CanJam 2010
Apr 21, 2010 at 8:44 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


Headphone Vinyl Meister
Member of the Trade: TTVJ Audio
Jun 21, 2001
HI All,

I thought I'd let you know some of the great gear we are planning on bringing with us to this years CanJam!

First and foremost we will be showing our new Pinnacle preamp/headphone amp. This is going to be big and we are looking forward to all of you hearing our newest toy. We will have all of our other amps there too!

The Meridian 808.3 and SooLoos system will also be present. I will have at least one GO8.2 there also.

The Luxman P1u, P200 and one of their CD players will be there for your listening pleasure.

The Manley 300B will be there for listening as a headphone amp. It is also one heck of a preamp!

We should have some of the new Bel Canto DACs and maybe one of their CD players too...

The Devilsound DAC will be present. Little size, big sound there!

Of course the HD800, PS1000, T1, Edition 8, HF-2 and all of the old standbys will be there to plug into our collection of amps.

We will have assorted cables from Cardas, Nordost, The Cable Pro, ALO and others for you to sample.

We will be sharing our room with The Cable Pro and Ted will have many of his goodies there too!

I'm sure this list will be added to in the coming days but just wanted to get interest stirred!
Apr 22, 2010 at 3:52 PM Post #3 of 10
Indeed, the Meridian 808.3 will be teamed with the Pinnacle as will the SooLoos system. It should be pretty good
I guess I will see you there!

Apr 23, 2010 at 4:14 AM Post #4 of 10

Originally Posted by trevorlane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
808.3 to the Pinnacle? oh dear why can't June come sooner...

I think we're all in agreement there

Everything sounds just great Todd, looking forward to seeing you in June.
Apr 27, 2010 at 10:00 PM Post #8 of 10
HI All,

I look forward to seeing all of you there too. It should be a great show.

We will also have the new Apex High Fi Audio Peak there. Stay tuned for more info on this one tomorrow.

I still do not have pics of the new Pinnacle amp but we are only a week or so away from that. The enclosure is shipping this week and the amp is built so... a picture is in the near future.
Apr 28, 2010 at 12:53 AM Post #10 of 10

Originally Posted by Todd /img/forum/go_quote.gif
HI All,

I look forward to seeing all of you there too. It should be a great show.

We will also have the new Apex High Fi Audio Peak there. Stay tuned for more info on this one tomorrow.

I still do not have pics of the new Pinnacle amp but we are only a week or so away from that. The enclosure is shipping this week and the amp is built so... a picture is in the near future.

Thanks for the update Todd. I look forward to listening to all the new gear.

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