Computer Gurus HELP!
Mar 16, 2005 at 5:32 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


500+ Head-Fier
Jul 13, 2004
I am in need of some help from any copmuter gurus. I have lost my local drive Icon.

If you lollow this link you will be able to see what I am talking about. Unfortunately, that forum is VERY slow.

Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mar 16, 2005 at 5:55 PM Post #3 of 28
The specific problem is in my computer, the c: drive icon is the generic file that is shown when windows doesn't know what it is.

If you follow the link in the original post there is a picture of it. also in the second post in the link I mentioned that there is no C folder in the registry at this location:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer\DriveIcons]

I tried installing the tweakui program, but get an error message that it is not a valid Win32 application.

Mar 16, 2005 at 6:54 PM Post #4 of 28
I've never encountered that problem so have no experience to offer.

Does anyone think System Restore to an earlier (working) configuration would be a solution?

An alternative might be a refresh install that would preserve your settings.

Anyone else?

Mar 16, 2005 at 7:30 PM Post #7 of 28

Originally Posted by saab
I tried installing the tweakui program, but get an error message that it is not a valid Win32 application.

Maybe you downloaded the Titanium tweakui app. instead of the regular 32 bit tweakui app.

I didn't see, nor do see, the desktop .bmp pic in FF nor IE.
Mar 16, 2005 at 8:17 PM Post #8 of 28
You are right wallijonn, I downloaded the titanium, but i got the correct one, ran it and it did nothing. Here is a picture of the desktop:


Any more advice would be great.

ps It was like this before I changed the format of windows around.
Mar 16, 2005 at 8:39 PM Post #9 of 28
1. You could make the C: drive shareable which should change the icon, then try unsharing it to see if it picks up the old icon.

2. Have Win2k in front of me so can't check the registry settings you mention. But if you have a D drive in the registry window (for the key you mentioned) you may just need to right-click and add a new string value and double-click it and set it to the same as D drive.

3. Are you using a special Desktop skin program (looks like it) then try a different skin or re-load the one you are using.
Mar 16, 2005 at 9:23 PM Post #10 of 28

I have tried all 3 of these steps. None of them worked. The problem was here before I loaded any skins.

Maybe I am not creating the keys corectly, but this did not work.

I think I may have the geek squad fix it.

Thanks guys.
Mar 17, 2005 at 6:21 AM Post #11 of 28
Try going into your desktop's Appearance page in Properties and ask for Large Icons (Effects button, click Large Icons), and then apply the change. Afterwards reset the setting.
Mar 17, 2005 at 6:49 AM Post #12 of 28
an alternative solution would be to get an icon packaging program (easily changes icons, skins icons, etc) and then just manually change your c: drive icon. check out Iconpackager, part of the Object Desktop suite.
Mar 17, 2005 at 9:00 PM Post #14 of 28
I have not done a system restore, but I am not sure that I want to. What is invovled? Would I loose any data?

I have tired everything else mentioned in this thread, so I guess if it is my only hope.....


P.S. Thinking about it, it really is not that big of a deal, it is just annoying.
Mar 17, 2005 at 11:37 PM Post #15 of 28
Theoretically you lose no data. But I have seen it wipe out some data on the other hand. I think documents in My documents should be safe. If your data is on a separate hard drive or partition (as it should be) you can turn off System Restore to that drive and protect it.

If system restore wipes out data (at least data you notice right away) you can undo the system restore and get the dtat back then protect the data (CD rom) and try again.

System restore probably will do the trick and is not difficult. Look at "help and support" other tasks has system restore.

System restore will roll back any programs installed or drivers/updates installed.

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