Closed Ear Headphones for Office Cube Use
Jun 1, 2004 at 3:50 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


Jan 1, 2004
Hi folks,

I currently own HD600s and have used them at home and in the office, but the open ear design causes my cube neighbors to complain from time to time about the music they can hear.

I use the Enties for travel, but they aren't comfortable for office use, so I'm looking for a closed ear design that wont bother my neighbors and will be comfortable for 4 hours of daily listening.

Does anyone have a suggestion I should listen to?

No real budget on this, just would like to keep it under a few hundred dollars for the headphones themselves...I simply want the best office headphones.

Jun 1, 2004 at 4:01 PM Post #2 of 14
A900s are the normal rec.
Jun 1, 2004 at 4:10 PM Post #3 of 14

Originally Posted by blessingx
A900s are the normal rec.

I don't know if I'd say that, there is also the Beyer 250-250's. One big question, will you be using an amp with this.

Jun 2, 2004 at 5:49 PM Post #6 of 14
Etymotic makes canalphones that truly isolate you from your cube mates. I can't hear them coming and no way they can hear the music. They have taken some getting used to, but they sound fantastic. If you don't like the comfort you can get custom molds of your ears done for them as well...
Jun 2, 2004 at 6:21 PM Post #7 of 14
The HeadRoom staff recommend the Beyer 250-80, I believe, for office use.

I use the Sony V6. Inexpensive, sturdy, isolates, folds up, and I happen to like their sound.
Jun 2, 2004 at 7:08 PM Post #8 of 14

Originally Posted by GanChan
The HeadRoom staff recommend the Beyer 250-80, I believe, for office use.

I use the Sony V6. Inexpensive, sturdy, isolates, folds up, and I happen to like their sound.

In fairness, though, the V6s are very colored in their presentation. Some people like them, and some people really detest them. I think it heavily depends on what kind of music you like--personally, I hate 'em for classical, but they're fun for some rock and electronica.
Jun 3, 2004 at 10:55 PM Post #10 of 14
I've used the Beyer DT250 80ohm, Ety ER6 and AKG271 for office use (open space).

The DT250 are nice and small, my only reserve is related to comfort, I could not wear them all day, but that could also be related the size/shape of my head. I found they clamped too hard and the headband hurt the top of my head after a few hours.

The ER6 totally isolate you, but proved to be unpractical, I did not hear either my mobile or desk phone, and had to remove them every time I had to talk to someone, which made the ear canals a bit sore, and the whole procedure of putting them a pain (not mentioning having to lick them all the time...).

I then tried the AKG271, which I find very comfortable, love their sound and isolation (just enough to hear the phone ringing). They also mute automatically when you take them off, which is nice rather than vital.
The only drawback is their size, and the fact I keep being asked how the air traffic is like above the office...
Jun 3, 2004 at 11:08 PM Post #12 of 14
CD3000.. if you don't mind the looks.

Probably the most comfortable headphone I've ever used, they don't isolate as well as most closed headphones, but they don't leak too much sound either. Might take some getting use to as the CD3000s sound fake compared to the HD580/600/650 series ( IMO ).
Jun 4, 2004 at 12:55 AM Post #13 of 14

Originally Posted by mxs1030
CD3000.. if you don't mind the looks.

Probably the most comfortable headphone I've ever used, they don't isolate as well as most closed headphones, but they don't leak too much sound either. Might take some getting use to as the CD3000s sound fake compared to the HD580/600/650 series ( IMO ).

I wouldn't recommend the CD3000 for office use. They provide no isolation at all, and sound does leak at higher volumes. I'm wearing mine in my office right now, and the sound of the rather loud air conditioning can easily be heard over the noise of the music. They do sound fantastic though... much better than the AKG 271s that I had before. I don't know if you can easily buy bigger headphones than the CD3K either, so if you don't like getting hastled...

Like I think I already said, if I were buying for this situation i'd probably get the A900s, or possibly the beyers. I did have some Beyer 250-250s and they sounded terrible, but I strongly suspect I got a faulty pair. I'd love to try a good pair some time, but it's not really worth the cost of shipping all the way here and back if I don't like them.
Jun 4, 2004 at 2:13 AM Post #14 of 14
Shure E5.

they're more comfortable than the ety's as they don't go in as deep into the canal. also, a good seal is not necessary and actually hurts performance, so you can use the supplied smaller tips that barely go into your canal (they also come with foams and tritips, but don't use them.) i used to use ety's too, and they do get a little uncomfortable after hours of use. but the E5's never bother me, not to mention they sound better (much deeper bass but still good balance.)

and MOST IMPORTANT: they don't mess up your hair like headphones. and that's critical in some businesses.

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