CX, EX, K, S, Oladra, Antipodes, Owners Unite
May 4, 2022 at 1:19 AM Post #1,861 of 2,535
May 4, 2022 at 9:41 AM Post #1,862 of 2,535
one day someone going to step up to that bad boy
May 4, 2022 at 10:56 AM Post #1,863 of 2,535
A 1 amp fuse should never be replaced by a higher rating. A fuse will interrupt the current flow if it rises above the rating on the fuse. This is to protect devices in the unit and prevent possibility of fire. Sorry if my comment was backhanded. I was in charge of CSA certification for our company (electrical controls manufacture) and people protection was paramount. The way the fuse is applied in the photo provides no electrical connection or protection. As to the “dot” providing sonic improvement I cannot say. Tweaks are great fun but should be avoided if it means opening and modifying a certified piece of equipment. If access is provided by the manufacturer to the fuses they can be changed but only to one of the same rating and the fuse should be certified by a governing body for the location. i.e. UL, CSA etc.
Once again, you are taking things out of context to substantiate your own biased listening.
The original 1A fuses that went into the original CX/EX LPS were replaced by Antipodes with a pair of 2.5A SB upon PS upgrade at/by the factory.
In Mark Cole's own words, the new hybrid PS has a higher start up current warranting the higher A fuses.
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May 4, 2022 at 12:02 PM Post #1,864 of 2,535
Sorry but yeah, you do need to say that. It’s difficult not to have a “what the heck” reaction to “fuse” along with the words “strapped”. In all the years I’ve been aware of SR fuses, I had never seen anyone strapping them. The manufacturer doesn’t even talk about this particular use case. Looking back to your post and I can’t tell if you actually installed the Purple fuses normally into your CX and EX or whether they “are tie-wrapped to the positive wire after the IEC with the fuse dot facing the wire”. I’m not saying you shouldn’t strap them. I’m just saying that it would have benefited your readers to preface your remarks with an explanation.
I've had several at-length conversations with SR pertaining to this. The higher gauge AC-carrying lead is now influenced by the dot instead of the fuse strand and this is uncharted territory for them as they have to sell the fuse as a fuse. [Perhaps] Keeping with company protocol, they are encouraging me to use the Purple/Gold Carbon Tuning discs as the Purple compound on the disc is the same as on the dot only with higher concentration. The higher concentration may be an issue as I've experimented adding a fuse to each leg of the 240V feed with mixed results and if the disc is radiating like an antennae, it may be also throw off the other pole.
After reading the near 100% positive reviews on the fuses [save for the trolls] and what I at least perceived as mixed reviews on the discs, this is the route I have chosen.
I have a DAC with regenerative power supply where putting a fuse in front of the regenerator [perhaps] isolated the expected effects going to its three isolation transformers to L, R and Digital dedicated power supplies. After a number of experiments, I settled on a strapped fuse after the regenerator to the to two paralleled analog isolation transformers and one to the digital isolation transformer. The directionality on each was easily perceptible.
I used to over simplify changes to the system as percentages as I upgraded up from original DX2 to DX3 to CX/EX to OLADRA CX/EX Hybrid PS.
As the imaging expanded out to 180 degrees I would assign a % improvement. Mark Jenkins asserted that I would hear a 50% improvement upgrading from DX3 to CX/EX and I found his assertion to be in the ballpark. Going from SR Orange to Purple is more of a transformation as the presentation moves into 3D sphere-like holography that I didn't know existed past a 180 degree soundstage. The out-of-phase L + R tracks on the Rives Audio Test CD would play back the sound source at 0 or 180 degrees through the original CX/EX and recorded out-of-phase tracks would appear to the listener's right or left but there was no convincing weight or harmonic believably to the out-of-phaseness of the instruments/voices.
In my experience, the brain marvels at these soundstage expansions but once the brain normalizes them, the original enthrallment fades and it goes back to near 100% analyzing the sound.
Examples are the far-right vocal on My Wife [Who's Next], Bonham's drums between 0 and 35 degrees on Since I've Been Loving You or the guitars at 0 and 180 degrees during the intro of Siberian Khatru [Yes-Close To The Edge].
Additionally, choirs and symphonies are now drawing me in as the SR Purple have increased the resolving power to break apart multiple instruments and the acoustic affect of the venue to hearing around each voice/instrument and separate the reverberations of the hall. This is allowing me to listen through entire albums being completely
drawn in to the sphere-like sound space and the harmonic and spacial realness.
There's just more information coming through.
On a different data point, I went back to a comparison between all-Roon and all-Squeeze and comparatively heard a warm glow from Squeeze and a cold presentation from Roon. The detail was equivalent.


The multiple horns on Beginnings on the 2002 Chicago Transit Authority remaster [not the 2015 remaster] and the opening of Sara Hannigan's Let Me Tell You [which musically, I'm not a fan of and is more of a test recording for me] reveals the level my system resolves two or more combined voice/instrument frequency ranges that have appeared smeared played back on my system.
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May 4, 2022 at 4:57 PM Post #1,865 of 2,535
In Mark Cole's own words, the new hybrid PS has a higher start up current warranting the higher A fuses
This part makes sense as it is done by the manufacturer. None of my comments pertained to “biased listening”, only to safety.
May 4, 2022 at 5:12 PM Post #1,866 of 2,535
This part makes sense as it is done by the manufacturer. None of my comments pertained to “biased listening”, only to safety.
I appreciate your persistent concern. Thank you. Per kennyb123, I could have explained things more precisely.

Best regards,

May 5, 2022 at 8:20 AM Post #1,868 of 2,535
I thought I would give Squeeze a go by enabling Squeezebox Support in Roon. Is there any reason why it only supports up to 192? Any files have above that are downsampled I've found

It is what it is, I prefer roon but seem to be in minority, not that I care. Ps, couldn’t tell much difference anyway
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May 5, 2022 at 10:12 AM Post #1,869 of 2,535
I thought I would give Squeeze a go by enabling Squeezebox Support in Roon. Is there any reason why it only supports up to 192? Any files have above that are downsampled I've found

I assume you are using USB output?

I'm not sure if Roon also supports high sample rates with Squeezelite as the player

But if using Squeeze Server and Squeezelite Player one needs to go into the Library settings in Material and enable the C3PO plug-in, then in the Player settings scroll down to select the sample output rates required. I have mine enabled up to 705 and 768 so I can play PGGB upsampled files.
May 5, 2022 at 10:21 AM Post #1,870 of 2,535
I assume you are using USB output?

I'm not sure if Roon also supports high sample rates with Squeezelite as the player

But if using Squeeze Server and Squeezelite Player one needs to go into the Library settings in Material and enable the C3PO plug-in, then in the Player settings scroll down to select the sample output rates required. I have mine enabled up to 705 and 768 so I can play PGGB upsampled files.
Hmmm that's beyond what I'm doing. I've just selected Squeeze on the CX and EX and within roon. I'm just using roon as I would if roon was selected. I may need some screenshots/idiot's guide to anything beyond this. BTW, I've recently found that selecting roon over hqplayer is significantly better sonically. I was very surprised tbh.
May 5, 2022 at 5:58 PM Post #1,871 of 2,535
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May 6, 2022 at 12:26 AM Post #1,872 of 2,535
From the Antipodes website

"One notable feature of the Oladra is that there is no conventional power fuse – eliminating the sound quality problems introduced by conventional fuses. The Oladra complies with all relevant consumer equipment regulations, using sophisticated protection directly before the rectification stage where it is needed."

So no fuses ....fantasic


"The Oladra has no linear power supply components, and combines three different smps topologies in a cascade."

Does this mean RF injected back into the mains ?
May 6, 2022 at 1:32 AM Post #1,873 of 2,535
From the Antipodes website

"One notable feature of the Oladra is that there is no conventional power fuse – eliminating the sound quality problems introduced by conventional fuses. The Oladra complies with all relevant consumer equipment regulations, using sophisticated protection directly before the rectification stage where it is needed."

So no fuses ....fantasic


"The Oladra has no linear power supply components, and combines three different smps topologies in a cascade."

Does this mean RF injected back into the mains ?
I suspected SMPS when I saw the slim height of the Olandra. It is one reason why I am not getting too excited about it.

If it hasn't got LPS and just has cheaper SMPS then maybe a large chunk of the cost is going on that solid aluminium case . . .
May 6, 2022 at 1:37 AM Post #1,874 of 2,535
Does this mean RF injected back into the mains ?
Why would it mean that?

Here's something Emile from Taiko wrote:

"So interestingly, low frequency noise like that generated by linear power supplies is very hard to attenuate on the AC side, SMPS noise is much easier to filter. However we do seem to be less offended by linear power supply generated noise then by SMPS generated noise."

Here's a more detailed post from him. I'll quote the part that's relevant to what Antipodes is likely doing:

"So anyway, there are definitely merits in exploring Switch Mode Power Supplies for audiophile applications, the benefits over Linear Power Supplies are obvious, if implemented correctly, it can be much lower noise then a Linear Power Supply for higher current applications, have a much smaller footprint and no massive heatsinking requirements, BUT they should be designed to not have any switching "noise" anywhere near the audio frequency range, or even better yet no measurable residual whatsoever."

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