Creative Aurvana Live! vs Logitech UE 6000's !?
Oct 24, 2014 at 12:52 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


New Head-Fier
May 10, 2014
Hello everybody,
How are you?
I am opening a new thread again, because I need some help and advice for choosing one of this headphones.
I've read a lot of threads, new, specifications and other useful topics related to them, but I am still confused which one of them to select.
I've compared them to many ways, but still the most important thing for me is the bass. Mostly I am listening to EDM and I would like to have an amazing bass and all the other requirements about the sound (treble-mids-highs ... I don't know them exactly) for EDM music lover. In my opinion (based on everything that I've read), the Creative Aurvana Live! are slightly better when speaking about bass (deep, clear, powerful and punchy). I was going to say that I would like a comfortable cans, but I know that both of them are comfortable (I don't have extremely big head or very big ears), correct?
Mostly I am going to use them with my phone (Nokia Lumia 820) and sometimes with my PC. I guess both of them can be used with my phone, do they?
Also - do they need some burn in or no (I am not familiar with this, but I read that usually the headphones need some)?
I know that the Logitech UE 6000 has a noise canceling (and passive, and active mode as well), but I don't mind that much about this ...
Also, I know that the 6000's are bigger and heavier (I don't like heavy and very big headphones) compared to the CAL!'s (7,4 ounces for the CAL!'s and 2 pounds for the 6000's), but also they are newer (the 6000's are like 4-5 years newer), better designed and slightly more modern than the CAL!'s (is all this correct?) ...
Is there any difference with the cable (except the fact that the cable for the 6000's is one and detachable compared to the cable of CAL!'s, which are two cables and both of them are not detachable)?
Something else ...?
Now, the price tags for both of them are very similar (+-$10), so the money are not something that important right now.
I found a website, who is making full and very professional research for the most popular headphones (and earphones as well). Now, I am going to attach (instead of posting link of other sites (because I am not sure am I allowed to do that) but if anybody wants to tell him the name, just write me Private Message) two images, where some specialists have compared some of their characteristics (the research said that the CAL!'s are better!). The CAL!'s are going to be first:


So, are there any guys who have owned both of them or who can compare them professionally? Or are there any of you, who have (or had) one of them or have (had) friends who spoke about them?
Any opinions, advice and recommendations are absolutely welcome, so please - don't hesitate to say what do you think, because it would be useful for me.
Thank you very much!
All the best,
                 THAIS (aka Martin)!
Oct 27, 2014 at 11:25 PM Post #3 of 9
Honestly, I felt the Logitech UE 6000 was pretty light, I HIGHLY doubt it weighs 2lbs [that's rather absurd, I had them for a time they didn't feel that heavy what so ever]
But I've not heard the CAL, how ever I really enjoyed the Logitech UE 6000, what's nice about it is the active and passive modes! Active gies you Noise Cancelling, but makes the music more FUN, gives it more Bass, and gives you a more open sound. Passive Mode is a little more balanced and intimate.
So for me, the joy in owning the Logitech UE 6000 was the active and passive modes made it like owning two different headphones! As I head two different sound signitures to enjoy! Something Open and  airy with lots of bass for Dup Step or rock, then something a little more balanced and intimate for vocals 
Oct 27, 2014 at 11:37 PM Post #4 of 9
I have a pair of UE6000s that I use on the go. They are not heavy at all. I find them pretty comfortable and light with not much clamp. They have a pretty slick design that seems more modern than a lot of the headphones on here. As for sound sig, I don't really use them in active mode, so I don't have much experience on that side. In passive mode, they have a very inoffensive sound sig, as in they won't wow you but won't make you toss them off in disgust either. They have a bit of a boomy bass in my opinion, and the treble rolls off a bit. The midrange is not recessed, but it does feel like the bass leaks into the lower mids sometimes. All in all, they are a very solid pair of headphones that do not do much wrong but aren't super good in one area either. They are comparable at their original price to other similarly priced headphones but a steal for the price that you can get them at now.
I prefer them over the M50s that I had in the past but prefer both my HP50s and my Momentums that I owned in the past. 
Oct 27, 2014 at 11:43 PM Post #5 of 9
  I have a pair of UE6000s that I use on the go. They are not heavy at all. I find them pretty comfortable and light with not much clamp. They have a pretty slick design that seems more modern than a lot of the headphones on here. As for sound sig, I don't really use them in active mode, so I don't have much experience on that side. In passive mode, they have a very inoffensive sound sig, as in they won't wow you but won't make you toss them off in disgust either. They have a bit of a boomy bass in my opinion, and the treble rolls off a bit. The midrange is not recessed, but it does feel like the bass leaks into the lower mids sometimes. All in all, they are a very solid pair of headphones that do not do much wrong but aren't super good in one area either. They are comparable at their original price to other similarly priced headphones but a steal for the price that you can get them at now.
I prefer them over the M50s that I had in the past but prefer both my HP50s and my Momentums that I owned in the past. 

Yea I liked the UE 6000 in Active mode, it cleans up the sound a little. Puts some air in between the bass n mids, but makes them a little more V Shaped
still it's a great headphone! I think you'll like it. Plus in active mode it amps it self so no need to buy an external amp
Oct 27, 2014 at 11:45 PM Post #6 of 9
To me the CALs (Creative Aurvana Live) are good sound headphones, in their price range.
But to me the diaphragm seems like it sitting just a few millimeters from my ear drums, so my ears feel bothered after about 10 or 15 minutes of use and I have to take them off.
My Gemini HSR-1000 (Takstar Pro 80) headphones are just as good sounding and do not wear on my ear drums like the CALs do.
Oct 30, 2014 at 8:55 PM Post #8 of 9
  Honestly, I felt the Logitech UE 6000 was pretty light, I HIGHLY doubt it weighs 2lbs [that's rather absurd, I had them for a time they didn't feel that heavy what so ever]
But I've not heard the CAL, how ever I really enjoyed the Logitech UE 6000, what's nice about it is the active and passive modes! Active gies you Noise Cancelling, but makes the music more FUN, gives it more Bass, and gives you a more open sound. Passive Mode is a little more balanced and intimate.
So for me, the joy in owning the Logitech UE 6000 was the active and passive modes made it like owning two different headphones! As I head two different sound signitures to enjoy! Something Open and  airy with lots of bass for Dup Step or rock, then something a little more balanced and intimate for vocals 

To be honest - the weighs which I've noticed in the first comment, are real. I'll prove them right now:

This information is from the official seller of the cans in Amazon, so I think the information is correct. Maaaaybe, they weigh so much, because of the batteries which you can put.
As I told before, the most important things for are the bass (clear, powerful, deep), good sound quality (all of those specs which are important about the EDM (mids-treble-highs, etc (I don't know them))) and to be comfortable. I am not calculating the last one, because I know that both of them are comfortable. Now, I am mostly confused about comparing them with the two things which I mentioned (the first two words in bold) in the previous sentence. What do you think guys? :)
Oct 30, 2014 at 9:50 PM Post #9 of 9
To be honest - the weighs which I've noticed in the first comment, are real. I'll prove them right now:

This information is from the official seller of the cans in Amazon, so I think the information is correct. Maaaaybe, they weigh so much, because of the batteries which you can put.
As I told before, the most important things for are the bass (clear, powerful, deep), good sound quality (all of those specs which are important about the EDM (mids-treble-highs, etc (I don't know them))) and to be comfortable. I am not calculating the last one, because I know that both of them are comfortable. Now, I am mostly confused about comparing them with the two things which I mentioned (the first two words in bold) in the previous sentence. What do you think guys? :)

I have a feeling that the weight listed is the Weight of the Headphones and the Box, ask your self do those demensions make sense? can you imagine a headphone that sized, if we assume it's WxHxL  
The actual headphone it self is not two pounds, and the shipping weight will often include the Box and Packing materials that have been put around the product box, so they are not 2 lbs 
let me give you a point of referance, the Audeze LCD 2 is 600 Grams, which is a little under two pounds. 600 Grams is in fact about 21 onces, Now the LCD 2 is a HUGE headphone, MUCH larger and much heavier than the Logitech UE 6000, I had the LCD 2 for a week. One if it's drivers is bigger than both cups for the Logitech UE 6000, 
so let's think about that again, we have the LCD 2 rated as one of the heaviest headphones around weighing in at only 600 Grams or 1 Lb 5 Oz. There is NO logical way to conclude the Logitech UE 6000 [a small headphone made of plastic] is any where NEAR 2 lbs, or 900 Grams 
The headphone it self is much lighter 
Even batteries aren't going to be like 200 grams a piece or something, Anyway, I think both are good options, I think both will be comfortable. Neither will be in any way "heavy" and both offer a good sound. The question is which costs less for you to get, and which do you think looks better? 

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