Dec 10, 2001 at 8:32 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 33


Keeper of the 'Phones
Jun 22, 2001
Well, I got home from work today to discover that my dog had eaten (well, chewed beyond recognition) my ETY 4S, ETY 4P, and Sony E888 earbuds..........ALL OF "EM!!!! If I didn't love the dog so much I would have had a fit.......but, what the hell, it's only money. I called Etymotic and they said that each transducer would cost $80 to replace, plus $50 for the cable. As everything was pretty much history, I went to the phone, called Headroom, and ordered a new 4S........and then added the new ER6. Grand total, with shipping? $392! Expensive canine.
Dec 10, 2001 at 9:05 PM Post #3 of 33
Oh well, neither of our two dogs ate my Ety's but we managed to spend 500 bux on "dental" work for our small dog this past weekend, so don't feel too bad Joe, just don't forget to brush your dog's teeth after such a stringy meal!
Dec 10, 2001 at 9:09 PM Post #4 of 33

joelongwood said...

If I didn't love the dog so much I would have had a fit.......but, what the hell, it's only money.

This is from the "Top Ten Signs You're Not A Poor College Student", right?
Dec 10, 2001 at 9:17 PM Post #5 of 33
really sucks man but I can almost relate.Just got a puppy (WHAT WAS I THINKING !!!!) and he is nothing short of a chewing machine.Things I thought were safe would be heading south in his jaws ready to be FUBAR.
So I had to "puppy proof" my entire house,a bit tougher than "baby proofing" 'cause the little bast%rd will get behind and under stuff no human child has a shot at.
What to do ?
Everything I value had to go up,including books from the bottom shelf of ALL bookshelves.
Next up were the AV and computer cords,a real toughie.At first I used several large flower pots with house plants to block rear access.He ate the plants.
On to plan BI considered putting up wall or ceiling hooks to suspend all cords off the floor but did not care for the idea of a total paint job later.
So I ended up putting hooks on the back side of all my equipment shelves and the TV cabinet.
Now if I can only get the little ***** to stop yappin-maybe some teflon tape
Dec 10, 2001 at 9:21 PM Post #6 of 33
I learned my lesson when I caught our dog (then a pup) with my SR60 pad in his mouth. Phones were placed out of reach.
Dec 10, 2001 at 9:28 PM Post #7 of 33
Strange thing is, the dog is 4 years ols and has never chewed anything................until today. So I guess I've been lucky.

I suppose it was the scent on the silicon ear tips.......which are now gone. And dhwilkin.......I'm not a poor college student.....I'm a poor teacher.
Dec 10, 2001 at 10:46 PM Post #8 of 33
Hmm... I'll take the Ps and send em in for repair at $210. It's still cheaper than buying them new. I'd bet you that's pretty close to cost for Ety too.
Dec 10, 2001 at 11:00 PM Post #10 of 33

Originally posted by kwkarth
Oh well, neither of our two dogs ate my Ety's but we managed to spend 500 bux on "dental" work for our small dog this past weekend...

By the way guys...when he says "small" he MEANS small. I've seen chipmunks that were bigger!
Dec 10, 2001 at 11:12 PM Post #11 of 33
Maybe those Ety's have way more highs than we thought. They were bothering his ears.

I don't know about good taste, but too good hearing.

My ex had, emphasis, a cat that I caught starting to sharpen her claws on the woofer cones of my AR 3's. Notice I said HAD a cat. Also said EX. I wish I had those speakers back, but they really sounded a little flat. Magnificent lows but sort of rolled in the treble if my memory from 25 years ago is any good.

The cat only left 2 small holes in the cone that didn't seem to have any effect. I put a drop of flat black model paint on each one just to be sure.

Oh well. I'm glad you're able to get some replacements. Right now, Semi-Retired, I'd have a problem.
Dec 10, 2001 at 11:27 PM Post #13 of 33
Thanks guys for your kind words of support and condolences. I feel naked and exposed without those Etys.


Hmm... I'll take the Ps and send em in for repair at $210.

Sorry, Nezer, I think I'll do the same...................... eventually.


a nice dog is soooo worth the trouble tho

You're right on that account, Braver. I wouldn't trade this dog for any headphone or amp in the world.................well, maybe the Stax Omega II.

My main concern in this whole affair is that Jude may see fit to strip me of my title "Keeper of the Phones".............I obviously have failed at my task.
Dec 10, 2001 at 11:49 PM Post #15 of 33
pigmode, the new Etys are going IN the box whenever I'm not around. I just cleaned up my headphone play area (my wife's term) to make sure everything is away from the dog's reach. I'm pretty much over it now.......at least I have a few new toys coming. Thanks dog.

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