Big props, and big F U's.....
Mar 12, 2003 at 6:52 PM Post #16 of 29
And one BIG F-U for a small audio salon (name unknown) that I had visited recently, for having salespeople not knowing anything about the products that they sell, let alone those that they don't (I asked them about a certain product, they said 'We don't know crap about it - and then I searched the entire store to find out that they don't even carry it at all).
Mar 12, 2003 at 7:36 PM Post #17 of 29

Originally posted by Eagle_Driver
And one BIG F-U for a small audio salon (name unknown) that I had visited recently, for having salespeople not knowing anything about the products that they sell, let alone those that they don't

I do not visit such stores twice. When I am in a specialists store (may it be a hifi-store, or a Mac dealer, or whatever), and I notice that the salesperson knows significantly less than me about the matter, I do not feel comfortable. I do not need somebody to tell me I made a good choice, I need somebody to help me make it.
Mar 13, 2003 at 1:49 AM Post #18 of 29
Well, I got my PX200s today from Headroom, and while I'm still breaking them in (going to play my MP3 collection through them all night for a few nights, or at least till my SlimX comes in the mail) I'm pretty impressed.

Granted, I know next to nothing about headphones, but I consider myself an audiophile, as I've been in the car audio hobby (Quality, not bass) for the past oh.... 13 or so years.

As for the cans themselves.... I was a little annoyed they didn't come with an adapter, but hey, no big deal. They fit well, they're comfortable, and they sound great. Been testing them with a lot of Al Dimeola, Satriani, Bocelli, some Moby, Social Distortion and for bass, The Roots. One thing I've noticed though.... When I leave them on my desk playing SLIGHTLY louder than I normally would, and I could hear the music clearly (albeit low) from all around my apartment. We're talking down the hall, 4 doors away and at the far corner of my bedroom. Verrrrrry interesting.....
Mar 13, 2003 at 2:01 AM Post #19 of 29
Glad you like them so far. As for me, I was thinking about my options and came up with this:

I'm supposed to audition the Eggos on Friday. If I believe that they isolate more than the PX 200's then I'll get them. If not, I'll surely get the 200's.
Then, I'll save my money and buy the Sennheiser 280/super mini 4v combo.
Sep 26, 2003 at 1:05 AM Post #20 of 29

Originally posted by Matthew-Spaltro
Radio Shack is that way to me. I asked a early 20ish year old guy were the mini adaptes were. He gives me a blank stare for 3 or 4 seconds and finally tells me that he thinks there out right now. He had no idea what a mini adapter was.

Anyone who knows a little about electronics or stereo gear has come to know Radio Shack as "Rat Shack" where the slogan is "you have questions, we have dumb looks...." Honestly, I only took a one time electronics class way back in high school and I know far more about what they are selling. Here is an actual quote from a conversation with a sales rep there: "hi, I need a 100 ohm resister." reply: " Ohm?"

Unfortunatly they are the only supply of parts for those of us in small town USA. Fortunatly though, they ARE a supply for those of us in small town USA. I guess I shouldn't complain to much because having them around has saved me time and hassle in the past and will again many more times in the future.

The local store once offered me a job..... I could feel a little bit of superiority complex coming on.... but then I saw where that headed me, right into managment, and decided to run far away.

just my two bits worth for this conversation...
Sep 26, 2003 at 1:19 AM Post #21 of 29

Originally posted by Sweet Spot

Next stop:B&H video
420-9th Avenue
New York, New York 10001 USA
800.947.9910 Phone
I'm providing the link and addy because they really deserve big props here....So, Big Ups to B&h for hookin' a brotha up with excellent customer service, good prices and no hassles...
I should've asked the salesman his name, but if I go back..I'm definetely looking for this guy cause he really did alot for me. Here's the story: Walk in, and see the 3 stands where they keep the cans. Pretty decent selection, from audio technica, AKG, Senns, Sonys and some others...all plugged into a 4 channel amp. I called them first to make sure that they had the PX 200's, so yeah, they did..but I didn't see them on the racks. Here's where the dude hooked me up. I asked if they still had them, and he said yes. When I explained my situation, he said, "let's see what we can do for ya" 2 minutes later, a box of PX 200's were in his hand and I was excited..When I saw them, i thought they weren't able to be opened without ruining the box, but he opened it anyway and there they were, in all their glory...nice and small, very cool looking and TRUELY portable.
I got hold of, very light. I thought I should put them on without the music playing to test the isolation. Well, they do isolate, but not very much I guess. I'd say that they probably isolate as well as my Sony V 600's, which is actually amazing because to tell you the truth, I don't see how they isolate at all ! The ear cups are hardly cups to begin with. They do NOT fit over the ear, but rather "just barely" fit "ON" the ear. There's no depth to the cups, as they just sort of lay almost flat ..which is why I can't see how they isolate even the way they do.
Sound quality: I thought that for comming straight out of the box, they sounded fantastic ! Very clear, not the dark presentation which everyone talks about..I actually thought they were pretty much on par with, if not better sounding than, my Porta Pros. I can't really give an in depth review because the store was mega crowded (as it was the last time I was there) and the noise level was a slight distraction. But they absolutely are worth every penny of the $50
I may even just buy a pair anyway, depending on 2 things which i'll get into in a bit.

I also got to check out a truely fantastic pair of cans that were hanging on the rack: The Sennheiser HD 280's
I've got to say, I'm really supprised that people here don't speak more highly/or more at all about these cans. The isolation is GREAT. They really drowned out most of the noise with the music off, and when I turned the amp volume back up and the music was on (amp is easily accessable and has 4 seperate volume knobs for each channel) I couldn't hear anything but the music..and lemmie tell you, the music sounded wonderful ! Crisp, clear, tight bass, nice upper mid bass and beautiful trebble. The only think I though was a bit off were the mids, perhaps a bit too much of it. I then asked the salesman, if it was possible to actually take the 280 cord out of the source ....The guy actually opened up the freegin cabinet, (more like peeled it open) and yanked the cord out for me ! I was like " don't usually do this, do you...." So I plugged them into my iMP 350 and waited for my happiness to begin. But alas, the amp is the key here, as the volume and alot of the presentation was now gone going straight through my iMP350.

But I love them ! And I do plan on getting a super-mini amp along with the 280's in the mid near future.

Moving along, I actually told him that I was getting to audition the Eggos sometime this week, and that I'd most likely get the PX 200's no matter what, but that if I liked the Eggos more, than the 200's would have to wait for a bit. He was totally understanding and didn't seem disgruntled at all. I liked that, no pressure at all.

BIG ASS PROPS TO B&H VIDEO. I've been there twice and both experiences were very positive. It's no wonder that the place always looks like those places where parents bring their kids on Christmas to sit on Santas know, that super long line that takes you about 3 hours to get to Santa ?

Oh...SUPER BIG PROPS TO MIKES PIZZA ON 23rd and 2nd Ave...I walked there after Best Buy...they have the best Pizza I've ever had in my life...Wooooooot !

B&H most of them are members of a Jewish community, including the management, did you noticed that? I don't know why some people hate them, but all my experiences dealing with them (Jewish), have turned to end in a pleasure, those guys are truly decent persons, and I respect them...period, solid principles and always deal in an honest and straight way, I'm not jewish, I'm catholic but if there are people outside my faith believes that I really admire, and respect, are them, they are a trully example of how to treat customers, the few times I was into B&H in NYC, both times I was very pleased with the service and attention of the employees, the only two things I do not like, are the headphone amp they have there, really sucks and the long lines to pay at the end...These store is always overcrowded....
Sep 26, 2003 at 2:16 AM Post #22 of 29
I would expect B&H to have better service and more knowledgable sales people because they sell pro level equipment which is a different class. Most consumers are content with whatever they get but if you're doing something serious, you have to be sure to get the right thing to do the job. A good # of these people work in the respective industries or is their hobby.

I havn't had bad experiences at J&R, Best Buy, or Circuit City probably because I know what I'm looking for. J&R has a wide selection and free car parking if your purchase over some dollar value. Best Buy has a good protection/replacement plan. B&H has the best return policy.
Sep 26, 2003 at 2:40 AM Post #24 of 29
hey was the face of that amp blue with silver volume knobs?

If so it was likely the PreSonus HP4. I have one and like it quite a bit. I really does a lot for the PX200's, and sounds great with the rest of my cans including the HD280's. It's also very nice to be able to have more than one can plugged in at a time. It's also dead silent when the music stops. While I have no idea what some of these other headamps sound like or compare, I'd definately recommend this amp to anyone needing a realatively inexpensive amp with mulitple outputs.

RE: Best Buy and Circuit City, I and many high end shops, I agree! F.U.! Hire some people that actually know something about what they are selling and teach them some damn manners while you're at it!!!

CC does have one saving grace though, They have the best prices on DVD's and CD's when they first release that I have ever found.
Sep 26, 2003 at 11:43 AM Post #25 of 29

Originally posted by Sweet Spot

*snip*The battery life could be better, but seems to have improved since the first 3 or 4 charges. My charging method for the first 3-4 times was to drain and recharge, but I only drain when the battery is dead anyway...never in the middle or near the end...I always let them drain naturally and then set it for discharge/charge just as a "make sure" kind of thing.

Just want to let you know that if the battery is a Nickel Metal-Hydride (NiMH) or a Nickel Metal Cadium (NiCd) (hope I got the spelling right...
) battery you can (and should) use the fully charge/discharge method. Though for the NiMH, an occasional (once every 10-20 charges, not too often! the NiMh STILL suffers from the memory effect, just not as bad as the NiCa) charge-at-half-charge is perfectly OK. For the NiCa, don't do it (as if you did not already know...
) memory effect kicks in, and you can say bye bye to your battery.

However, I have a feeling that the battery may be a Lithium Ion (LiIon) type battery, in that case, you do NOT want to discharge it. Every time it falls below say : 20% charge, you shorten the battery lifespan slightly, repeated full discharges will result in a shorterned batt. life. For LiIon batteries, you want to keep it topped up whenever convienent, you will get quite a bit more usage out of your battery.
Sep 26, 2003 at 12:38 PM Post #26 of 29
The problem with places like CC and BB is that they really don't put any "value" in their salespeople. They have the mentality that these people can be replaced at any time, so they don't offer a relatively higher wage in order to attract the "quality" person (i.e. someone who would be driven to succeed or takes pride in what they do). And there's very little product training, if any. So they wind up with these folks who want to do everything else but their job at work.

This may not be the case everywhere, but the generalization seems to fit here in the NY area.

I was actually told by a BB manager when I was in the job market that I was "too smart" to work there.

J & R basically size you up when you approach them, without engaging you, and stereotype you as far as whether you're actually going to buy something or not. And if they feel you won't , you basically don't get the time of day there. You almost have to build a history with someone there to get some respect.
Sep 26, 2003 at 2:55 PM Post #27 of 29
Sweet Spot ,

So, what you're saying is that you should have done a search in this forum for J&R, J and R, B&H, NYC, etc., then visited their websites (, seen what was offered, scheduled your time accordingly, and listened.

why get upset? at best you spent $4.00 for subways. you could have gone into J & R and checked out their music or DVD/VHS section, you could have had a frankfurter by City Hall, walked over to Seaside Seaport and had a few drinks, made some friends, walked over to Canal Street or Chambers and checked out the audio stores, noshed in China Town or Little Italy, taken in the galleries in SOHO, had a pastrami sandwhich in NOHO/Houston Street, visited some bookstores on Bleeker, ...

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