CanJam Shanghai 2024 Impressions Thread
Jun 11, 2024 at 6:35 AM Post #76 of 115
Was it confirmed that the Fugaku actually made a show in CJSh or was it just assumed it'll be there? I'm asking a genuine question here. Not making a challenging statement.
My understanding is that the Fugaku was delayed and did not make it for CanJam Shanghai. I'll stand corrected if anyone reports otherwise.
Jun 11, 2024 at 6:49 AM Post #77 of 115
Kind of confusing impressions of the Susvara Unveiled as some say it has more warmth and weight compared to the OG while others feel the Unveiled is thinner and brighter sounding.
Jun 11, 2024 at 9:33 AM Post #79 of 115
Applying for a tourist visa with a US Passport puts off a lot of folks I think at least to me
I got in via the 72/144 hour visa free program. That though has its own set of complications as you must have a ticket to another region, and you can only stay in the area you arrived.
Jun 11, 2024 at 9:39 AM Post #80 of 115
Thanks for those who posted.
I’m curious as to why there wasn’t anyone who stopped by to hear the Fugaku and said a few words here. Anything. Like “that’s nice” or “it’s a scam”. Anything…
I guess I’ll have to tune in for the USA demo.
I inquired, and was told a demo version was not available as yet. Don't think it was anywhere at the show.
Kind of confusing impressions of the Susvara Unveiled as some say it has more warmth and weight compared to the OG while others feel the Unveiled is thinner and brighter sounding.
You're always gonna get this, and reinforces the need to have measured expectations from Can Jam impressions. I was intrigued enough to perhaps hop on the pre-order bandwagon and see whether my initial impressions stand up.
Jun 11, 2024 at 11:28 AM Post #81 of 115
Looks like we will not have the pleasure to read any listennig report about the NEW …. 18.000 $ (!!!) Brise Audio FUGAKU. :slight_frown:

FUGAKU Brise audio.png


Jun 11, 2024 at 4:09 PM Post #83 of 115
How do they end up pricing the Fukagu anyway? For that price you’d think the DAP they are using is made of solid 24K gold and the cables are made from platinum.
Jun 11, 2024 at 4:36 PM Post #84 of 115
How do they end up pricing the Fukagu anyway? For that price you’d think the DAP they are using is made of solid 24K gold and the cables are made from platinum.
Used Adamamtium directly from Wolverine's body
Jun 12, 2024 at 10:58 AM Post #85 of 115
Day 2 Impressions from Canjam Shanghai

Shows aren't the best place to judge open-back headphones. Noisy show environment can really skew impressions and you tend to listen louder and sometimes to unfamilar songs. So again please keep in mind that the impressions are meant to be preliminary.

On the second day, I revisited the Susvara Unveiled for a deeper dive. My initial thoughts hold up: the Susvara Unveiled brings a fresh twist on the classic Susvara sound. It retains a well-balanced and smooth profile, but injects more sharpness and immediacy into the mix. Bass is nimbler but slightly leaner, similar to the change from Arya Stealth to Arya Organic. The mids have traded some warmth and body for an increase in clarity and forwardness, while still sounding smooth. In comparison, the OG Susvara has a more 'traditional' tuning with fuller fundamentals and more relaxed upper mids and highs. One thing to mention: the EF1000 DAC seems quite coloured, as the Susvara sounded different at the show compared to mine at home, though factors like unit variation, usage and pad wear might also play a role.

I also spent some time with the Mini Shangri-La. It impressed me with its airy presentation that didn’t veer into excessive sibilance, solid stage presence, and good dynamics for an estat. The launching price of 7500 RMB seems reasonable. I'd probably take it over the Stax L300 Limited.

Empyrean 2: This one’s a standout. It sheds the mellow character of the Empyrean/Elite series for a more balanced bass and mids, yet retains enough punch. Treble clarity is up a notch, potentially sibilant on brighter tracks but a solid improvement over the OG. It lacks the extravagant airiness of the Elite, though, which could be a welcomed change or not depending on your preference. I didn't feel massive difference for stage width, but the sense of depth has seen significant improvements. These all make it a strong contender in the market. Curious to see how it’d fare with Elite pads swapped in, and how the Elites would sound with the Empy2 duo pads.

Focal Hardenys: These are very well tuned with a notable bass boost. Unlike the larger Focals from before, which tend to have a more linear bass response, the Hardenys lean into a more pronounced upper bass punch, adding warmth without muddying the overall sound. The mids are forward and articulate, reminiscent of the HD600/6XX. Soundstage isn’t anything to write home about but it’s not claustrophobic. I tried to see if there's enough air and transparency in the upper treble but was somewhat thwarted by the noise around, forcing me to crank up the volume more than I usually would at home. So, while it didn’t come across as dull, take my impressions with a grain of salt.

Erzetich Charybdis: Quite the peculiar set. Think of a cross between the Abyss 1266 stage and Audeze LCD3 vocals with a polish that’s even more pronounced than typical Audezes. The bass is tight, highs are more controlled than the 1266, resulting in a heavily coloured though potentially enjoyable sound signature. Its stage presentation feels massive yet oddly 'zoomed out'. At 740 grams and with its niche appeal, it might not be for everyone.

I also tested the DUNU planar overear and the T+A stuff but couldn’t get a good feel without my own tracks or familiar songs, so I’m holding off on forming a solid opinion.

Finally, big thanks to Headfi and the organisers for another great show. Had a great chat with Brian who hinted at next year's China Canjam possibly being in Shanghai or Shenzhen, which is exciting for the local scene. It’s a shame Australia hasn’t caught up yet, but we can hope! The venue's proximity to the vibrant streets of Shanghai meant plenty of excellent dining and chilling spots. Nearly overindulged in street food and beer!
Are you sure you listened to the Susvara unveiled !?! your impressions are the opposite of most who have auditioned them in some capacity.
Jun 12, 2024 at 11:57 AM Post #86 of 115
Are you sure you listened to the Susvara unveiled !?! your impressions are the opposite of most who have auditioned them in some capacity.
I trust @HONEYBOY , he's part of the Head-Fi Elite and has tons of experience with Summit-Fi.

Also, from what I've heard from someone I also trust is that it's more dynamic, and FR slightly more up front in the upper mid/ low treble but the sub bass is also more prominent vs midbass, so it punches more in general. I think this is why the impressions are variable because it's both "clearer" sounding and also "punchier" though it could tilt both warmer and more forward that Susvara Unveiled based on music pairing.

Ultimately, can't wait to get mine!
Audio-Technica Stay updated on Audio-Technica at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jun 12, 2024 at 11:58 AM Post #87 of 115
Is Shanghai show basically a mid-fi and IEM show? Didn't see any worthwhile setup. Kind of disappointed TBH.
Jun 12, 2024 at 12:00 PM Post #88 of 115
Is Shanghai show basically a mid-fi and IEM show? Didn't see any worthwhile setup. Kind of disappointed TBH.

I think in Asia, social media meetups is where you'll find the exotic stuff instead of head-fi
Jun 12, 2024 at 12:02 PM Post #89 of 115
Ok, pictures, sorry! Had my camera with to shoot video and was just not in the mood today.
Been an age since the last CanJam, I could only go today (Sunday) and it was quieter than I had expected - but in previous years I was there on the first or second day, so maybe that accounts for some of it.

Second apology - I didn't listen to much of what I suspect you all will be wanting reports on. Three people ahead of me at the Sus Unveiled and when I checked back later, it was the same story so didn't hear them. Hope my impressions below will be of use to someone, however.

For the record, I listen to Nighthawks at work, Ananda at home (and for mixing), OG Mest and InEar Prophiles. Portable DAP is iBasso DX220 with Amp 8.

Fiio K11 R2R DAC/AMP and Fiio FT1
FT1 is an as yet unreleased closed back headphone with wooden cups. I loved them. Not a closed back sound at all. Very spacious, nice quality bass, good definition up top. Then I found out that each one of these is selling for around 1000RMB (you can convert to your own currency). That means 2000RMB (or a touch less) for a really beautiful sounding desktop kit. Very impressed with both.

Also heard the PREPOSTEROUS JT1. 400RMB (!!!!) Open or Semi-Open headphones. Build quality is not awesome, they feel like their price. But wow, they do not sound like it. Lovely sound from these. Very impressed. They're not going to stand up to much travelling but if you have off-spring and want to get them onto the good stuff, this is a great place to start. Or nieces or nephews. I don't know how they do it for the money.

Next I got stuck at Letshuoer but I'll save them till the end.

Unique Melody Mentor, Mest III and bluetooth earbuds
Wasn't going to pass up the chance to hear the mentor. Wow. Just, a perfect earphone. Though to be fair, it was not the only one. But a sublime set and while they are out of my price range, I can certainly see why someone with the cash would go for these. Wide, airy, textured, everything.

Mest III - nice, but I didn't prefer it to my OG (though the fit was a considerable improvement)
UM Bluetooth Earbuds - U-Free? I think. First set were super quiet, second set better. Actually, a great reproduction through these, I liked them a lot. ANC is a non-starter though. I didn't spend much time with them, but I liked what I heard. Difficult sell without the decent ANC of the leaders though.

Elysian and Effect Audio
Elysian Diva - lovely set but...and you're going to get this a bit from now on. One gets to a certain spot in this market where everything is excellent but nothing is remarkable in its tier. And that's where these are. Beautiful quality to the sound, quite open staging, everything as it should be. Didn't really do anything to make me want it over any of the other upper-level IEMs. That's not to say you shouldn't check them out. Just that there are a lot of IEMs offering a similar experience.

Elysian Pilgrim Noir (with Effect Audio) - ok, so these are somewhat in the same spot, but perhaps a little less warm (not cold, just slightly less warm) and a touch more definition in the upper register. And, very strangely, it seems like they are half the price. Now THESE, I would jump at (if I didn't already have what I have). Comfortable too.

Spirit - Valkyria and IEM Twin Pulse
Didn't get to hear their over-ear headphones, but did listen to their IEMs. Twin beryllium drivers. Bullet style (kind of). Around $1000.
Now THESE did something special in their price range. Presentation of music was like floating in a cloud of sound. Staging was spacious in all directions, imaging was precise, transients for DAYS. Fantastic feel to the bass and wonderful technicalities. I really loved these. I think the price is more than fair. Also, this was the first time I've heard beryllium drivers and actually liked them. Wonderful earphones, absolutely worth a listen if you ever get the chance. I remain unconvinced about one particular design choice, however - the spikey gear wheel at the end of them. That aside, these were one of the high-points in a very impressive couple of hours.

If I listened to anything else, it didn't stick with me. (I did listen to the Focals, the two new ones. Didn't make an impression I'm afraid) In which case....

Ok, this table was my winner for the day. And while one could argue, I guess, that the Pilgrim and the Spirit IEM were technically "better", Letshuoer was the table I returned to for a second listen, after spending a good thirty minutes there at the start.

Finally got to listen to this - a famous IEM for those seeking soundstage. It did not disappoint. Everything else as it should be, plus wonderful staging. Loved them.

S08 - as yet unreleased, coming this month I think. Wonderfully expansive stage. Very decent imaging. Great representation of all frequencies. Somewhere between a touch laid back and a touch technical. I just felt that these IEMs really got it right. I was smitten, to be honest. I spent most time listening to them. I don't know if they're single DD or BA or what. But I loved them. And then I discover that they will sell for $100 which is just insane. Pick them up when they come out. Just grab a pair. I have no idea how they created such a wonderful set for such a low price. No, they're not PERFECT and no, they're not quite as transcendent as the Spirits. But damn, they were lovely. Less than a 10th of the price of my usual gear.

Cadenza 4 - much more technical, a touch sharp up top but not too bad. Very very capable. Again, a ridiculous price for what they offer. I enjoyed them.

S15 - Planar Magnetics, I think. Lovely, sweet, laid back sound which does not sacrifice detail or clarity. They're like a warm blanket of sound. But again, I stress, they do not miss upper end detail. Nor are they bloated. A gorgeous experience. Well worth a listen. And again, I think the price is beyond competitive for what they offer.

Rondo 8 - as yet unreleased. God knows how many BAs. Technically very proficient - a great set for music analysts. But still musical and still a very enjoyable listen. No idea of pricing. Very impressive though.

I do not need more IEMs at all but would happily pick up the S15 and the S08 from Letshuoer just to have them in my collection and be able to listen to them. Actually, I would do the same with the Fiio DAC Amp and those closed backs.

And I think that was about it. Finally got to listen to the Sennheiser 800S.

Great to see so many vendors there, and wonderful to have the chance to listen to such varied gear. I know there are a lot of big names I didn't check out, but I really enjoyed what I listened to. Thanks to all who organised this. Hope the attendee numbers were good enough to encourage you to do it again next year. Has it been four years since the last one? Damn! A lot has changed.....
Nice info, on the front page picture, what are those half translucent IEM?
Jun 12, 2024 at 12:04 PM Post #90 of 115
I trust @HONEYBOY , he's part of the Head-Fi Elite and has tons of experience with Summit-Fi.

Also, from what I've heard from someone I also trust is that it's more dynamic, and FR slightly more up front in the upper mid/ low treble but the sub bass is also more prominent vs midbass, so it punches more in general. I think this is why the impressions are variable because it's both "clearer" sounding and also "punchier" though it could tilt both warmer and more forward that Susvara Unveiled based on music pairing.

Ultimately, can't wait to get mine!

Literally describing the Arya Organic to me but in Susvara's technicialities

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