*Confirmed* Grado PS1000 is coming!
Mar 9, 2009 at 10:45 PM Post #916 of 941
please explain...
Mar 9, 2009 at 10:57 PM Post #917 of 941
Well since they are now shipping, we can stop speculating. Seems only one person has received one, but I'm sure more people will be getting theirs soon. And then once the stores get them in stock, we can personally test these as well. Not that we didn't trust Zanth's review, but it will be nice to have more reviews from actual production models.
Mar 10, 2009 at 3:12 AM Post #920 of 941

Originally Posted by vvanrij /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes but I'm afraid I'm going to cancel my pre-order for the PS1000. I'm actually getting more and more afraid of its build quality, and on its resale value... it's a chance I'm not willing to take for a highly likely small improvement compared to what I already have.

There's nothing wrong with taking a wait and see approach. We're not 15 anymore. It's hard not to be an early adopter. But it may be wiser to let others have the bragging rights and wait until the hype has given way to realistic assessments of $1600 cans.
Mar 10, 2009 at 5:05 AM Post #921 of 941

Originally Posted by Zanth /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Headphones do damage no doubt, but the wallet seems capable of recovering with some prompt resuscitation. Speakers on the other hand... dead is dead

I've been looking at recording gear... that's another wallet-eater.
I need a winning lotto ticket.
Mar 10, 2009 at 10:03 AM Post #922 of 941

Originally Posted by Bilavideo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There's nothing wrong with taking a wait and see approach. We're not 15 anymore. It's hard not to be an early adopter. But it may be wiser to let others have the bragging rights and wait until the hype has given way to realistic assessments of $1600 cans.

Too late
they are already shipping. O well, I'm continuing my original plan, I'm gonna pick the best can, and the rest will be in the FS forum soon.

Mar 10, 2009 at 10:21 AM Post #923 of 941
Looking forward to your impressions vvanrij.
Mar 10, 2009 at 10:32 AM Post #924 of 941

Originally Posted by vvanrij /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Too late
they are already shipping. O well, I'm continuing my original plan, I'm gonna pick the best can, and the rest will be in the FS forum soon.


Looks like you've got some very nice headphones coming your way. Should be a lot of fun deciding which to keep.
Mar 10, 2009 at 10:34 AM Post #925 of 941
I'm leaving today again, but I'l be back home friday, hopefull I can pick them up by the post office by then
Mar 11, 2009 at 2:53 AM Post #926 of 941
i heard them today. i have also heard the hd800. without being able to compare them side by side well i'm just a grado fan. they are somewhat superior to the old gs1000. not by leaps and bounds now that i can answer that question for myself. they are worth the addional money if you don't already have the gs1000.

that being said.... there are still headphones i prefer. namely the 007-02,r10 and the big o. to tell the truth i think the he90/hev90 was the pinnacle of what headphones have to offer. you can't really compare it to the ps1000. it is unfair to expect $1,700 headphones to best the orpheus. anyways i just don't think dynamics best the top stats. even though dynamics do some things stats don't like if you are a basshead or whatever. some of the a-t's and the r10 are worth having though.

well i probably will buy the ps1000 because i like them. even though they are not the absolute last word they are worth having to me.

i tried a demo pair that wasn't for sale. otherwise i would have bought today.

i should mention, as i have before that i have some channels not available to the general public. that is how i hear all these phones before a lot of other people. still zanth and i think a couple others beat me to it.

Mar 11, 2009 at 11:08 AM Post #929 of 941

Originally Posted by music_man /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i heard them today. i have also heard the hd800. without being able to compare them side by side well i'm just a grado fan. they are somewhat superior to the old gs1000. not by leaps and bounds now that i can answer that question for myself. they are worth the addional money if you don't already have the gs1000.

that being said.... there are still headphones i prefer. namely the 007-02,r10 and the big o. to tell the truth i think the he90/hev90 was the pinnacle of what headphones have to offer. you can't really compare it to the ps1000. it is unfair to expect $1,700 headphones to best the orpheus. anyways i just don't think dynamics best the top stats. even though dynamics do some things stats don't like if you are a basshead or whatever. some of the a-t's and the r10 are worth having though.

well i probably will buy the ps1000 because i like them. even though they are not the absolute last word they are worth having to me.

i tried a demo pair that wasn't for sale. otherwise i would have bought today.

i should mention, as i have before that i have some channels not available to the general public. that is how i hear all these phones before a lot of other people. still zanth and i think a couple others beat me to it.


regardless of what you prefer i think saying you would have bought a $1700 HP on the spot if you could have is pretty big praise. Unless you just buy things for the heck of it
Mar 11, 2009 at 1:08 PM Post #930 of 941
i think it is worth $1,700. it is better than the gs1000. so thats the extra $700right there. are they really worth that much money? we have been arguing that forever here. the bottom line is if you like them you will pay $1,700 for them. otherwise you just wont have them


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