Casino Royale
Nov 17, 2006 at 8:44 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 101


500+ Head-Fier
Apr 19, 2005
Well, just got back from watching the premier of Casino Royale. I would have to say that this movie is quite good in my opinion. Daniel Craig does a great job as Bond and I definitely consider him one of the better men to play the role. Eva Green is also stunningly gorgeous as Vesper Lynd. Without getting into any spoilers, it's good to see the (albeit brief) return of the Aston Martin's! Anyways, I am off to bed, but feel free to comment on the movie here (and let's try to avoid spoilers for the folks who haven't seen it!).

Nov 17, 2006 at 8:54 AM Post #2 of 101
midnite screening?

i wanna see this movie, but i'm backlogged in a list of other movies to see as well (borat, shut up and sing, death of a president, inconvenient truth...). plus i'd like to see how mr. "blonde" favours as Bond.

oh and that Eva hot!!
Nov 17, 2006 at 10:04 AM Post #3 of 101
I really liked it. Much better than any of the recent Bond movies.

The good:

Daniel Craig: I was skeptical coming into the movie. I left convinced that they picked the right guy to play Bond in a reset storyline. He doesn't have the traditional Bond looks, but has the right demeanor and an appropriate build.

Eva Green:

Nice adaptation from the book, with good modernization work. The absurdities from the Brosnan Bond movies have been minimized. There is some incongruity with the Cold War to modern day transition though. If Bond's start as a double-oh agent were in the final days of the Cold War, he be an experienced agent by the in the movie. He clearly wasn't. Inside Man was far worse at this though.


Gadgets: No funky gadgets this time. Wouldn't make much sense in the storyline, but there's something odd about a Bond without gadgets.

The bad:

Overcommercialization: Yes, I know Bond likes Sony gear. I don't need a clear logo shot every 30 seconds. Also, I don't need to be reminded that Ford paid for car advert rights throughout the movie.

Gun handling: Atrocious. Craig's Bond runs around with his finger on the trigger pretty much 100% of the time. Even when dropping the slide on a fresh magazine. There was also one absurdly long reload during a fight scene. I really expect better from a world class assassin, and this sort if thing is really easy to fix. There's also the usual complaint about clacking guns and odd sounds emanating from silencers, but I suspect those will never be fixed. And even though it was promised, no PPK appearance either. On the plus side, Bond never uses a holster. (Sidenote: Really, even the PPK would have been out of place. He should have had a Beretta 418 (or it's successor, the Jetfire) like he had in the original book.)
Nov 17, 2006 at 10:27 AM Post #4 of 101
Sounds good, can't wait til it comes out over here!
Nov 17, 2006 at 3:28 PM Post #6 of 101

Originally Posted by marvin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I really liked it. Much better than any of the recent Bond movies.

The good:

Daniel Craig: I was skeptical coming into the movie. I left convinced that they picked the right guy to play Bond in a reset storyline. He doesn't have the traditional Bond looks, but has the right demeanor and an appropriate build.

Eva Green:

Nice adaptation from the book, with good modernization work. The absurdities from the Brosnan Bond movies have been minimized. There is some incongruity with the Cold War to modern day transition though. If Bond's start as a double-oh agent were in the final days of the Cold War, he be an experienced agent by the in the movie. He clearly wasn't. Inside Man was far worse at this though.


Gadgets: No funky gadgets this time. Wouldn't make much sense in the storyline, but there's something odd about a Bond without gadgets.

The bad:

Overcommercialization: Yes, I know Bond likes Sony gear. I don't need a clear logo shot every 30 seconds. Also, I don't need to be reminded that Ford paid for car advert rights throughout the movie.

Gun handling: Atrocious. Craig's Bond runs around with his finger on the trigger pretty much 100% of the time. Even when dropping the slide on a fresh magazine. There was also one absurdly long reload during a fight scene. I really expect better from a world class assassin, and this sort if thing is really easy to fix. There's also the usual complaint about clacking guns and odd sounds emanating from silencers, but I suspect those will never be fixed. And even though it was promised, no PPK appearance either. On the plus side, Bond never uses a holster. (Sidenote: Really, even the PPK would have been out of place. He should have had a Beretta 418 (or it's successor, the Jetfire) like he had in the original book.)

I one of the guys that really liked Brosnan as Bond, can you comment on the continuation (if any) of the cheesy sexual one liner innuendos? I rather enjoyed those in the recent Bond movies... a little comic relief. Also IIRC the Brosnan Bond gave up the PPK for a Baby Eagle didn't he?

The trailer looks good but I'm still having a hard time accepting the new James Blonde... he just doesn't look the part. It's getting good reviews and the wife want's to check it out so I imagine we'll get to it over the next couple weeks... although Déjà vu is slightly higher on my list of movies to see.
Nov 17, 2006 at 3:37 PM Post #7 of 101

Originally Posted by wakeride74 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I one of the guys that really liked Brosnan as Bond, can you comment on the continuation (if any) of the cheesy sexual one liner innuendos? I rather enjoyed those in the recent Bond movies... a little comic relief. Also IIRC the Brosnan Bond gave up the PPK for a Baby Eagle didn't he?

The trailer looks good but I'm still having a hard time accepting the new James Blonde... he just doesn't look the part. It's getting good reviews and the wife want's to check it out so I imagine we'll get to it over the next couple weeks... although Déjà vu is slightly higher on my list of movies to see.

what abt the sex scenes? which bond get to grope more gals?
Nov 17, 2006 at 3:53 PM Post #9 of 101

Originally Posted by Konig /img/forum/go_quote.gif
what abt the sex scenes? which bond get to grope more gals?

No man, the little one liners like: Bond to Christmas "and I thought Christmans only came once a year" and Verity: "I see you handle your weapon well." James Bond: "I have been known to keep my tip up." after a sword fight. Stuff like that.
Nov 17, 2006 at 4:24 PM Post #11 of 101
Yes, I went to go see the midnight screening, though it wasn't the original plan (we were trying to go see Happy Feet (I had just gotten out of the theater after a show and many of the girls wanted desperately to see that...), but we were dismayed to find out that didn't come out till tomorrow). As far as cheesy sexual one liners, they still exist, and lots of them too! Funny at times, but at times, it almost seemed too far fetched from reality (as if I'm actually complaining about a movie being far fetched!), and this Bond gets to grope two rather attractive gals. He uses a P99 through this movie if I recall, so at least he still holds onto the Walther heritage. I too was skeptical of this James Blonde, but he really does a fantastic job. Craig is able to portray a depth of emotion in him, and this isn't the Bond that sees women as "disposable objects" for the most part.

Nov 17, 2006 at 6:08 PM Post #12 of 101

Originally Posted by wakeride74 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I one of the guys that really liked Brosnan as Bond, can you comment on the continuation (if any) of the cheesy sexual one liner innuendos? I rather enjoyed those in the recent Bond movies... a little comic relief. Also IIRC the Brosnan Bond gave up the PPK for a Baby Eagle didn't he?

The trailer looks good but I'm still having a hard time accepting the new James Blonde... he just doesn't look the part. It's getting good reviews and the wife want's to check it out so I imagine we'll get to it over the next couple weeks... although Déjà vu is slightly higher on my list of movies to see.

Innuendo one liners are still intact. Losing those would have pushed the movie towards being too "dark".

In the Bond mythos, Bond originally had a Beretta 418, a .25 ACP pocket gun. He gave that up for a PPK in .32 ACP as MI-6 thought it wasn't enough gun. In real life, a gun nut fan, Boothroyd, wrote in an complained that the Beretta was a lady's gun. He wanted Bond to carry a hammerless S&W Airweight, they compromised on the PPK.

Brosnan's Bond later gave up his PPK for a Walther P99, presumably in 9 mm, in Tomorrow Never Dies.

As for the movie, they botched the return of the Walther PPK by accidentally bringing a Walther PP to the set. Oops. Bond gets the PP when he enters the casino.
Nov 17, 2006 at 6:30 PM Post #13 of 101
It must have been that triangular shaped barrel that had me thinking it was a Baby Eagle.


Baby Eagle

Nov 17, 2006 at 6:43 PM Post #14 of 101

Originally Posted by wakeride74 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The trailer looks good but I'm still having a hard time accepting the new James Blonde... he just doesn't look the part.

I've read that Ian Fleming pictured Bond as looking like Hoagie Carmichael (songster/composer, mid-20th century...). Whaddya think? --


Nov 18, 2006 at 12:28 AM Post #15 of 101
If Fleming had him looking like Hoagy Carmichael it's not an exact match, but the board does not reset -- it's not a bad parallel.

Is this dapper enough? --

Young Hoagy --

...very 40s...


even middle-aged, pretty hip:




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