Comfort, comfort, comfort, ... then sound
May 16, 2006 at 10:29 PM Post #16 of 41
My K501s are very comfortable, more so than my DT880s. My head is still nice and cool after long hours of listening, and the auto suspension fits my head well. They are similar to the K701s as well, so try these.
May 16, 2006 at 10:29 PM Post #17 of 41

Originally Posted by Meyvn
THE most comfortable headphones I've EVER worn are my HD570s. Many will come kind of close, but none quite make it, including the HD580/600/650 series. However, the HD590 has the same pads, but is supposedly a MUCH better sounding can. Perhaps you can look for a pair of them.

Do the HD570s have larger cups than the HD497s?
May 16, 2006 at 10:30 PM Post #18 of 41
If I read it correctly, you are looking for a closed Grado sub $100. Im not sure such a monster exists.
May 16, 2006 at 10:33 PM Post #20 of 41
BTW, thanks for all the suggestions so far but I should add that occasionally I'll be using the headphones with my iPod, so please keep that in mind. I think some of the recommended headphones above require a good bit of power to sound good, right?
May 16, 2006 at 10:34 PM Post #21 of 41

Originally Posted by austai
Do the HD570s have larger cups than the HD497s?

Anything from the Audio-Technica ATH-Ax00 line will be more comfortable than anything from sennheiser, akg, beyerdemic, you name it. The A500 is a great place to start for $100.
May 16, 2006 at 10:38 PM Post #22 of 41

Originally Posted by 003
Anything from the Audio-Technica ATH-Ax00 line will be more comfortable than anything from sennheiser, akg, beyerdemic, you name it. The A500 is a great place to start for $100.

I second the ATx00 series idea but if hes coming from Grados and looking at Grados as neutral, AT could be WAY too laid back for him. (not Senn laid back but still too laid back)
Personally, I think the ATs are the way to go. Comfy first and foremost, good sound, good build quality, and able to be used ampless A-Ok. I still worry about the sound sig. though. Grados and ATs arent oceans apart to me but at least a very wide bay apart.
May 16, 2006 at 10:39 PM Post #23 of 41

Originally Posted by stmpjmp
If I read it correctly, you are looking for a closed Grado sub $100. Im not sure such a monster exists.

It doesn't have to sound exactly like the SR60. I'll be happy with anything that sounds detailed with good mids and, of course, BIG, DEEP CUPS.
May 16, 2006 at 10:42 PM Post #24 of 41

Originally Posted by austai
It doesn't have to sound exactly like the SR60. I'll be happy with anything that sounds detailed with good mids and, of course, BIG, DEEP CUPS.

An A900 would do you wonders but its nearer $200 than $100. Ive not tried the A700s nor read much on them so Im not sure if they'll be musical enough for you.
The A500s I relegate to a gaming can only. They more than likely sound better than triports even but Im a bit too picky these days to manage with A500s (musically, gaming wise they are top shelf)
May 16, 2006 at 10:42 PM Post #25 of 41

Originally Posted by stmpjmp
I second the ATx00 series idea but if hes coming from Grados and looking at Grados as neutral, AT could be WAY too laid back for him. (not Senn laid back but still too laid back)
Personally, I think the ATs are the way to go. Comfy first and foremost, good sound, good build quality, and able to be used ampless A-Ok. I still worry about the sound sig. though. Grados and ATs arent oceans apart to me but at least a very wide bay apart.

I consider the Grados neutral only relative to what else I've tried. Please don't take my affection for my Grado as a sign that I wouldn't like something actually neutral.
May 16, 2006 at 10:51 PM Post #26 of 41
If you're going to using your iPod then I'd take you're going to be using them for some portable use, in that case the Audio Technica Ax00 series might not be want you want. They're huge!
May 16, 2006 at 10:54 PM Post #27 of 41

Originally Posted by austai
I consider the Grados neutral only relative to what else I've tried. Please don't take my affection for my Grado as a sign that I wouldn't like something actually neutral.

Oh, we're not gooning on you for your newness. Just trying to establish where you are relative to the accepted "norms" around here. Say on a scale of 1-10 our neutral is 5 and yours is 9, sending you towards OUR neutral is way off course for you. So we are trying to set the scale relative to you, thats all.

Since you are used to Grados and seem to like them, I wouldnt suggest going to the opposite end of the spectrum (Senn comes to mind) You ll want something at least familar, just with more comfort than you have currently. I think the AT series can fit this bill nicely. They are plush as pillows and do sound really good relative to most phones in the market. They dont need amping either so thats one less thing you have to worry with/buy.
As I said, my only worry is it will be too laid back for you. May be the case, may not. All you can do is try them and see. We can all speculate until we turn to dust but your ears and head will ultimately be the final judge.
May 16, 2006 at 10:56 PM Post #28 of 41
HD590 wins for comfort out of the Sennheiser range.

I've heard people call them the most comfortable cans ever, but I have not had the pleasure of wearing some of the other cans mentioned here.

I can wear the HD590's for 30+ hours without a problem.
May 16, 2006 at 10:58 PM Post #29 of 41

Originally Posted by Skrying
If you're going to using your iPod then I'd take you're going to be using them for some portable use, in that case the Audio Technica Ax00 series might not be want you want. They're huge!

I think his decision to put comfort ahead of all other considerations puts portability low on the list. The AKG81DJs are the only portable type closed can around his area of need and they are completely out due to comfort issues for many.

If you want a giant plush can with deep earcups, the tradeoff has to be small and portable. Personally, I could use the ATs in a pinch portably w/o issue (so long as Im not running or moving a lot) I couldnt use any of the sub $100 cans that are great for portabilty as my home plush comfort can however.

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