100+ Head-Fier
How are you doing today ?
I sincerely apologize but after seeing the pictures that are POSTED by one of your recent clients that bought the same item that I just bought I have no choice but to CANCEL my ORDER Immediately due to the extremely POOR workmanship and extremely dangerous electrical wiring job or lack of it and the safety problems that are just waiting to take you to court !
I really wanted to buy your cable and repeat often but there is no way I can do that !
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/PS-...876.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.703c4c4dxrCdpQ :Look at the PICTURES of the cord and I have a family !
AND I USE 240 VOLTS ! Although I have been told that it's better to get fried by 220v than 110v because 110v grabs you and will not let you go but 220v tosses you about 15ft. !
I sincerely apologize but after seeing the pictures that are POSTED by one of your recent clients that bought the same item that I just bought I have no choice but to CANCEL my ORDER Immediately due to the extremely POOR workmanship and extremely dangerous electrical wiring job or lack of it and the safety problems that are just waiting to take you to court !
I really wanted to buy your cable and repeat often but there is no way I can do that !
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/PS-...876.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.703c4c4dxrCdpQ :Look at the PICTURES of the cord and I have a family !