Considering buying a new peace of IEM's, or should I go headphones? (IE6 user)
Dec 27, 2009 at 7:10 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 12, 2007
The left speaker of my Sennheiser IE6 just died on me, so it's time to get a nice replacement!

But I'm VERY confused on whether or not to go for a new piece of IEM's, or instead go for a piece of headphones?

Without no doubt, the major drawback for me with the IE6's have been them not being very comfortable in my ears at all, actually it's just the right ear that seems to react, I have never really had any issues with my left ear?

But for some reason, I get a kind of itching feeling within my right ear no matter what buds I use? As I've got rather small ears, and ear-canals I normally find the smaller buds the most comfortable, but my right ear simply wont allow anything?

My right ear gets quite hot, red and irritating just a few minutes after inserting the IE6? No matter what kind of buds I try with, no matter if I play any sound or not? Not to mention the huge amounts of earwax being created swiftly every single time I use my IE6? But again it seems to just be my right ear, my left ear is not even close to create the same amount of earwax, nor getting red or irritated?

After using my IE6's for a while, I have to clean my right ear with a liquid I got from the pharmacy?

So perhaps IEM's just aren't for me? Might go for a piece of headphones instead? But there is much more hassle with them, considering I use my IE6's while jogging, training and on-the-run?

I was considering some top-of-the-line IEM's for a change, but which one should I go for? And is there really any point, when my right ear seems to react this much?

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