CanJam at RMAF 2010
Oct 17, 2010 at 12:55 AM Post #76 of 80
Larry - Many thanks for the great reporting on behalf of all for those who could not make it to RMAF.
Did I understand that you found the HE6 sound signature to be best so far with the ZDT (of all the amps that you tried so far at RMAF)?
Or is the preference for the HE6 /ZDT match more a matter of the volume level?
Also, would be interested in your opinion of how the HE 5LE, driven by the EF6 prototype, compares to the HE5 LE driven by the EF5. 
Oct 17, 2010 at 1:51 AM Post #77 of 80
Larry, your depth of perception is incredible and this community is lucky to have you reviewing gear! Thanks to your feedback we will raise the gain a couple of dB on the DACmini. Thanks for spending the time at the booth!

My pleasure.  I know I said previously, "Saturday I'm hoping to see how the DACmini amp sounds using the HDP as the DAC, and also how the HDP amp sounds feeding it from the DACmini's DAC. "  But RMAF was just too busy to find the time to do more of those experiments today.  If we have time Sunday maybe we can try that then, or at a later date.  I'll be sure to stop by with my custom IEM Sunday to listen to those on the DACmini before the day is over.
I stopped by the Head-Direct table again, and listened to the HE-6 on the current EF5 hybrid amp, and I was very happy with the sound.  The new HE-6 really is easier to drive, and while I was using my own EF5 with the original prototype at a volume setting of 2-3 o'clock during my time with them, at RMAF I was listening to the production HE-6 with the volume at 10:30 - 11:00 (both set for high gain).  Normal listening volume with the HE-5 LE and EF5 amp was with the volume at about 9:30.  The EF5 can drive either phone at extremely loud volumes.
I listened to the HE-6 with the EF6 prototype amp again, and with a different source and music it would actually play quite loudly.  It a very neutral sounding amp, but I still thought it could stand to be a little warmer and "tubey" sounding like the EF5.  Detail does seem to be a step above the EF5 though.  The EF6 is a prototype and not final, and Fang feels that those sort of issues will improve as the internal caps and transformer are upgraded for the final version.  So now I'm not so sure that the EF6 needs more power after all.
I spent some time with the ALO Audio and Moon Audio cables for the LCD-2 today, on a variety of rigs including my ZDT amp, Protector, and new RSA SR-71b balanced amp, and I was pleased with all of them.  There is a subtle improvement in micro-detail and air with all of them, which makes listening to the LCD-2 a more complete experience without a sense of slight darkness to the sound.  I may have a slight preference for the 8 wire ALO cable's sound over the ALO 4-wire, but the Moon Audio Silver Dragon with mini-XLR connector and multiple adapters (for 4-pin XLR, Protector, single ended, etc) seems very versatile, and the cable was small and light and portable.  I could see myself getting one with all the adapters because it's neat, but I have to decide if I really want to use them with anything but a desktop amp.  I can't compare the Moon Audio cable to the ALO because I heard them all in different rigs at different times.
I was pleasantly surprised by the Grado PS-1000 and Silver Dragon Cable off the Cary CAD 300SEI amp at the Moon Audio table, which turns out to be Drew's personal rig.  It sounded much more refined, spacious and capable than when I heard the stock PS-1000 off the TTVJ 307A hyrbid amp at CanJam 2009.  Previously I felt the PS-1000 sounded a little grainy or harsh.  My opinion of the PS-1000 has improved, especially since the re-cabled LCD-2 did not sound as good off that same source and amp.
I also tried the HD800 with a bunch of amps.  I'm one of those people that likes a wide variety of gear, from budget to high-end, and if I write that something "sounds nice" as my first impression from a brief listen, it shouldn't be construed as a full review or endorsement (unless I call it a review).  So, I don't have a fully formed opinion about this stuff yet yet.  Regardless, it seems there are a lot of rigs that are a good match with the HD800 these days.  The Blossom Blo-0299 solid state balanced amp with HD800 and Black Dragon cable was another nice surprise, and I thought it sounded very well balanced, powerful and spacious.  It's size and features make me miss my SP Square Wave amp.  I had a similar experience with the Headroom Balanced Ultra Desktop Amp with Cardas cable, and liked what I heard.  I listened to the Schiit Valhalla with the stock HD800 at the Sennheiser booth, and the amp is definitely capable and nice with more than enough power for them.  The Schitt also sounded nice with my APS V3 cabled HD600 and the new HD598, but I still don't like the HD650.  The new HD598 is more of a fun sounding headphone, with warm strong bass and better sparkle than the HD650, although less transparency than the HD600/800.  I didn't listen to these rigs nearly as long as Asr did, and maybe he'll chime in with his impressions later.
I went to the JH Audio booth and listened to the JH16 demo unit for the first time, and I was expecting overdone bass in comparison to my JH13Pro, but I really liked the sound of the demo JH16 (using iPad > Protector with balanced TWag cable).  I compared my JH13Pro with the same amp and cable, and felt the JH16Pro had a better sense of focus on the bass, and that bass notes were coming from real instruments.  Sometimes (not always) with my JH13Pro the deep 40-50Hz bass seems like it's coming from nowhere in particular and from everywhere around me at the same time.  With the JH16Pro demos the bass in the 20-100Hz region seemed fuller and better connected to the instruments.  However, I also felt the mids were just a little fuller than with my JH13Pro.  Jerry said that might be due to the 3-bore sound-tube reinforcing the mids better in my ears.  At this point I am no longer averse to owning the JH16Pro, and should finances allow I might get one.  However, I really wanted to hear the JH3A, but it wasn't able to be demo'd this time around.  I spoke to Jerry about someday having my JH13Pro upgraded for the JH3A, but he felt the JH16 made a better foundation for the JH3A to drive.
I also listened to the UE18pro demos, and I liked what I heard.  Their bass was strong but not boosted in the mid-bass like my UE11Pro.  Mids were also fuller than with my UE11Pro.  I felt the highs had a slight roll-off in the very top highs vs the JH16Pro demo or my ES5 and JH13Pro.  But it wasn't really lacking in the highs at all and not dark, just slightly restrained sounding up there.  I don't know how well this would translate to a full fitted custom IEM shell, but even the way that they sounded would be okay with me.  It looks like JHA and UE have both upped the ante with their latest customs, as has Westone with the ES5.
I listened to the Rethm amps again, and I much prefer the one we heard last year at RMAF over the new amp prototype.  The older amp is a transformer coupled tube amp, and the new one is a hybrid if I recall correctly.  George said the new amp prototype is still going to undergo a number of refinements.  So, we'll have to see how it sounds next time.  As for the original one, I only heard it with the LCD-2 and wasn't inspired to buy one - although it's not a bad amp it just didn't excite me.
Lastly, I spend a bit of time listening to the Lavry DA11 as a DAC/headphone amp, to play with the PIC crossfeed/expansion controls, and I really enjoyed it's functionality.  I put on a Sarah Vaughn album with some extreme split in the instruments, where a guitar or string bass was way off to one side or the other, and the DA11 would allow me to pull in the just one side of the soundstage or the other or both, in order to balance the soundstage better.  It did this without dimming the highs like other crossfeeds that I've heard, including the Headroom Micro Amp and Meier Headfive or 3MOVE.  The XM5 amp that I own has more of a variable channel blend/mix knob and doesn't affect the highs, but it also only narrows the soundstage instead of bringing the far off instruments more to center, and like the XM5 crossfeed the least of all of them.  The Lavry is simply the best I've tried for this.  Previously I compared plaidplatypus's DA10 to my Apogee mini-DAC and liked the Lavry more as both a DAC > Woo GES and as a headphone amp.  The DA11 is really cool and would be fun to own just for the PIC.
The Lavry worked well with the high impedance HD600 and my low impedance Westone ES5, with no imbalance at the lowest setting of 1 on the digital volume attenuator.  I never had to get close to max to play the HD600 quite loud, and the ES5 would typically require the volume to be dropped in half for the same levels.  I didn't notice any hiss at zero volume with the ES5, but the room was quite noisy and I was distracted, so I can't promise it's silent.  They were initially worried about me trying the IEM with it, so I assume they don't have many people using it that way.  I personally thought it sounded much better with my ES5 than with their HD600, while they said they had high impedance phones in mind.  I also liked how although it has balanced XLR output only, you can use a simple XLR > RCA adapter and set the DA11 software to ground out one of the pins for a proper +/Gnd operation instead of +/- mode.  They also offer an adapter to allow connecting a second coax device to the XLR digital input, with a total of 4 iputs (USB, Optical, Coax, and AES/BDU I think it's called).
Unfortunately the cost is 2x the DACmini, and 3x the HDP.  I don't know how it compares to other $1500 DAC/amps, but I do know that I paid $975 for a used Apogee mini-DAC with optional USB input card and Sigma 11 PSU and the older DA10 outperformed it nicely.  I'd like to spend more time with the DA11 in the future, and give it a more in depth listen to see how I like it past 1st impressions.  I could see myself owning one in place of the Apogee someday, but I drive several balanced and single ended amps with the lone Apogee DAC, not all of which have loop-out for the signal (in order to daisy chain amps if I used a DAC with only one set of outputs).  I mentioned to Lavry that it would be nice if they squeezed in a small 1/8" single ended output like the Apogee, since the back panel is too full to add an RCA output.  I wasn't sure if they thought it was a priority enough to consider the change, and they suggested that the front panel headphone out jack would actually drive amps quite well.  I happen to have a short ALO 1/4" > RCA jack cable that does that job quite well with my CEntrance DACport, but I wouldn't want that cluttering up the front panel on a daily basis, so a switch-box might be a better solution for multiple amps.
Oh, I do want to thank Westone for the live musical performances which you have to plug yours or their IEM into the sound board to hear the music.  The electronic drums are kinda cool, hearing the sticks hit the rubber pads that don't sound like drums, and then hearing the electronic drums through earphones was kinda neat.  I can't think of anything else that I heard or listened to that I could comment on right now.  I'd really like to go out and see the rest of RMAF on Sunday, except for trying the custom IEM on the DACmini I might just do that.  
Oct 17, 2010 at 2:06 AM Post #78 of 80

Larry - Many thanks for the great reporting on behalf of all for those who could not make it to RMAF.
Did I understand that you found the HE6 sound signature to be best so far with the ZDT (of all the amps that you tried so far at RMAF)?
Or is the preference for the HE6 /ZDT match more a matter of the volume level?
Also, would be interested in your opinion of how the HE 5LE, driven by the EF6 prototype, compares to the HE5 LE driven by the EF5. 

You typed this while I was typing my other impressions, so I missed this.
I mentioned above that I really like the sound of the HE-6 with the EF5 as well.  It's not as capable of an amp in sheer performance, but in musicality and enjoyment it's a great pairing.  The ZDT has a similar power level with the HE-6, but better soundstage and detail than the EF5 among other things.  I liked the EF5's musical talent more than the EF6 sheer technical talent, and so I didn't try the HE-5 LE with the EF6.  If I had to pick one of the two amps for the HE-6 or HE-5 LE I'd pick the EF5 over the prototype EF6, but the EF6 is very capable and not final in any way.  Fang assures me that it will be even more enjoyable when it is done, and says already that the EF6 is flatter and more extended than the EF5, and more detailed and spacious.  It was much better than the prototype Rethm hybrid amp if that helps any, and not a little better but a lot better.  I just liked the warm and rich sound of the EF5 with the HE-5 and HE-6 more.
Fang had to go back to NY to finish his PhD, and so he could only display his gear on Friday and Saturday, before leaving for good tonight.  So I missed any chance to try the EF6 with the HE-5 LE now.  Which reminds me that I didn't speak of the HiFiMan HM-602 DAC/amp/DAP either.  I listened briefly to the 602 vs the 801 with the same album on my ES5, and the 602 is not far away from the 801 sound at all.  The Carla Lother "100 Lovers" album was 24/96 on the 801, and I don't know if it was 16/44 or 24/96 on the 602, but the 801 had a little better micro-detail, ambience and space to it.  The timbre and tone was otherwise very similar.  I have not compared the 602 to any iPod headphone out yet, but I did compare the 801 which was superior, and the 602 is not far behind the 801 at all.  I have also not tried it as a USB DAC.  I'll be able to write more about the HM-602 soon.
Oct 17, 2010 at 2:14 AM Post #79 of 80
Still being forgetful - I listened to the Headamp Blue Hawaii SE again, with O2 Mk1 and loved it as usual.  I have to admit that it's a little better in the detail department than my WES, although I still really enjoy the WES a lot.  Someday when money grows on trees I'll cultivate a few and buy a BHSE.
Oct 17, 2010 at 3:15 AM Post #80 of 80
Thanks for the impressions, Larry. My FoTM detector tells me that the new DACMini is going to be a huge hit here soon if it can be priced competitively against Audio-gd's upcoming Sabre-based amp/DAC combo. It would be nice to have a FoTM other than Audio-gd for once. 


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