Sep 15, 2012 at 8:20 AM Post #16 of 30
I have already dwelt, and i'm not good at describing the emotions and the sound that the Soloist give it to me, so I conclude by saying that the Soloist is probably the best headphone amplifier in its price range and is unlikely to have rivals.
Tks Burson

Nice review! Thanks for the perspective.  

Sep 15, 2012 at 1:53 PM Post #18 of 30
 I originally wanted to get the Soloist but I heard it's really bass light compared to the HA-160 and that's why I want a Burson to begin with is for the bass.

I would call myself a "basshead", and the soloist makes the job way better than great for me!

Sep 17, 2012 at 6:53 PM Post #21 of 30
I doubt it.
I think the Soloist's bass is deep and palpable: more together and 'solid' than what I heard several times from the Mjolnir, which has a more ethereal quality (IMO).
Haven't heard it side by side against the 160 though.
Sep 17, 2012 at 7:10 PM Post #22 of 30
Duckman, Nice PRS!  
Here are mine....One Fender thrown in for fun!

A pair of Tremonti's and a '57 HotRod....
Sep 17, 2012 at 7:27 PM Post #23 of 30
 I originally wanted to get the Soloist but I heard it's really bass light compared to the HA-160 and that's why I want a Burson to begin with is for the bass.

  If you like tight powerful bass might I suggest the bryston balanced headphone amp.I have a ha-160 with an upgraded power cable and fuse.I have had my burson for a couple of years and have used it with my lcd2 v2 but I recently auditioned the new bryston balanced amp in single ended fashion with my lcd2 v2s and I have to say in the bass department the bryston was much more impressive sounding than my burson,The bass from bryston with the lcd2 v2 was entirely in another league above my burson and maybe two leagues above it.The bryston definitely takes hold of the audezes tendancy to sound a bit warm and really tightens things up producing a much more neutral sounding balance with this amp.If I could swing it I would definitely consider buying this amp to pair with the lcd2 v2 to get the best out of them.This is the first amp that I have heard that can tighten things up when using an audeze lcd2 v2.Of course I have not heard a lot of amps with my lcd2s.
But I have to say I have never heard bass like that out of any of the amps I have auditioned.Of course the bryston is more than just bass it also is very resolute and definitely gives you a clear window of what is in front of it.Be it equipment or recordings this baby is very truthful to what is connected to it.So  with that honesty it is not kind to substandard sources or source material.But on stellar sources and source material it can be quite special sounding.
  I have to say it is actually priced somewhat reasonably given its abilities.I believe this amp can easily hold its own in comparison with amps two to three times its price.And with that it is essentially bomb proof with brystons twenty year warranty.
Sep 17, 2012 at 8:14 PM Post #25 of 30
I repect Solude's opinion, but disagree after comparing the Mjolnir and Soloist for myself. Perhaps our respective HRTFs are to blame.
But, as mentioned, I haven't compared the Soloist to the 160.
No chance of demoing a unit yourself I guess?
Sep 17, 2012 at 10:55 PM Post #26 of 30
 Just saw a new headphone amp preamp dac combination from burson called the conductor.You might want to check it out.Looks like a very promising design based around the soloist amp and the ess sabre dac.
Aug 29, 2020 at 2:50 PM Post #30 of 30
Good to see Burson is not banned from Head-Fi anymore.

Highly recommended amp the original Soloist, if you can find one, crazy good with Denon AH-D2000 and later Fostex models, as well as with the HD650.

I have the Denon AH-D2000, Lawton AH-D5000, and the AH-D7200. All three sound very good indeed with my Burson Soloist. The bass and upper end sparkle are both outstanding along with the mids. I drive my Little Dot MKIV from the preamp outputs on the Burson and it sounds very good also in this configuration. I bought my Soloist used for $225 and I feel like I got the deal of the century.

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