Clearing up the KMixer confusion
May 18, 2007 at 5:44 PM Post #16 of 105

Originally Posted by thomaspf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Kmixer is only active for PCM streams and the stream I embeddded a link to happens to be a 2-channel stereo PCM stream. That the bits inside are Dolby Digital encoded is unknown to Windows. If your sound card works as Elias describes it should just pass these bits through unmodified. Somehow that is not the case for any of the tests that I have ever done or for that matter anyone who has ever tried this before Elias. Maybe the DAC1 is doing something very special?

This is really a very simple test if you have a surround decoder. Just judge for yourself.




I know that Dolby digital streams, even if masqueraded as PCM, are broken when passed through KMixer. this however does not mean that genuine PCM streams are necessarily altered by KMixer.


gene d
May 18, 2007 at 7:35 PM Post #18 of 105

Originally Posted by tszyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Elias, any chance you could take a look at my questions above? I would appreciate it.

What questions specifically? Or better, which post #?

May 19, 2007 at 12:09 AM Post #20 of 105
I have done these tests an almost every processor starting with a Pentium 90 on Windows 95 and it includes AMD processors. Right now my AMD test machine is a dual core AMDx2. For the Record Win95 was bit perfect.


Originally Posted by zheka

I know that Dolby digital streams, even if masqueraded as PCM, are broken when passed through KMixer. this however does not mean that genuine PCM streams are necessarily altered by KMixer.


gene d

Clever argument since that of course applies to all streams that anyone might have used for testing. I suppose for any stream that you have not actually tested there is a possibility that kmixer might be passing the bits perfect, however, for any stream in my posession that I have actually tried this with it has not worked and I generated some special files with known samples to see what is actually happening. As Elias correctly points out I have only found modifications in the two lowest bits.

I understand the DAC1 is a fantastic converter and your participation on the forum representing Benchmark is greatly appreciated. I wonder whether you would be willing to share with us which other USB devices you found that are transparent for the 16 bits. I hope there is one with a digital output that would allow further inspection. I often play with the Audiotrak Optoplay which uses USBaudio.sys and only get it to play bit perfect with kernel streaming.


May 19, 2007 at 4:56 AM Post #21 of 105

Originally Posted by thomaspf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Clever argument since that of course applies to all streams that anyone might have used for testing. I suppose for any stream that you have not actually tested there is a possibility that kmixer might be passing the bits perfect, however, for any stream in my posession that I have actually tried this with it has not worked and I generated some special files with known samples to see what is actually happening. As Elias correctly points out I have only found modifications in the two lowest bits.



I have no vested interest in this argument. I simply want to get to the bottom of this.

What I see so far are two apparently contradictory testimonies on the subject from people whose expertise and honesty I have no reason to doubt.
After I read the thread on avsforum that tszyn linked to, I thought there is possible explanation to all this – you were talking about different stream formats – benchmark folks were naturally dealing with PCM streams and you were testing with DTS streams.

Poster “Black Magic” made convincing (to me) argument why kmixer does not work with non-PCM data and why DTS masqueraded as PCM is not treated the same way as genuine PCM data

All this of course is not news to you since you participated in that discussion back then


Gene d
May 19, 2007 at 7:29 PM Post #22 of 105
I have no vested interests here either. I am actually more interested in which USB adapter Elias is testing with.

If there is some tpye of USB adapter that provides bit perfect playaback with the standard system driver that could be quite attractive.

And yes that was a very old thread and if you read it to the bitter end I assume it becomes clear that the problem indeed exists and Black Magic was trying to spin doctor it away. It drove me nuts when I switched to Win2000 on my HTPC.


May 19, 2007 at 8:31 PM Post #23 of 105

Originally Posted by thomaspf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If there is some tpye of USB adapter that provides but perfect playabck with the satndard system driver that could be quite attractive.

no argument here.
May 21, 2007 at 2:26 PM Post #24 of 105

First of all, I have a few disclaimers that I should state. I can only say for certain the results of the tests we have conducted with one specific computer and a few specific test setups. As computer technology changes continuously, I cannot claim anything as certain. Also, any statements made about how Windows works is only based on deductive reverse-engineering. I cannot and have not seen the code, so I can't claim anything for certain.


Originally Posted by tszyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Many thanks for your prompt and detailed reply. It is really hard to find such well-written explanations on this topic anywhere on the Web.

Your findings would seem to indicate that we don't need to worry about the mixing/volume-related distortion introduced by KMixer as long as we use a sound card that's capable of 24-bit output (e.g. the Realtek ALC882 on-board audio solution). As I understand what you wrote, some distortion will still be there, but will be very low -- much lower than with 16-bit cards. Am I correct?

Actually, even the 16-bit USB audio devices we used experienced very little distortion with Windows Volume Control (which I'll refer to as WinVC from now on). I believe what happens is, the USB device declares itself to the computer as being a device capable of x-bits, and then WinVC dithers its results to x-bits.

We have not tested sound cards. Although I would suspect that their performance is similar to USB audio devices, I would not say so with any authority. In fact, the one sound card which we did analyze performed sample-rate conversion, even on its digital output.


Originally Posted by tszyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is there any way to verify whether my on-board Realtek ALC882 is in fact playing 24-bit audio after I decrease the wave volume setting?

Yes, you would need a bit-analyzer. Otherwise, I could give you a test file which could tell you (with high probability, but not certainty) whether the output was being truncated to 16-bits. I would be difficult to determine if it is dithered to 16-bits, however.


Originally Posted by tszyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You explained that when two 16-bit samples are mixed in Windows, the result is a 24-bit sample. I don't quite understand what's the advantage of 24-bit calculations in this case. If mixing two samples is done by adding two integers, where's the need for extra precision?

I mean, with 16-bit audio, each sample is an integer from the range 0..65535. Suppose the first sample is 12345 and the second is 20000. Can't you just add the two together, getting 32345? (Of course if the result were greater than 65535, you would get clipping, but it does not seem that you can avoid that by using 24-bit samples.)

Your assumptions are correct. If two 16-bit files are added together, they will not need 24-bits to represent the sum. What PROBABLY happens in WinVC is, the summing takes place and a 32-bit word results (with no audio information in the last 16-bits). WinVC probably truncates to 16-bits in this case, which will not affect the audio. Again, I don't know this for sure, but based on our experiments, this seems to be what happens.

May 21, 2007 at 5:28 PM Post #25 of 105
Hi Elias

configuration can indeed make all the difference. Do you mind sharing which alternative USB audio adapter you used with USBaudio.sys that shows bit perfect behavior.

Did you change any configuration settings to achieve this?


May 22, 2007 at 6:58 PM Post #26 of 105

I'd be happy to share this information with you. We found the following USB audio devices were able to achieve bit-transparency with 16-bit audio ONLY:

- Behringer UCA202
- Edirol UA-1EX

It should be noted that this is not a complete list. There may be many, many more devices that can achieve bit-transparency at 16-bits.

The Benchmark DAC1 USB is the only device we know of that can achieve bit-transparency at 24-bits, 96 kHz.

May 24, 2007 at 4:00 AM Post #28 of 105
Thanks Elias,

just to make sure I understand this correctly before I put out the order. You found the Edirol UA-1EX to work bit transparent in 16/44.1 mode with the standard Windows drivers? Which APIs did you use for the experiment WAV or DirectSound?

This is quite a find.


May 25, 2007 at 3:52 PM Post #29 of 105

Originally Posted by thomaspf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks Elias,

just to make sure I understand this correctly before I put out the order. You found the Edirol UA-1EX to work bit transparent in 16/44.1 mode with the standard Windows drivers?



Originally Posted by thomaspf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Which APIs did you use for the experiment WAV or DirectSound?

The experiment was conducted by simply plugging the device into the USB port and playing a .wav file via a common media player.

Depending on which media player you use, you may need to configure appropriately. Check out a guide I put together on this:


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