Bristol Meet (Feb 24th '07)
Feb 24, 2007 at 6:08 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 36


Headphoneus Supremus
May 6, 2005
Okay, so I've unpacked everything from my giant orange bag after the meet, and have settled down to write some impressions.

Firstly, the cool people who came. Jonathan (Griffin), Dex (Dexdexter), Matt (matheprat) (although he did leave early), Pete (toric334) (who left with a lighter wallet, thanks to my PA2V2
) And the three guys who came later. Enormous apologies for not remembering your names, but at least one of them was mofonyx.

There was a lot of pretty gear that arrived. Dex had his ultrasone table, and Jonathan had his GS1000's and RS-1, and then kept on pulling more headphones out of his boxes, like a magician's hat.

Now, I'll do the disclaimer here that everything was done under meet conditions so the impressions are hardly going to be definitive, but there were just few of us that the listening wasn't too impeded.

Right, first things first, and it was the first thing I tried, the GS-1000's. These are a strange beast, and I wasn't sure about them at first. I was expecting a grado with soundstage and more bass, but these aren't like that at all. They are extremely detailed, and have a nice soundstage, and extra bass as compared to the RS-1, but they don't have quite the richness of tone that the RS1 have. They are an odd beast, but I quite liked them, and the bagel pads don't look quite as crazy in person as they appear in photographs, they are ALMOST normal looking!

Okay, next up are some portables. I got to hear some that I wasn't all that impressed with. The v-moda vibes are an absolute bass monster, but not in a good way to my ears, and I didn't find them particularly clear either. The Sony ECX90 (can't quite remember the model number) were a little bit better, but I still found them a disappointment considering some of the favourable reviews. However, I don't think I was getting a great fit, so that could be partly to blame. I also wasn't too impressed with the Altec Lansing IEM's. Some reviews have said these are 90% of the ER4's, but I did not hear that today. I know my portable amplification isn't massively powerful, but they seem nearly as hard to drive as the k1000's, and I wasn't getting much joy from listening to them.

How do I compare them to the ER4's? Well, because Pete brought a pair. These actually floored me a bit. I have heard how Ety's can be sterile and lifeless, but I didn't hear that here. I was really impressed by the detail and the clarity. Sound-wise they are awesome, but I could never live with that form factor. The cables just don't seem to sit right on my face, I couldn't get them properly into my ears (the foamies are GIGANTIC!) and the cable kept pulling them down a bit. Not my favourite IEM but lovely to hear.

At this point I should mention the generosity of Doctorjuggles (Justin) who sent me a bunch of Shure foamies for people to try with the various IEM's. It was very useful having them there, and they arrived just in the nick of time, the very second I was leaving my building to go to the meet!

The other nice portables I heard were Jonathan's Baby Stax, the SR-001 Mk2. These things are very like the ER4's for me. Fantastic sound, but I couldn't get on with the form factor. The sound is fantastic and airy, with real sparkle in the top end, (something I enjoy with my k1000's, and the baby stax did it almost better) but they fell a little flat on bass impact and the fact that I couldn't get comfy with them for love nor money. They always felt insecure and like they were going to be crushed by my ears.

Okay, what was next? In terms of sources, Jonathan's CD player was a very nice machine, but I'm not really a source guy so I can't make any sensible comments on it. The other source that did impress me though was the iMod. This thing is really nice. It's handy getting a line out from the headphone jack and it did genuinely seem to be an improvement over the lineout from the bottom of my iPod. However, this could just be the difference between the 320AAC on mine, and the Flac on the iMod. Either way, at least one if not both of those things was sounding pretty sweet.

There were a few very nice amps kicking around. The Headfive was a nice thing to hear, and is a very capable little amp for the money. I got a change to play with the crossfeed filter on it a bit, and it looks like a great addition to the amp. The Heed canamp was another that I liked. Didn't get much of a serious listen to it, but it looks very pretty, and has a pleasing ammount of warmth coming off it in use! There was also a nice WNA amp, modded by PinkFloyd I believe, that was driving the GS-1000's very nicely. All of those were lovely, but I'm a tube guy, so the amp that really grabbed me was the Woo that Jonathan brought. It's a really lovely amp, with a nice rich tone, and truly excelled at any of the vocal and acoustic stuff we threw at it. If I were looking for a new amp (heaven help my poor decrepit wallet) I'd be looking at woo.

The stars of the meet, for me anyway, were the Ultrasones that Dex brought. Those of you who have been following Dex's posts recently will know of his love for a good ultrasone, and I am very much beginning to see why. They have fantastic soundstage, and a really interesting presentation, because the sound is shot at the back of your ears from the front, rather than directly in. They reminded me a lot of how my k1000's sound. Very clear, and with fantastic soundstage. They also have an unbelievable impact to the sound. Listening to a big-band record (which is recorded very punchy anyway) was staggering. These ultrasones genuinely seem to be a fantastic headphone. They also come with a couple of different cables, one straight one coiled, and spare pairs of pads. They are really awesomely well designed and built. I admit it, I am al ultrasone convert. The only downside for me was that I found the two open models he had (no idea of the model numbers, I have zero head for figures) a little bit bright for my tastes, but I am seriously considering trying to trade my HD580's in for some Ultrasone fun.

Right, that wraps up my little ramble. I had a really great time, and it was nice to meet some more fellow head-fiers. I hope a good time was had by all.
Feb 24, 2007 at 7:30 PM Post #2 of 36
Pics. Mine are few in number and poor in quality, but Dex took a bundle so he can add some better ones later.



My stuff... looks a bit barren on that table....

Glass of foamies anyone?

Ultrasone city... with the Heed canamp, the GS-1000's, and various little things hiding at the end as well.

IEM's! Vibes, e5c's, ER4's, and... er... another pair of vibes still in the packet.

Some portable amplification. The LDM is very small.



Mmmm... valves...

Mahogany effect skin on the iMod. Ice cool.

More random gear shots. I think I took this in panic as stuff was getting packed up and I had taken almost zero photos. Ah well. As I say, Dex got a good few I think...
Feb 24, 2007 at 11:55 PM Post #3 of 36
Gaah, had to leave a little early to go to work, hence the lateness in posting impressions.

First ups, thanks to all that attended (no need to remention names), especially Stew (sp?) for organising the whole thing.

Onto the impressions:

GS1000 - First thing that struck me was the sheer size of the thing, almost akin to strapping two traffic cones to your head. A completely different beast when comparing all things Gradoey.
On first strapping them to my head and pressing play I was somewhat disappointed. Just seemed like something was missing. After a minute though I began to like them, another few minutes passed and I was 'getting' the sound and really started to get into the music. I almost didn't want to stop listening because I just knew that teh sound would draw me in further.

RS-1 - Definately one of the stars of the meet imo. Like my MS-1 just with sooo, soo much more. The crazy highs, the epic bass slam and just the overall presentation was emmense. They grabbed you by the scruff of the neck and forced you to listen, a real metalheads can. Could definately see me owning a pair of those at some point.

K1000 - I'd like to listen to these extensively, the overall presentation was awesome; and there is a real speaker-este soundstage to them. Yet they didn't completely floor me like I thought they would. Possibly down to the music I listened to (Two Radiohead tracks), might possibly need something more instrumental for them to really shine.

Ultrasone *insert model number here* - I asked for the most bassy one, and a song to really make them shine (no ideal what I listened to
Holy crap! They seemed to have everything. Bass, highs and an incredible soundstage. Not music I normally take any interest in, but I throughoutly enjoyed it, very entertaining.

E5s - This was quite a suprised compared to what I'd read about them. Had a signature I can only describe as 'big'. Just didn't seem like sound like that could be produced from an IEM yet had emmense detail. Heard parts of songs that I never had before. Couldn't quite get on with the fit. Quickly agreed that I have odd ears.

My wallet also made the trip and was rewarded by shrinking it a little bit with the addition of the PA2V2 to the ever growing collection. Auditioned the ER-4Ps together with my Karma for about 20 minutes before deciding to take the plunge. The PA2 just added soo much to the Ety's. Warmth, synergy, bass; the lot.

(Hmmm, decriptions seem a little short. Might add to this if I remember anything else)

Overall a fun time had by myself, and hopefully by everyone else. Was also just cool to talk about some of the music,equpiment and also just generally; don't get too many chances outside of this board.
I kept meaning to leave but didn't until about 3:10 with Dex intow. Got home at 3:45, ate superfast to be at work for 4:00. Managed to be ontime for that.
Feb 25, 2007 at 2:35 AM Post #4 of 36
I wasnt sure why but I found the RS-1s at the meet to be a bit muffled on the low ends. Maybe it was just me at the day because I dont remember the RS-1s to be sounding as such. I know they are great cans, and I wouldve most probably heard it wrong.

The GS-1000 was great on both ends, ie treble and bass, but it seems that the treble is a bit too much for me, that the cymbal crashes and vocals are too high for my ears. Perhaps suited for the critical listener, but I prefer headphones to listen to when I want to close my eyes and the GS-1000 makes sure that you pay full attention when listening, it doesnt give you a break.

I liked the K-1000s, something I cant afford. It has everything I need that is in the GS-1000 excluding the exaggerated highs that I couldnt tolerate. I could see myself wearing those, just not anytime in the near future as a student.

Apologies for coming late. I have a feeling that I made you guys stayed longer than you intended to. Thanks for staying around for me to listen on your gear, it was an invaluable experience. Hope to meet you guys again when I get my balanced set up.
Feb 25, 2007 at 7:48 AM Post #5 of 36
Looks like you guys had a great meeting!

Some nice gear as well (Stax, AKG, Grado, ...)
Feb 27, 2007 at 8:47 AM Post #8 of 36
What a lovely little meet this was!

Yes, I took a bunch of photos, which I will post a little later on, along with some detailed impressions.

But, first, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who attended, especially our gracious host, Stew(theking
), for organising everything and making us all feel so very welcome!

Next, a big shout-out to Jonathan, for kindly offering me a lift from my hotel in Bristol city center to the U.W.E. campus, where the meet took place. I also had the pleasure of his company and conversation over a pint on Friday at the Sound & Vision Show.

And finally, my thanks to Pete for shuttling me back to Bristol to catch the remainder of the day's events at the Hi-Fi show. Glad to hear you made it to work on-time!
Feb 28, 2007 at 3:25 AM Post #10 of 36

Originally Posted by stewtheking /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The only downside for me was that I found the two open models he had (no idea of the model numbers, I have zero head for figures) a little bit bright for my tastes, but I am seriously considering trying to trade my HD580's in for some Ultrasone fun.

Dex, what three models of Ultrasones is Stew talking about here? 2 open and 1 closed?

What model is the closed pair that he was so impressed with? I'm tempted to try them out.
Feb 28, 2007 at 7:01 AM Post #11 of 36

Originally Posted by F1GTR /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dex, what three models of Ultrasones is Stew talking about here? 2 open and 1 closed?

What model is the closed pair that he was so impressed with? I'm tempted to try them out.

Hi, I'll have my pics up later today, but from Stew's photo:


Back: Ultrasone HFI-2200 ULE (brown, open, gold-plated driver) / Ultrasone PROline 650 (closed, gold-plated driver)

Front: Ultrasone PROline 750 (closed, titanium-plated driver) / Ultrasone PROline 2500 (open, titaniumn-plated driver)

So as far as I can recall, Stew connected best with the PROline 650.
Feb 28, 2007 at 10:46 AM Post #12 of 36

Originally Posted by Dexdexter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Back: Ultrasone HFI-2200 ULE (brown, open, gold-plated driver) / Ultrasone PROline 650 (closed, gold-plated driver)

Front: Ultrasone PROline 750 (closed, titanium-plated driver) / Ultrasone PROline 2500 (open, titaniumn-plated driver)

So as far as I can recall, Stew connected best with the PROline 650.

Yes, that's right. I liked both the PROline 650 and 750, but found I slightly preferred the slightly cheaper model.
Mar 1, 2007 at 10:09 PM Post #15 of 36

Originally Posted by digitalmind /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Those Sharps are sexy things! Would love to have them, if only to have them hanging on a wall.

Surprisingly comfy as well. I was just working up to having a listen when Matt had to go. Managed to miss the beyers as well. Curses!

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