Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO, are you a fan?
Apr 21, 2004 at 6:14 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


500+ Head-Fier
Jul 18, 2002
I just bought a DT770 PRO from a dude on ebay, and it should arrive in a week or so. I've been curious about it, since I am a fan of basshead phones like the CD3000 and A900, and I have read that the DT770 PRO does 'outbass' the A900. So as owners or former owners, how do you feel about these phones? What do you really love or hate about these phones?
Apr 21, 2004 at 6:18 AM Post #2 of 19
God yeah, but I'm now second guessing them after 4 months. The bass is just giving me headaches now, but this has only started within the last 2 weeks. Maybe it is just a phase, but I had to knock everything below 200hz down by ~8dB to be able to listen.

Great treble, great midrange, awesome soundstage, excellent for gaming and movies. I will keep mine, but I'm looking at getting something different for main listening now...probably AKG 501s.
Apr 21, 2004 at 6:22 AM Post #3 of 19

Originally Posted by itza2mer
I just bought a DT770 PRO from a dude on ebay, and it should arrive in a week or so. I've been curious about it, since I am a fan of basshead phones like the CD3000 and A900, and I have read that the DT770 PRO does 'outbass' the A900. So as owners or former owners, how do you feel about these phones? What do you really love or hate about these phones?

The bass of the DT770 is beyond any challengers I've tried for its' sheer volume, and it can be quite amazing for awhile, but eventually tiring in the long run, due to the somewhat recessed mids, and occationaly strident highs. They are very nice fitting-cans though, and built like a tank. Also a pretty good soundstage for closed cans. I found the coiled cord to be perfect for portable use as well.

Sound-wise, I think the Ultrasone HIF650-DVD (HFI700) does the basshead thing much better, the bass is big and powerful (dare I say deeper than the DT770), but doesn't overwhelm the mids as the DT770's bass does, and the highs are smoother and more integrated into the overall sound. The DT770 is comfier, but doesn't block as much external sound.
Apr 21, 2004 at 6:25 AM Post #4 of 19
For movies and gaming, I doubt I will ever find anything that tops the DT770. Mine is the non-pro, and it is extremely comfortable as well.

For music, it is quite good for rock, but the synergy with my system is not quite there, and I think there are better options out there.

Regardless, I won't be getting rid of them anytime soon.
Apr 21, 2004 at 6:38 AM Post #5 of 19
I like the DT770pros for doofy style music

The bass does get a little fatiguing at times and I find the bass dip a little distracting for vocal oriented music.
Apr 21, 2004 at 7:13 AM Post #6 of 19
<OT> Iron D, how does the HFI-650 DVD measure up to the CD3K? </OT>

Back on topic, the DT770 is a fun phone at times, but when I had it, I felt like it frustrated in equal measures. Even for dance music, the sound was muddy and over the top, and although it was bright in the highest trebles, it also managed to sound pretty dark at the same time.

Definitely not one of my faves TBH.
Apr 21, 2004 at 7:25 AM Post #7 of 19

Originally Posted by pbirkett
<OT> Iron D, how does the HFI-650 DVD measure up to the CD3K? </OT>

Well the only department they win is the LOW bass, as we all know the CD3K bass does roll off a little bit down there at the very bottom, so (subsonic) low bass notes that are barely perceptible on the CD3K are head-shakingly movie-theater like of the Ultrasones. The bass on them overall is not quite as full as the CD3K's though, meaning there are some weak spots in the upper octaves of the bass that makes the overall bass not as impressive, though they definitely hit hard. The soundstage is obviously smaller, though still better than most closed cans I've tried, and the imaging is sloppier, though not to the point of being sub-325 Grado like. Mids are good but not as prominent as on the CD3K, due to the louder bass of the Ultrasone. Highs are not as full, extended, or smooth as the CD3K, but pretty good in all three departments though. I'm not sure these cans are worth $190 on their own, but compared to the other closed can offerings out there, I think the price could be justified, fortunately I got them used for much less

Sorry for that little O/T diversion, but it's all in the name of my fellow bassheads.

BTW The extra bass of the CD3K makes me prefer it over the R10 for most of the metal and trance music I like to listen to.
Apr 21, 2004 at 7:45 AM Post #8 of 19
Great posts so far.

Iron Dreamer, go as far as off-topic as you wish. I'm a CD3000 fan (although I don't like Sony Parts problems concerning the CD3000), so it's interesting to me to read about how other phones stack up to it.

With the type I music I enjoy, mainly 70's Progressive and Modern Progressive, the drums are what I target on (However, I'm not a drummer). If the phones can reproduce a drum kit fairly well, bass/kick-cymbals-snare-tom, It can probably handle almost anything else thrown at it. I like snappy snare and toms. I like to hear the impact of the hit on the drums, not just the sound produced by the hit. Does the recessed midrange that some folks speak about take anything away from that?
Apr 21, 2004 at 7:48 AM Post #9 of 19

Originally Posted by itza2mer
I like snappy snare and toms. I like to hear the impact of the hit on the drums, not just the sound produced by the hit. Does the recessed midrange that some folks speak about take anything away from that?

It can a bit IMO. The DT770 puts it's greatest emphasis on kick drums, great for thrash metal, not as great for prog. I have found that the Grado SR325 of all the cans I've used has the most bite in snares and toms. However, the Grado's inclination toward producing attack at the expense of accurate decay brings them down a notch in my book. The CD3000 is the best I've heard for making drums sound realistic. And I'm one hell of a wannbe drummer
Apr 21, 2004 at 9:29 AM Post #10 of 19
I love mine. I've never gotten headaches from listening to them (no EQ settings). Perhaps turning down the volume may help other people? Seems some people on these forums listen to music at really high volumes

The bass is awesome and the highs are nice. Mids are a bit recessed, but nothing to really be frustrated over. I found listening to some of my trance can be fatiguing, but only because those songs are trash anyway.

Wearing them in may take a while. Great thing about these headphones is that they are built to last, so you can bend them which ever way best fits your head without damaging them.

As for looks, what can I say. Very nice materials (no cheap plastics like that found on Senns; not all plastics are made equal) and they isolate well enough. Only thing I wish the DT-770 had were removable headphone cables, not that these cables are bad...haha I guess it's the only feature it's missing besides not being able to fold.
Apr 21, 2004 at 9:38 AM Post #11 of 19
The dt 770 has more bass than any other headphone I've heard, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that the bass is overwhelming or distracting. Plus, I find them to be pretty comfortable (pro version). You could count me in as a fan of them.
Apr 21, 2004 at 9:59 AM Post #12 of 19
I like the DT770PRO very much, both in terms of comfort and sound. If there is some bass-based music, these cans are made for it. It's like having a great quality subwoofer (maybe with the volume a bit too loud) next to a good pair of cans. Yes, bass tends to shadow the mids, but, as I said, if you like good bass, and if the music you're listening to is not mainly vocal, the Beysrs DT770 are a good choice.

I use them for watching movies as well.
Apr 21, 2004 at 1:42 PM Post #13 of 19
They can be fun, but I don't know if I'm a fan. You can start to feel a bit closed in, and the ms-1's are offering me the same bass slam without the closed-in feeling. But then again, they do have the beyer luuuv. And I can't wait to test out some DVD's with them... I think they have their place, but I don't know if I'm a huge fan.
Apr 21, 2004 at 2:15 PM Post #14 of 19
I really like my DT770, they perform like no other headphones, they are very special in the bass department, but in my case, this headphones are not my favorite due that in some music the bass do everwhelm other areas. In games and movies they are the best that I have tried. IMO this should be in every bassheaded inventory, but not as the only Headphone.
Apr 21, 2004 at 2:28 PM Post #15 of 19
If you’re an audiophile who desires the most accurate reproduction possible, you’ll hate the DT-770s. But if you don’t care much about accuracy and just want to have fun listening to headphones, then you’ll likely love the DT-770s.

To my ears, headphones generally have a real problem reproducing deep bass response. The other headphones I’ve owned / listened to simply lack the visceral slam and impact of full-range loudspeakers. While many accept this limitation in bass response, I’ve never been able to get past it. To my ears, the DT-770s are the only phones I’ve tried that sound like full-range speakers – instead of smaller bookshelves.

Still, no headphone is perfect. I love the bass but I’m not a fan of the DT-770s ridiculously over-blown upper treble. It’s great for hearing hiss and other digital artifacts but not so great for listening to music, IMO. I use EQ to tame the treble and I think it sounds much better.


Originally Posted by GSh
I love mine. I've never gotten headaches from listening to them (no EQ settings). Perhaps turning down the volume may help other people? Seems some people on these forums listen to music at really high volumes

Great point. The DT-770s are a low-level listening kind of headphone. The whole purpose of all that bass response, IMO, is that you can listen at low volumes and still get a great deal of slam and impact. I’ve never gotten ‘bass headaches’ at the levels I listen at.


Originally Posted by JeffL
Great treble, great midrange, awesome soundstage, excellent for gaming and movies. I will keep mine, but I'm looking at getting something different for main listening now...probably AKG 501s.

Well, the K501s and DT-770s are really polar opposites. If you’re looking for something different, go for the K501s.


Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer
as we all know the CD3K bass does roll off a little bit down there at the very bottom, so (subsonic) low bass notes that are barely perceptible on the CD3K . . .

Don’t let Sovkiller hear you say that.

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