Beyerdynamic DT990 pro not right for me?
Jul 8, 2014 at 11:50 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Jul 8, 2014
Hi all,
I recently decided I should get myself some decent headphones to enjoy my music.
After reading up on which pair to get (mainly on these forums), I settled for the Beyerdynamic DT990pro, with a Fiio E10 to drive them.
I got them about a week ago, and so far I'm loving the sound of them. They do however seem to be hurting my ears.
I can't point my finger at what's bothering me about them - I have been suspecting the treble which can be a little harsh, yet it doesn't feel really piercing to me.
Sometimes it feels like it's giving my music too much body, that there is simply too much sound coming at my ears. Long listening sessions cause me a mild headache.
Previously, I have been using a Sennheiser HD125, and it never caused this kind of feeling to my ears. They do sound like plastic compared to the dt990.
I'm new to this whole audiophile scene so I'm quite clueless how I should respond to this.
Do I have to give it some time, and get used to the sound? Or are they just not for me?
Any tips on how to pinpoint the issue I'm having? If I'm returning them, I have to know what I should avoid when getting a new pair.
Jul 8, 2014 at 12:03 PM Post #2 of 6
Welcome to HF and sorry about your wallet. :)

Sounds like you might be suffering from bass fatigue. I thought I was a basshead until I bought my M80s. I eventually found that they were too bassy for my needs. From the M80s, I went with the DT880s and DT990s. With the 990s, I got a similar reaction but I was also bothered by the sibilance/treble. I ended up with the DT880s which did everything just right for me. If you can fit it into your budget, the 880s is a good choice. Another alternative is the Q701. It's closer in price range, at least in the US to the 990s Pro.
Jul 8, 2014 at 12:35 PM Post #3 of 6
Thanks for your reply!
It might indeed be the combination of the pronounced bass and treble. When I equalize down both of them (instead of individually, as I previously tried), it feels much gentler on my ears.
I guess I'll be in for a replacement then.
Now that I heard some decent headphones, I'm willing to spend some more on a pair I can be happy with. Say about 300 euros as a soft limit (I'm easygoing about paying for quality).
Does it make sense to try Sennheisers because I did not have any issues with the HD215 I mentioned? I would guess they have a general tendency in sound spectrum, like the Beyers do? They were not compareable in quality at all though.
In that case, would you recommend looking into the HD600/650 ?
Jul 8, 2014 at 12:44 PM Post #4 of 6
Definitely. I've owned both and recommend trying the HD600s first over the HD650s. They're cheaper and more neutral than the HD650. I preferred the HD600s more when I owned them. I found the HD650 too warm for my taste. Both are more forward in the mids when compared to the 990s, never heard the 215s so I can't comment on them. Forward mids tend to make vocal tracks more intimate sounding. Which is good or bad depending on your preference. It didn't do much for me tbh.
Jul 8, 2014 at 2:49 PM Post #5 of 6
I agree with the DT880 and HD600 recommendations for sure! The Dt880 still has a solid bass response but isn't overwhelming our fatiguing! The highs on them are a little too hot for a lot of people, but I found them pretty smooth and not bothersome at all, and you could always EQ just a tad if that isn't an issue. The mids are more forward and full compared to the dt990 as it's far less v-shaped. They have dried, detailed mids which really adds the realness to about all instruments. Jazz, Classical, orchestral, rock, and metal have a new sort of realism because of how these mids really the dry detail of live instruments or recorded instrumentals.
The HD600s are really awesome! They're sort of in a similar category as the DT880. (They're often compared) But each excels in their own genres a bit more than others. The HD600 just sort of does everything right. Everything seems just there. The bass is not overwhelming but isn't anemic. It has a nice enough presence to really add some feeling to the mids which are extremely natural and detailed. The treble is not piercing in the slightest either! It's very smooth and is very neutral with the rest of the spectrum.
These are just both cans I can't see anyone being unhappy with. They're really something special!
Good luck, friend! =)

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