Comparison: My SR-80's vs. SR-225's
Oct 16, 2007 at 10:07 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


Jul 26, 2007
Set Up:

-Coroda Move Amp - About 500 hours use
-2nd Gen IPOD Nano - Over 1,000 hours
-ALO Cryo Dock (Copper) About 300
-Grado SR-80's - About 400 hours use
-Grado SR-225's - About 300 hours use
-Musical tastes - From Holly Cole, to Keb Mo', to DJ Tiesto

Ok, This is meant to be a comparison of how the 80's compare to my new 225's to MY ears.

I bought the 80's and Corda Move a few months back, and they were my first introduction to headphone hi-fi, though I have a lot of experience in home 2-channel hi-fi.

Listneing tests consisted ot 2 parts:

-Part 1: concentrated a/b'ing of tracks I am extremely familiar with
-Part 2: listneing to the music with no concentration, simply letting my mind subconsciously grading the expereince on dozens of tracks I am very familiar with. I actually found this method to be more telling overall.

The 80's were a revelation, and very detail and airy sounding to someone that had never experienced headphone hi-fi. But, I was left wanting something more. I felt they were a bit bright sounding, had a slight but noticable disconnect in the timing transition between the low to mid/high frequencies, and could sounded a bit then with jazz. The disconnect let a funky rythym thing I couldn't put my finger on until I heard the 225's. It was subtle, but there.

The 225's simply smoke the 80's. They do however, need a MINIMUM of 200 hours burn in before real listening, and over 300 for to wring out every bit of thier ability to be open and airy.

Differences? The 225's have more flesh to thier sound, more natural and musical. Almost like going from a color tv that has a fading tube to a new one. The timing of the low frequencies is much more in line with the mid's and highs significantly increasing the top-tapping factor. High's are MUCH more refined with an increase in detail present-cymbols sound more like cymbols. Bass is also fuller sounding, without sounding bloated. In fact, the mid bass of the 225's is clearer than the 80's. Voices on the 225's have more "presence" than the 80's, with the 80's having an almost nasally and distant sound- although slight- sound to them (only in comparison to the 225's).

For me? No comparison. The musicality factor of the 225's SMOKES the 80's.

Now I have a pair of 2 month old 80's for sale! LOL

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