Can somebody give a comparison of the HD600 to the Shure SE530?
Nov 7, 2008 at 1:35 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


Headphoneus Supremus
Apr 29, 2005
I was thinking of picking up the SE530 just for something different than what I have now, but I only heard them briefly with music I wasn't familar with so, I'd like some input about how they compare to something I'm familiar with, like the HD600, K701 or Denon D2000, TF10Pro.

I had the HD600 for a while and I seem to remember thinking the SE530 was the IEM equivalent in sound signature, but that was a while back. Can somebody contrast the bass, and highs of the two? What I liked about the HD600 is that it actually works well for recordings that are on the bright side whenever the highs of my K701 or D2000 prove to be too much. The "veil" is sometimes a good thing.

What I really dislike are headphones and speakers that don't give a convincing metallic shimmer to instruments like cymbals and high hats. And my previous encounters with the single and dual driver Shures weren't positive in that they were either lacking in bass, lacking in upper treble or both. Does the SE530 really solve that problem? I actually am very happy with the sound signature of TF10Pro but I find them hard to fit and get a good seal, so the easy fit of the SE530 appeals to me. As a reference, I think the highs of the TF10Pro are very good, and well balanced with the mids, I find the ER4S very good but needs more oomph down low, and my CK7 are a bit U shaped in frequency response but quite "fun"

I listen to vocals, pop, trance/dance, electronic, jazz.

Any input is appreciated. I don't really need another set of cans, but hey this is a hobby and it's nice to experiment a bit.
Nov 7, 2008 at 3:23 AM Post #2 of 5
Well, it's difficult to compare full-size cans to IEM's, they are two totally different animals. But if I must say that HD600's basically are the full-size equivelant of SE530's. Both are very bassy, with a very warm sound sig.


Originally Posted by warpdriver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What I really dislike are headphones and speakers that don't give a convincing metallic shimmer to instruments like cymbals and high hats. And my previous encounters with the single and dual driver Shures weren't positive in that they were either lacking in bass, lacking in upper treble or both. Does the SE530 really solve that problem?

No. Plain and simple, if you didn't like the sig of the other shures you tried, the SE530's will not be your knight in shining armour.
Nov 7, 2008 at 3:28 AM Post #3 of 5
if you have tf10's and are happy with em don't get the shure's I went the other way and after hearing the ue's never wanted to go back
Nov 7, 2008 at 12:29 PM Post #4 of 5

Originally Posted by mrdeadfolx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No. Plain and simple, if you didn't like the sig of the other shures you tried, the SE530's will not be your knight in shining armour.

I guess I probably should refrain until I get a chance to hear them again someday. It's easy to get caught up in the arguments that some people prefer the SE530 over the TFP10P.

I guess I should just be patient and enjoy what I have now.
Nov 7, 2008 at 1:30 PM Post #5 of 5
Maybe you can make some custom molds for them. (it's possible right)

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