Blah...Blah...Shure e5c...Blah...Blah...ER4P... Blah...
Mar 31, 2004 at 9:39 PM Post #46 of 96
darn, you're right. i am a sucka.

changed it. sorry, heh.
welly - guy. now buried deep in my occipital lobe.
Mar 31, 2004 at 9:58 PM Post #47 of 96
toaster22, I didn't mean to single you out for not giving a fare review but I said things about the shures before I heard them and that wasn't fare either (lindrone pointed that out). I didn't let lindrone influence me with his reviews but with his actually headphones.

I now that I have both, I have been expressing my opinions of how I think they compare. You can still go on about how much you love the shures but only compare them to the headphones you've actually heard. Because of your review, I'm still trying my best to like these but it hasn't happened yet.

Also, even if you think you've found the perfect heaphone, if you keep visiting head-fi, you'll find yourself sometimes wondering if there's something better.
Mar 31, 2004 at 10:14 PM Post #48 of 96
Hehe... toaster, you've just learned how to tell how stupid someone is from reading one of their reviews, congrats! lol, but really... humans are varied, and that's why most reviews are taken off as stupid right off there. Many of them don't tell you much about what is being reviewed, as it is telling you the reviewer's preferences.

Don't worry Welly... I get mistaken as a girl oftentimes... Hehe, and oddball gets mistaken as a guy often as well, well well.
Mar 31, 2004 at 10:38 PM Post #49 of 96
iamdone, i didn't think you were signling me out, i meant no offense to you. i just kind of had a little epiphony. the whole point is that we spend too much time thinking about what we don't have rather than enjoying what we have. you don't think i believe you when you say you don't like the shures as much as the doesn't even matter, it's what you think.

i am absolutely 100 percent satisfied with the shure e5's. that was far, far from the case with the e3's but not the e5's.

as their new strongest proponent, or so it seems, i have to and want to take a stand for them. i don't want people who are already interested in them them to get swamped by welly's (welly is a guy) and lindrone's future comments. Honestly, the e5's are obscenely good and they are all i could ever ask for. knowing the potential level of joy i reached with them, i wouldn't want someone else who was about to make the dive for them, to pass just because they read someone else wasn't satisfied by them.

the e5's are absolutely astonishingly good to me. they could be good to others also, and i would love to share the joy with them. if you try them and you don't like them, that's great, but man, you really oughta try these things...
Mar 31, 2004 at 10:46 PM Post #50 of 96

Originally posted by toaster22
i don't want people who are already interested in them them to get swamped by welly's (welly is a guy) and lindrone's future comments. Honestly, the e5's are obscenely good and they are all i could ever ask for.

Eh... all I have to say about that is.. "I am your father, Luke."

You know y'all are my little spawns
Mar 31, 2004 at 11:52 PM Post #53 of 96
I think I've given up. The etys won. Not only that but the P version even has more detail than the e5. It not really the detail that wins but the highs. They are just completely lacking from the e5. I somehow feel slightly removed from the music. Yes, the etys are thin but they feel more intimate. They also create a much better soundstage. The shures have very little depth even with the PPA amp.

For me, I can handle knowing the lower end is a little thin but not knowing that I'm missing the top end and detail. I also don't think the etys overemphasize the detail, it's just missing from the shures. Even if the shures had the detail, I don't think they'd be perfect because the bass doesn't go deep enough but I definately keep them if that was the case. They'd be perfect enough for my needs.

Too bad the next level only requires customs molds and are not returnable. I don't know if I'd buy them, but it would make it much easier to try them.
Apr 1, 2004 at 12:56 AM Post #54 of 96
sux. at least you still have your etys.
Apr 1, 2004 at 1:05 AM Post #55 of 96

Originally posted by toaster22
sux. at least you still have your etys.

Not really since I just get my money back and I'm happy with what I have. Plus I have the hd650/zu for home use.

I also can't see me buying a more expensive canalphone since I don't use them for my most critical listening anyways. If I was only going to use one heaphone for home and away, then it might make sense.

So now everyone's happy.
Apr 1, 2004 at 1:08 AM Post #56 of 96
i meant it sux you didn't get enjoyment out of your e5's. but the bottom line, like you said:

Now everyone's happy.

Now lets all be happy together.
Apr 1, 2004 at 1:16 AM Post #57 of 96

Originally posted by Sczervok
I don't even know who Lindrone is... Aahh, a bitch to a stranger!

I'm amongst the first E5c owner on Head-Fi... and the only one out of maybe.. 5 or 6 of them that was a vocal advocator of the E5c. Before then, the Head-Fi world was only Ety and not much of anything else if you need portable & good.

Not even the E2c was very popular back then...

Of course, you can imagine how scrutinized I was... there were people accusing me of being a Shure employee... so on.. so forth.
Apr 1, 2004 at 2:17 AM Post #58 of 96

Originally posted by lindrone
Of course, you can imagine how scrutinized I was... there were people accusing me of being a Shure employee... so on.. so forth.

Yeah, I still have my doubts.
Apr 1, 2004 at 2:33 AM Post #59 of 96
to be honest, I make the purchase of e5c based on the review from lindrone. I am in a similar situation as iamdone does.

lindrone, pls make a fair & unbiased judgement & comparison of sensaphonics with your e5c!
Apr 1, 2004 at 4:12 AM Post #60 of 96
Here we go again, every months or so someone on the board has to use those two words (in various reviews for just about anything, not only my reviews, of course).. "fair and unbiased".

Really, think hard to yourself to what that really means...

I am "fair and unbiased".. I am not a Shure employee, I didn't get a discount on my E5c, in fact, I paid more than almost all the other owners that has them now (full retail price.. ooh yeah). I should be more upset at Shure than anything else for the extra $120 I had to spend on top of everything (not including tax!).

If "fair and unbiased" means not giving a honest, heart-felt opinion of how you really feel about a certain headphone, sorry.. I can't do that.

If "fair and unbiased" means giving your opinion without outside influence, telling people how you truly feel about a certain product, then I've certain done that over and over again.

If "fair and unbiased" means that a reviewer must always give equal weight to all products reviewed, doesn't that mean they're not making an opinion at all, really? What are they really reviewing? I may as well have said, "Product A is good, product B is good as well, try them and make up your own mind." Then my reviews wouldn't be any better than CNet's!

No, my review will not always coincide with what a particular person think, but I can't help that. We all hear differently.. all I can do is offer my honest opinion, and hopefully enough reference point to hint at what you might be getting yourself into. I refuse to write without emotional engagement :p

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