Chord Electronics - Hugo 2 - The Official Thread
Jan 28, 2024 at 12:43 AM Post #22,351 of 22,645
It doesn’t respond to bit depth (24, 16) but rather sample rate.
Spotify is 44 kHz so red.

If you’re using Airplay, Airplay might be resampling to 44 kHz or 48 kHz.
48 is orange and not too far from the red so sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.
Edit: I was thinking of 2Go here but if Airplay is in your signal path it could be a factor.

If you’re connected via USB and everything is still red (or possibly orange) it’s because your computer is not operating in exclusive mode so everything is being resampled to 44 or 48.
You need to enable exclusive mode in either the music app or the operating system.

If you’re using Android, Android resamples audio to 48 kHz. But there are apps that can bypass this.

Another edit: If you’re running Audirvana on MacOS I don’t think what I’m talking about is called exclusive mode. I think it’s called Core Audio.
If you’re on Windows besides being in exclusive mode you might need to install a driver.
If you’re still having trouble let us know what OS you’re using.
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Jan 28, 2024 at 2:38 AM Post #22,352 of 22,645
So I finally snatched Hugo 2 from a forum member. Love it so far, but I have questions. I know that the light color must change depending on the quality of the files I'm playing right now. But the color is always red, no matter what I'm listening to—Spotify or ALACs through Apple Music, 16-bit, 24-bit, still red.

Then I was told that I should use a player that has direct output to the DAC, so I downloaded Audirvana, imported my library there, chose Hugo 2 as the output in the settings, still red. Did the seller sell me a faulty Hugo, or am I doing something wrong here? Thank you.
The light changes colour with sampling rate, not bit depth. Red is 44.1KHz, whatever bit depth you input. The colours change as you feed in other sampling rates, so orange at 48KHz green at 96KHz etc. Hope this helps!
Jan 28, 2024 at 2:42 AM Post #22,353 of 22,645
Thanks, everyone. After some googling, I found out about Audio Midi Setup, and after changing the format to 96000 Hz, the light changed to green.

Screenshot 2024-01-28 at 09.46.51.png
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Jan 28, 2024 at 2:56 AM Post #22,354 of 22,645
That looks like you’re playing the file via Finder.
In that case it’s going through the OS Mixer and resampling to (I think) 48 kHz.
You need to use an app that can take exclusive control via Core Audio.
Audirvana can do this.
Where you select the output device you’ll see an arrow beside the device name.
Click that and it will take you to the screen below.
Enable exclusive access.


That’s an older version of Audirvana and my Hugo 2 isn’t connected to that Mac but the process should be similar.
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Jan 28, 2024 at 3:11 AM Post #22,355 of 22,645
Thanks, everyone. After some googling, I found out about Audio Midi Setup, and after changing the format to 96000 Hz, the light changed to green.

Great. So Hugo 2 is working properly.
You might want to figure out exclusive mode though since using MIDI Setup could result in resampling
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Feb 1, 2024 at 3:56 AM Post #22,357 of 22,645
Dear all, I‘d like to pick up on a topic discussed here before, using a WiiM streamer as a digital transport only, feeding the Hugo 2 via S/PDIF either in its optical (TOSLINK) or electrical (coaxial) shape. I am particularly interested in your experiences with the recent Wiim Pro Plus.

My lines of thought are:
  • I am perfectly aware that the WiiMs are consumer-grade stuff "only", which holds in particular for their DACs (chip and implementation) as well as their ADCs, even the better AKM and TI ones in case of the Pro Plus. But I would simply leave the analog portions of the WiiM Pro Plus unused. Reviews of the WiiM Pro Plus are not helpful; they all too often are looking at the full streamer/DAC, not the streamer functionality alone.
  • My current feeling is that - unfortunately - so many aspects of audio streaming are still work-in-progress. In particular, Qobuz doesn‘t have a Qobuz Connect yet (2024 has been mentioned as its ETA). The many software and firmware platforms run on streamers are in various states of technical prowess and usability.
  • It has been mentioned here that the Hugo 2’s DPLL (Digital Phase-Lock Loop) is so good to take good care of deficiencies in the digital input signals. And it has been mentioned that the H2’s S/PDIF inputs yield better results than its USB input.
So my questions to you are:
  • What are your experiences with this concept in general and the WiiM Pro Plus in particular?
  • I am thinking that I would have a hard time justifying any state-of-the-art streamer (like Auralic, Lumin, Cambridge, let alone the Chord 2go) to myself, since they cost 4 to 10 or more times the price of a WiiM Pro Plus, taking into account the a.m. current status of streaming hardware, firmware and software.
  • Do you find deficiencies in sound quality out of the Hugo 2 when using a WiiM Pro Plus to feed it optical or coaxial S/PDIF digital signals? I am referring to "digititis", be that digital glare, anemia, lifelessness or like that. The Hugo 2 is highly resolving, and most of you use it with appropriate headphones or loudspeakers, such that such digital deficiencies in its input could be revealed.
Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback.
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Feb 1, 2024 at 5:43 AM Post #22,358 of 22,645
  • What are your experiences with this concept in general and the WiiM Pro Plus in particular?
Not the Plus but the Mini. They are similar when it comes to streaming. When it worked, it was transparent.
  • I am thinking that I would have a hard time justifying any state-of-the-art streamer (like Auralic, Lumin, Cambridge, let alone the Chord 2go) to myself, since they cost 4 to 10 or more times the price of a WiiM Pro Plus, taking into account the a.m. current status of streaming hardware, firmware and software.
Since the Plus is Roon ready, then you are totally justified. With all streaming services, and their apps being so restrictive, a software like Roon, make the whole sh**show a bit more user-friendly. But the cost of Roon has kept me away, also its lack of folder play is a no-go for me anyway.
  • Do you find deficiencies in sound quality out of the Hugo 2 when using a WiiM Pro Plus to feed it optical or coaxial S/PDIF digital signals? I am referring to "digititis", be that digital glare, anemia, lifelessness or like that. The Hugo 2 is highly resolving, and most of you use it with appropriate headphones or loudspeakers, such that such digital deficiencies in its input could be revealed.
No, none. up to 192, it is bit perfect. With Optical, there is a natural electrical isolation.

The reason why I got tired of the mini, was the fact it was a chore to get LIVE streaming to it to play. I found workarounds, they did work, but ultimately found it cumbersome, and let it go.
Eventually, I came up with a solution of my own! !
It was the shape of a disused Android phone, no sim card, with a copy of Neutron Media Player installed. Neutron was set as UPNP receiver, connected to my DAC using USB.
On the Neutron, I setup my room EQ settings (very good on Neutron).
Then from a laptop or another phone, I would stream to the Neutron receiver, without much hassle.
Jriver on my laptop, another Neutron on my phone, even UAPP worked seamlessly.
I even could LIVE stream using Stream what you hear. With it, I could stream from any streaming services playing on the laptop or phone.
Problem was solved! I even got a powerful DSP thrown in for free.
To see a post of mine last year go here.
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Feb 1, 2024 at 7:01 AM Post #22,359 of 22,645

Since the Plus is Roon ready, then you are totally justified. With all streaming services, and their apps being so restrictive, a software like Roon, make the whole sh**show a bit more user-friendly. But the cost of Roon has kept me away, also its lack of folder play is a no-go for me anyway.

No, none. up to 192, it is bit perfect. With Optical, there is a natural electrical isolation.

Thanks a lot! This helps in reassuring me to go for a WiiM Pro Plus.

I do have Roon, despite its cost; unfortunately I‘m not among the lucky ones who got a lifetime license in its very beginnings … With Roon, IMHO there are two aspects one has to keep one‘s fingers crossed about: Its fate in the hands of Harman (i.e. Samsung), and the developers‘ attitude towards not overdoing features at the expense of introducing too many bugs.
Feb 3, 2024 at 1:31 AM Post #22,362 of 22,645
Question for the fine tuned ears. You know who you are. :) I have a hugo2+2go. I also have shure 846 2nd gen’s and Oppo pm2 planar magnetic. I bought into shure thinking it was going to be a huge step up from my oppos. It was not lol. Anyway I do appreciate the iems as they are convenient to carry. Anyway I’m looking for my next step up. I got three grand saved up and want to hopefully buy my last pair. I know this isn’t end game budgeting but I’m going to be honest here, my oppos are hella great but that’s only cause I haven’t experienced true audiophile headphones probably. Any recommendations? Please keep in mind again hugo2 here. No Maserati level dacs or amps here. Just Hugo2 :)
Feb 3, 2024 at 3:19 AM Post #22,363 of 22,645
Feb 3, 2024 at 3:19 AM Post #22,364 of 22,645
Question for the fine tuned ears. You know who you are. :) I have a hugo2+2go. I also have shure 846 2nd gen’s and Oppo pm2 planar magnetic. I bought into shure thinking it was going to be a huge step up from my oppos. It was not lol. Anyway I do appreciate the iems as they are convenient to carry. Anyway I’m looking for my next step up. I got three grand saved up and want to hopefully buy my last pair. I know this isn’t end game budgeting but I’m going to be honest here, my oppos are hella great but that’s only cause I haven’t experienced true audiophile headphones probably. Any recommendations? Please keep in mind again hugo2 here. No Maserati level dacs or amps here. Just Hugo2 :)
The Sennheiser IE 900 is fantastic with the H2, and a sizeable step up from the SE846 (I have both IEMs). Also have the KSE1200, which is even another step up but in detail, it can come off as a bit sterile with the H2 (I prefer the Mojo 2 with it). Ultimately recommend the IE 900, it pairs superbly with the H2.
Feb 3, 2024 at 3:20 AM Post #22,365 of 22,645
I FINALLY got a Hugo 2. Mind blown. I really love it. I've had a Mojo 2 since it came out, that was my gateway drug into Chord. I love love love the Hugo 2. I've been reading this thread many times to help me go for it so thanks a ton for all the hype. It's well worth it.
Do you consider Hugo 2 a big step forward from Mojo 2, or is it just marginal?

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