Cmoy Prontoboard were to buy in the UK
Feb 27, 2004 at 9:33 PM Post #2 of 8
Both RS Components and Farnells carry protoboard of various types. You wont get the type that Tangent uses though. Most of the stuff in the UK has contimuous tracks along each row of the board and you have to use a track cutter (like a small drill bit) to break up the tracks.
This will mean you will have to get a bit creative if you want to get the thing into an Altoids tin. If you can't figure out how to get the circuit layed out small enough on this kind of board I can do you a drawing of my layout and E-mail it to you.

Feb 28, 2004 at 12:01 AM Post #5 of 8
Originally posted by ginettaman
I assume you mean building it on stripboard? I would be most grateful if you could supply me with your layout, i tried using a programe called Stripboard Magic to lay it out, but wasent 100% certain it was OK.
No problem. Just got back from the village pub, so a little bit the worse for ware and have guests tommorow so I will sort it out on Sunday. You should be able to get it smaller than my design. If you use mine it will just fit in a mint tin with a single PP3 battery but I remeber thinking when I had finished that I could have saved a bit of space. I am going to do another one shortly for my brother inlaw and will try and improve on the layout.
Feb 28, 2004 at 12:23 AM Post #6 of 8
you can actually get 2/3 of the RadioShack catalogue in the UK. You just dont know it yet.

Ring up there UK distributor and speak to the nice lady. I did and ordered somthing, but i cant remember what. I think it was those protoboards tangent uses.

ive lost the number, but ill have a lil look on the web for it.

Feb 29, 2004 at 10:22 PM Post #7 of 8
OK Heres is my layout. Its a bit rough but its what I worked off when I buily my CMOY. I would do a dry tun without soldering first as you will see where you can improve it then.

I had to cut a corner of my board (top right) to fit it in the mint tin.

Photo attached too to prove it does work. Notice the slanting of the output caps in the photo, I did the layout diagram before they arrived and had to ajust on the fly to get them to fit. My wirings a bit of a rats nest too, I keep meanung to re do it neater but I keep using the amp instead

Hope this helps


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