cmoy amp: huge difference?
Jan 13, 2006 at 9:57 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


Dec 29, 2005
is there a big difference in the sound of, say, a zen micro when using a cmoy amp and with no amp? im 14 and theres no way i could make one, maybe i could buy one

EDIT::::: also, would it be a good idea to purchase one on ebay for 48 bucks?
Jan 13, 2006 at 10:24 PM Post #2 of 12
Hey, i'm 14 too.
When using my cMoy through my iPod to my Shure E5c's/Sony MDR-EX71SL, I find it adds more detail, makes the sound more dynamic/alive, and adds a little more bass detail. Though I find that the differences aren't as dramatic through my E5c's, compared with the EX71's.
My friend who owns the Shure E2c's finds that it "...controls the bass and adds some texture to it".
Jan 13, 2006 at 11:32 PM Post #6 of 12

Originally Posted by ZMstephen21
did u make it?

No, I don't have a clue about making them... I purchased it off of eBay, a German seller named 'penguin-amplifier'. It was around £55. :)
Jan 14, 2006 at 12:33 AM Post #7 of 12
A Cmoy amp can make a difference with an iPod, but mostly because you would be using a Pocketdock or Sik Din and taking the sound out of the line out. When I got my amp, I made sure I got a money back guarantee if I found it didn't make a difference. Amping the headphone out, there was no difference, but amping the line out was enough of a difference for me to keep it. The main difference was better dynamics overall.

See ya
Jan 14, 2006 at 2:07 AM Post #8 of 12
so, would it be worth my $50 bucks to get a cmoy to headphone amp my ZM?

EDIT:::::: oh, and did i mention i was using shure e2cs?
Jan 14, 2006 at 2:12 AM Post #9 of 12
AND if i did buy the one on ebay, it says cable not included

any places i can get a headphone out cable?
Jan 14, 2006 at 2:42 AM Post #10 of 12
I have a zen micro and decided to buy a cheap CMOY a while back. There's almost no audible difference, that is once the placebo effect wears off. I like the idea of having new gadgets though, so I can't really say I regret getting it. One mistake I made though was buying one without a volume knob, thinking that I would only ever use it with my micro (no line out).

Maybe operating the amp at low volume will help, but I find that the noise floor isn't low enough to use with IEMs. Unless you use a volume attenuator (which degrades the signal), you're probably goign to hear static with a cheap CMOY and your shures.

So if you simply want to buy one for the sake of buying one, I say go for it (or even better go for a professionally made one like a Go-vibe or PA2V2). But quality increase using a zen micro and e2c's? Not that much.

Edit: and about the cable, you could probably find one online for a few bucks+shipping, or find one at a local electronics store (a small one, the big chains don't tend to carry interconnects, at least where I live).

And don't think your age/lack of experience prevents you from making your own. You'll learn as you go, should be fun.
Jan 14, 2006 at 11:18 AM Post #11 of 12
zera: you don't really have the right cans for a cmoy. cmoy is a low current / high voltage design intended to provide enough voltage swing to drive high impedence phones to an acceptable volume. your cans are all quite low impedence (assuming you have a recent pair of hd555s) and would benefit more from a high current / low voltage design amp. research before you buy.
Jan 14, 2006 at 8:09 PM Post #12 of 12

Originally Posted by Possédé
Hey, i'm 14 too.
When using my cMoy through my iPod to my Shure E5c's/Sony MDR-EX71SL, I find it adds more detail, makes the sound more dynamic/alive, and adds a little more bass detail. Though I find that the differences aren't as dramatic through my E5c's, compared with the EX71's.
My friend who owns the Shure E2c's finds that it "...controls the bass and adds some texture to it".

Wow....When I was 14 I had one of those portable Panasonic T-handle 8-track players and a few cartridges by Jethro Tull and The Who. Times have really changed.


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