Beyerdynamic DT990 Edition (Premium) 250 Ohm vs the Pro version - Bass question
Feb 23, 2021 at 3:12 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


Jan 27, 2020
Hi all!

I pulled the trigger on a Beyerdynamic DT990 Edition (Premium) 250 Ohm. An online store had a promotion, selling them as the same price as the DT990 Pro 250 Ohm.

I choosed the Edition/Premium version because of the the looser clamping force, as this would be to listen at home, comfortably sitting on my sofa and relaxing.

But I'm having seconds thoughts if I did the right choice.

I want a "fun" headphone, with a nice bass (not Beats level, of course). And the 990's are famous for that. But, most of the time, it's the 990 Pro that people talk about.

In fact, some reviews say that the Edition/Premium 250 Ohm has less bass and more piercing highs due to less clamping force, and the Pro 250 Ohm one has more bass and more controlled highs due to more clamping force.

Now, my questions:

1 - is the amount of bass between the 2 versions (Edirion/Premium vs Pro) really a huge difference, like a night and day one, or a very subtle one (like that you could only tell comparing the two side by side)?

2 - if it's really huge the bass difference, can the Edition/Premium be tuned to sound like the Pro with EQ? If so, has anyone some tips of what frequencies to raise/lower with a software like APO/Pace or Foobar? I read that the DT990's handles EQ very well...

By the way, I’ll be using my iFi Zen DAC with them.

Thanks in advance!
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Feb 23, 2021 at 6:47 PM Post #2 of 8
I am curious about the answers to your questions as well. Based on most of the reviews for each model that I have read one of the main differences between the two is the clamping force. The pro model has significantly more clamping force and for this reason I would avoid this one and go with the premium. As to difference in sound a couple of reviews say the difference is due to the clamping force of the pro version since it pushes the cans closer to your ears and improves the seal around your ears. Even if this is true they say the sound is not significantly different. Also based on specs the drivers are the same for both editions.

One other suggestion.....if you have not already done so Google dt 990 premium vs dt 990 pro and you will get a number of reviews comparing the two models.
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Feb 23, 2021 at 10:20 PM Post #3 of 8
Thanks for the reply! Thanks for the suggestion, and yes, I already Googled it, and most say the Pro has more bass... But how much "more bass" is that? Is like a night and day difference? A very pronounced difference/amount? Or pretty negligible? This is my doubt, along with if a digital EQ I can "transform" the apparently "less bass" Edition/Premium to the levels of "more bass" of the Pro.

Let's hope someone who has experience with the 2 models say something. :)
Feb 23, 2021 at 10:22 PM Post #4 of 8
I am curious about the answers to your questions as well. Based on most of the reviews for each model that I have read one of the main differences between the two is the clamping force. The pro model has significantly more clamping force and for this reason I would avoid this one and go with the premium. As to difference in sound a couple of reviews say the difference is due to the clamping force of the pro version since it pushes the cans closer to your ears and improves the seal around your ears. Even if this is true they say the sound is not significantly different. Also based on specs the drivers are the same for both editions.

One other suggestion.....if you have not already done so Google dt 990 premium vs dt 990 pro and you will get a number of reviews comparing the two models.

Thanks for the reply! Thanks for the suggestion, and yes, I already Googled it, and most say the Pro has more bass... But how much "more bass" is that? Is like a night and day difference? A very pronounced difference/amount, significantly different? Or pretty negligible? This is my doubt, along with if a digital EQ I can "transform" the apparently "less bass" Edition/Premium to the levels of "more bass" of the Pro.

Let's hope someone who has experience with the 2 models say something.

(sorry for the double post, my mistake)
Feb 24, 2021 at 3:09 AM Post #6 of 8
The pro is a bit bassier and slightly different sounding due to a different cup design and the greater clamp. Greater clamp in headphones generally equals more bass. I haven’t heard them directly side by side, do recall the pros being bassier and more intimate than I remember the premium 600 ohm (haven’t heard the 250 or 32 Ohm premium) being and this is largely due to the clamp.

Then there are the black editions which are also tuned differently, I found both the premium black edition and the pro black editions to sound different than the normal ones. There are also 80 ohm variants of the pro that I haven’t heard and I don’t know how they differ.

It’s likely the cheaper cost and the pro moniker is why the pro’s are more popular, possibly looks as well.
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Feb 25, 2021 at 9:58 AM Post #7 of 8
The pro is a bit bassier and slightly different sounding due to a different cup design and the greater clamp. Greater clamp in headphones generally equals more bass. I haven’t heard them directly side by side, do recall the pros being bassier and more intimate than I remember the premium 600 ohm (haven’t heard the 250 or 32 Ohm premium) being and this is largely due to the clamp.

Then there are the black editions which are also tuned differently, I found both the premium black edition and the pro black editions to sound different than the normal ones. There are also 80 ohm variants of the pro that I haven’t heard and I don’t know how they differ.

It’s likely the cheaper cost and the pro moniker is why the pro’s are more popular, possibly looks as well.

kman1211, thanks for the reply!

You said that you haven't heard them side by side, but do you think the bass difference between the pros and the premium 600 ohm that you recall hearing, was something like "huge" difference, like different headphones, or something more subtle?

I know that this is subjective, but if the pros have more bass, do you think the premiums 600ohm that you heard still have "enough" bass to call them a "fun" headphone for listening to EDM, Hip-Hop, etc.?

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