Choosing a $60 budget earbuds ( CX 310 vs CKM500 vs ID America Spark )
May 15, 2013 at 4:06 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


New Head-Fier
May 15, 2013
Hi everyone!
I am looking for a good earbud with a budget of $60. I listen to kpop a lot. So you already may know their music is mostly electric-bass based. So I want something more on the bass side.
These 3 earbuds are what I have found so far after checking the multi-IEM review topic and some other sources:
- Sennheiser CX 310
- Audio Technica ATH-CKM500
- ID America Spark
If it's possible, i would like to have some smartphone (android) functionality as well. Also, being stylish is a must.
Btw, I use SkullCandy The Fix at the moment. Is my current earbud compareable to the ones mentioned above?
What do you think?
Thanks in advance

May 15, 2013 at 4:50 AM Post #2 of 12
First off -

In case you haven't found these - other places to ask questions regarding portable gear.

And of course the Multi-IEM thread itself - joker would usually answer questions as it is his review and he has heard these.
You specify bass, style and android functionality - but to what extent? How much would be enough in terms of quantity of bass? Any particular presentation that you might be looking for within the bass? Would you want a tight, punchy experience, or a textured, rumbly experience? Or something in between?
It's hard to specify or narrow something down if there isn't alot of info being laid down in the first place. Not to mention the above (haven't heard the Id though) can still be categorized as being bass-centric. So again, going into detail in this case would be key. 
Regarding style, any benchmarks/references/examples for what you think might be stylish?
Regarding the smartphone functionality - would you simply want a button and a mic, or would you want the full onslaught of playback controls, etc?
I'll give a rec as an example - the E10M. Attach a TRRS adapter and the mic happens to work just fine. It has...colours on it, not sure if that would qualify as being stylish. The sound sig is a general V-shape, a bit of bass and treble emphasis. It digs deep, it's fairly punchy. But again, I wouldn't be sure if that was the presentation that you would prefer.
May 15, 2013 at 5:42 AM Post #3 of 12
Oh I'm so sorry. Actually I did a very quick look at the sticky topics. Didn't see that.
Well, talking about the bass. I really don't know the real difference between the punchy and textured bass. But I think it's definitely not the punchy one. The bass has to be deep and like you can really feel it. lol my english is not good enough to explain. I guess the punchy bass is something very linear? like when you hit something. if yes, then i don't like that.
A song which I can refer to it as a good bass example, is B.A.P's No Mercy
As for the style, I really want something colorful, and with a sleek design. just something with good quality. My SkullCandy Fix is a good example. You know they are many good earbuds reviewed by joker but their design is just so plain. just a black color and nothing... and the shape of bud isn't good.
As far I know, the buds which comes with a 3button option, only work with iDevices. Right? So I guess I can't have volume control over my android device. But Yes, I would like to have a mic and a button as for answering calls.
E10M is ok as for the design.
May 15, 2013 at 5:49 AM Post #4 of 12
I gotta tell ya, that's my least favourite song out of theirs. And I'm not even a BABY.
So you're wanting some rumble - if you don't mind the styling it seems the MH1C might be worth at least a look. The E10Ms have decent rumble but the Sonys are lusher and thicker, definitely more texture. Also has the mic, but again, the styling will likely not be to your liking.
But for some reassurance, will say that the E10s extend well enough, and they have plenty of texture. But it's just that punch is slightly more emphasized withing the presentation. 
May 15, 2013 at 6:25 AM Post #5 of 12
lol actually I'm a big B.A.P fan

Why no comments on the buds i mentioned? I saw in joker's topic that he gave 1 or 2 of them more score than the E10M. Doesn't that mean the sound is better ? Or maybe they don't fit my description?
I'm fine with E10M, but I am not sure if I am spending enough for a good upgrade over my SkullCandy buds. Do you think there is a even more better option if I extend my budget to $99 ? this time more on the design & build with the same sound quality of E10M (or maybe better?)
EDIT: I found this Velodyne vPulse. what do u think?
May 15, 2013 at 11:29 PM Post #6 of 12
Lol, everyone's talking about the point system today - 
Not exactly sure why people are holding so much credence over the point system - an arbitrary point or two given over something else really dictates it being unequivocally better? People really fail to take into account personal preference, etc. 

I remember now that the CKM500s do have a mic edition - that was the primary reason I had ignored them. Otherwise they're very much detailed but the treble can be a bit splashy and not as smooth as the E10s (and the E10s aren't even all that smooth). Right, if the smartphone thing is not mandatory, the CKS99 or the CKN70s might also do quite well in this case. 
May 16, 2013 at 7:56 AM Post #7 of 12
I thought you guys use joker's topic as a main reference. sorry about that.
I really trust you with everything you say, but I don't like the design of CKS99 or CKN70. I know they might sound the best, but their looks are so cheap.
You didn't say anything about Velodyne vPulse. I read many good reviews about it. But unfortunately after checking Amazon I noticed there is no international shipping for that.
Looked around a bit and bumped into Monster Turbine. From joker's review:
the bass – it is deep, smooth, and textured

The design isn't much appealing. But I guess it's the best alternative to the vPulse with the same sound and price. Added it to my cart, but still waiting for your confirmation.

May 17, 2013 at 12:06 AM Post #8 of 12
The Turbines are smooth and textured, usually very nice. But unless you found them at around ~70-80 like they usually go for around sales and such, I'd be a bit hesitant.
May 17, 2013 at 2:09 AM Post #9 of 12
The Turbines are smooth and textured, usually very nice. But unless you found them at around ~70-80 like they usually go for around sales and such, I'd be a bit hesitant.

Is that smooth and textured just in the bottom end or through the whole range?  If you had to compare them to something what would that be?
May 17, 2013 at 2:26 AM Post #10 of 12
Is that smooth and textured just in the bottom end or through the whole range?  If you had to compare them to something what would that be?

I have some notes that I took when I owned them here that says 300Hz-1500Hz is the thickest part, generally corresponds well to memory . So mid-bass to mids. Upper mids aren't really worth mentioning. It loses a bit of the thickness (which contributes to the texture) but retains smoothness through most of the range. Again, thickness in this case really corresponds to texture - I'm not really trying to generalize.
The only thing that comes to mind that has a really similar presentation would be the MTPG/MTPC. Seems like a cop-out but really, the mixed-together, integrative presentation of tracks is really quite unique. If you put a gun to my head maybe I'd concede that some sort of weird amalgamation of the Dunu Ares, Eterna, and CX300s, but with a lusher note, would be similar as well. If the SE215 had their mids brought up, held longer decay, and the transients were dulled down to the point where tracks are still very discernible, that would be a noteworthy comparison as well. 
May 17, 2013 at 2:32 AM Post #11 of 12
I have some notes that I took when I owned them here that says 300Hz-1500Hz is the thickest part, generally corresponds well to memory . So mid-bass to mids. Upper mids aren't really worth mentioning. It loses a bit of the thickness (which contributes to the texture) but retains smoothness through most of the range. Again, thickness in this case really corresponds to texture - I'm not really trying to generalize.
The only thing that comes to mind that has a really similar presentation would be the MTPG/MTPC. Seems like a cop-out but really, the mixed-together, integrative presentation of tracks is really quite unique. If you put a gun to my head maybe I'd concede that some sort of weird amalgamation of the Dunu Ares, Eterna, and CX300s, but with a lusher note, would be similar as well. If the SE215 had their mids brought up, held longer decay, and the transients were dulled down to the point where tracks are still very discernible, that would be a noteworthy comparison as well. 

Hmmm. I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a pair for 50 bucks. Now I'm curious.
I need another in ear like I need smallpox

May 17, 2013 at 3:10 AM Post #12 of 12
The Turbines are smooth and textured, usually very nice. But unless you found them at around ~70-80 like they usually go for around sales and such, I'd be a bit hesitant.

Found them on Amazon for $99. (without talk control). The one with mic was about $144 and I read somewhere it isn't compatible with android.
Well I placed my order. And I really hope I am doing an upgrade over my $30 skullcandy fix.
Anyways, thank you so much TwinQy. You really did put me in the right boat.

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