is there a better way to doing this? Sorry, I can't check in here every 5 minutes, I would lose my job if I did that.

Sorry, again, not complaining about the service, it is ... dare I say it? ... optimal. I could not ask for a better site. I just think I'm doing something wrong and looking for advice. Is there another browser that doesn't crash maybe? IE users? Mosaic?

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