Apr 21, 2007 at 1:52 PM Post #17 of 49
My day starts with two large mugs of strong coffee. I'll then switch to Diet Dew for the rest of the day. I average 4-5 16oz bottles per day. It simply starts and keeps me running at the pace I need. After the day is done, I'll unwind with some Merlot or perhaps a Bass Ale or three.
Apr 21, 2007 at 2:10 PM Post #18 of 49
Coffee makes me feel a bit twitchy, then tired, and I'm asleep within 5-10 minutes of drinking it (if I'm at home). Soda and tea have no effect.
Apr 21, 2007 at 2:50 PM Post #20 of 49
Caffeine is the last addiction I have, since I quit smoking a month ago. I'm not sure what to vote in the poll, because it both gives me energy and makes me calm.

Speaking of which, the Viennese blend just got through brewing. Time to go grab a cup!
Apr 21, 2007 at 4:24 PM Post #21 of 49

Originally Posted by mrarroyo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
IActually I am totally addicted, if I do not drink it I have been known to get headaches.

It is fun, isn't it? If I don't drink coffee by around noon on a given day, I will start to get a headache. Luckily during the week I am drinking my coffee by 9am and during the weekends I usually am able to get some in me before the headache kicks in (by ~11:30am or so at the latest).
Apr 21, 2007 at 4:26 PM Post #22 of 49
It doesn't calm me much, does not keep me awake, can and do drink an espresso or turkish/greek coffee, climb into bed and lights out ... , it also works as a mild appetite suppressor ...
Apr 21, 2007 at 5:25 PM Post #24 of 49
I used to save caffeine for the evenings (my time). My reasoning was that it was a tax on my body and my employer didn't deserve the increased output in productivity the caffeine usually produced if it was detrimental to my wellbeing. Reading / coffee used to go hand in hand. Only occasionally, say when I was working on an understaffed weekend at my old job and all the work we got out the door depended on the orders I put in the system, I would give myself the boost. In most cases, consuming caffeine during the day would leave me tired at night.

These days I drink about 25 cups of green tea a week. There is some caffeine in there, but never enough that I get that cracked out spike of energy. I often find that caffeine in tea and coffee, even when equivalent, feels completely different. I am very sensitive to caffeine--too much and I have allergic reactions (or sensitivities, for the medically inclined).

I have found recently that if I try to consume caffeine to stay awake it puts me right to sleep. It's not an ideal sleep, it's more like the caffeine exacerbates the sense of exhaustion I'm already feeling. All in all, despite my appreciation of really good coffee (, caffeine just isn't my bag.
Apr 21, 2007 at 5:43 PM Post #25 of 49

Originally Posted by ken36 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My last addiction*. Good stuff.

*Head-fi not considered.

Good point ... <BEG>
Apr 21, 2007 at 7:19 PM Post #26 of 49

Originally Posted by geekbanter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do you have any problems typically involving hyperactivity, inattention, or impulsivity? Would you say that you might have some behavioral problems at work or school? I could assume that with your nick that you might.

I ask this because it sounds like a seemingly paradoxical effect commonly exhibited in individuals with ADHD. Caffeine should normally have a mild stimulating effect, but in those with ADHD it will "bring them up" to a more comfortable level of functioning. So if any of this seems to "fit" you might want to swing by a doctor, therapist, or psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD and get checked out.

Of course this could all be just your unique way of reacting to caffeine, everyone has different ways of reacting to certain foods and drugs.

I was thinking that this could be part of it because I have been diagnosed with ADHD but I have always refused medication because I do not like what it did to some of my friends/cousins.

Another scenario is that with people that are addicted, caffeine actually has a depressing effect. A student at my University is currently working on a senior project dealing with this topic. As of now it is appearing that in individuals that consume large amounts of caffeine regularly have lower heart rate and blood pressure after drinking an energy drink. I do not have the exact numbers right now but I am going to try and find a copy of the report and post it here.
Apr 21, 2007 at 7:26 PM Post #27 of 49
I have a very low caffiene tolerance (despite the copious amounts of soda I consume) so a cup or two of coffee really gets me doing. Caffiene is almost like a weak amphetamine to me.
Apr 21, 2007 at 8:54 PM Post #29 of 49
I almost never drink soda and I never drink coffee or tea. Then I had trouble sleeping before my math final exam last quarter, so I forced myself to down a big cup of regular coffee (it tasted horrible, even with a packet of sugar and some cream) because it's supposed to make your brain a little sharper in addition to keeping you awake, and about 20 minutes into it my hands started shaking and I felt completely energized and hyper. It was pretty cool, and I did well on the exam. I'll probably use it as a last resort for tough finals from now on.
Apr 21, 2007 at 9:29 PM Post #30 of 49
. . . Whatever it is supposed to do, it doesnt work.

....I just put huge amouts of sugar in my coffee, that does give some nice NRG-boost

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