Beyerdynamic Custom Studio?

Mar 28, 2017 at 10:31 PM Post #46 of 73
For anyone interested, here are 14 more reviews. They are mostly in German, but just hit the translate link.
Mar 28, 2017 at 11:01 PM Post #47 of 73
wondering how "underpowered" are these sound on a samsung galaxy note 6? my other portables(takstar pro 80's, m50x, monoprice m50x, 598cs) get pretty loud with my akg k545's being a notch under that. How much quieter will these be than my m50x's when used on the go? I mean these were designed to be somewhat portable being part of the custom series so I assume they sound somewhat ok on a phone. I just need it for the subway commute. I have amp/dac's at both home and the office. 
Mar 29, 2017 at 8:30 AM Post #48 of 73
I just tried them listening to Norah Jones - Come Away with Me on my Galaxy S5. I had the volume 2 clicks below maximum and it was the right volume for me, but I don't listen at very loud levels. When I tried it 1 click below maximum I was getting noticeable distortion and at maximum it was bad. I would not want to listen to them out of my S5.
Mar 29, 2017 at 3:20 PM Post #49 of 73
  I just tried them listening to Norah Jones - Come Away with Me on my Galaxy S5. I had the volume 2 clicks below maximum and it was the right volume for me, but I don't listen at very loud levels. When I tried it 1 click below maximum I was getting noticeable distortion and at maximum it was bad. I would not want to listen to them out of my S5.

copy that, i plan on using the dragonfly red in conjunction with my phone for these. Would you classify the custom studio at the 4th position to have more bass than the m50x?
Mar 29, 2017 at 6:27 PM Post #50 of 73
  copy that, i plan on using the dragonfly red in conjunction with my phone for these. Would you classify the custom studio at the 4th position to have more bass than the m50x?

I've never listened to the M50x. From what I remember reading though, the M50x have more bass. If you want the most bass in this headphone then the Custom One Pro Plus would worth a look. I've never heard those though. From the Inner Fidelity FR graphs the M50x and the Custom One Pro Plus on the 4th position seem to have the same amount of bass.
May 20, 2017 at 3:00 PM Post #52 of 73
I don't know. I did an A/B in guitar center with the custom studio and dt 770 80 ohm. The 770 has such a better sound stage! They are close in clarity, but I prefer the 770 for better separation.

That said, my go to now is the 1770. Not even close. Such a great head phone. The detail is fantastic, and they have great isolation. I picked up a 4' cable, and I use them at the gym. I can't hear a thing outside the headphones. I would say they are a bit bulky for portable use. I was thinking of either the custom studio, t51i, or MDR 1000x as a 2nd pair. I researched the Denon AH-MM400, but the cups are small and I have big ears. I previously had the PSB m4u-1 and UE 6000. Both portable, and good intro headphones, but now that I have the DT 1770's, I want a 2nd that is closer in clarity to those. From what I have read, the T51i may be the way to go. We will see.
Jan 12, 2018 at 5:59 PM Post #53 of 73
I ordered a pair from Guitar Center. It was a bad pair of cans with clipping from both sides when the volume was barely turned up (using a FiiO E17 Alpen headphone amp.) I believe the repair I received was also either used or a display model for three reasons:
1. It didn't come in a pristine box
2. The coiled cable was not wrapped in protective clear plastic
3. It didn't come with an allen wrench to switch out the custom covers
I'm going to Guitar Center in person to get a replacement.
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:19 PM Post #54 of 73
just cracked open my pair. love them! never owned a beyer but heard a dt990 at a friends. was always interested in the dt770 model due to reports of great bass. got these for potentially more refined sound overall, sounding very nice out the stx ii soundcard. these fix the things i didn't like in the denon d2000 (sold) & M50s, totally smooth and non fatigueing. i am cranking the bass the maximum with some new dr dre & dj quik music and they are booming. to be fair 3 or 4 is fine for bass, there's plenty of low end. definitely the best pair of headphones i've owned and probably heard, agreeing with my ears. sound placement is very good considering how my ears can just settle with the smooth sound.
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:24 PM Post #55 of 73
I want these but man they are getting hard to find in the USA. Guitar center no longer has them or musician friend etc. Found them at 46audio. Amazon has 1 seller and the price is not that great.
Is the soundstage really that much worse as the dt770 250 ohm. I have a fiio a5 amp to power these!
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Apr 13, 2018 at 10:01 AM Post #56 of 73
I had the chance to find the Custom Studio 80 Ohm for a decent price on Ebay a few months ago. Here is my personal thoughts about how they sound:

Bass: Meaty, textured, deep and relatively thight bass, with very good extension. The bass ports at Position 1: Light and thin (almost no bass); Position 2: very lean, but flat and accurate bass; Position 3: a bit boosted, but very fun sounding and very engaging; Position 4: Big-ass boosted bass (sounds good on certain tracks, but overwhelmed on some others).

Mids: Smooth (no upper mids peak / harshness), textured, a little bit recessed, but very transparent and faithful. Not as revealing and vibrant as some other “studio headphones” (particularly with female vocals).

Highs: Definitely boosted. Sounds unreal on some tracks. Could be fatiguing on crappy mp3 files / bad mastered music or when listened at high volume level, but not as terrible as described by some DT770 users IMO (I’ve never heard any DT770 model by the way). Maybe CS have less peaked highs than DT770 (I don’t know and I didn’t found any FR graph which confirms that).

Soundstage: Very good (quite impressive for closed-back cans). Decent amount of air between instruments.

Comfort: Great, but hard clamping force (thanks to the velour pads). No hotspots at all from the headband. Good padding between the drivers and the inside of the ear cups (for some with larger ears).

Amplification: They benefit from amplification (bass gets a bit thighter IMO), but they could be driven by my smartphone (volume near the top).

As an critical-listening and precise headphones fan, I found the Custom Studio sounding a lot more “fun”, less analytical and less sharper (especially in midrange) than some of my other cans, but it’s a great addition to my collection.

For those considering K550 Mkii, they sounds like CS in position 3 in terms of bass (a little bit thighter on CS though), sharper timbre, more revealing in the midrange (especially in upper mids region), more realistic (not boosted) in the highs, but a bit grainier. K550 sounds also a tiny bit more "in your face" (like a magnifying glass) in terms of soundstage, but I personally prefer them over CS in terms of comfort (less clamping force). My ears sweat more rapidly with K550 though...

Hope this could help.
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Jun 22, 2018 at 9:48 AM Post #57 of 73
For some considering K550 Mkii, they sounds like CS in position 3 in terms of bass (a little bit thighter and dryer on K550), sharper timbre, more revealing in the midrange (especially in upper mids region), more realistic (not boosted) in the highs, but a bit grainier. K550 sounds also a tiny bit more "in your face" (like a magnifying glass) in terms of soundstage, but I personally prefer them over CS in terms of comfort (less clamping force).

Hope this could help.

Interesting thoughts. I owned the K551, sold them, rebought them, and then just sold them again. I still have my Custio Studios. I love that soundstage for the K550/551 but something always bothered me about the tonal balance. After getting the PSB M4U2, personally, I think I'm not getting the K551 again. Nothing closed touches the K55x soundstage to me the PSB's tone balance is so much better.
Jun 30, 2018 at 3:53 PM Post #58 of 73
Been occasionally using Sennheiser HD600's with a Yamaha Silent Cinema receiver for films for years, but fancied some closed back headphones with a bit more bass. Initially went with the 770's (80Ohm). But, they didn't seem to have any more oomph than the 600's (in my setup), and I also felt that I was missing out on something elsewhere - couldn't pinpoint what it was, it just sounded like a significantly lesser listening experience - understandable given the price difference. I then ordered the Custom Studios and the bass (all ports open) was clearly more pronounced than the 770's and 600's, a real rumble. Everything else was a close enough vibe to the 600's (for film) that within a few hours I'd decided to keep them. The round velour pads are comfy and non-sweaty for prolonged periods, headband is also nicely padded. The only thing I didn't like is the coiled cable, but I got a straight 3m one off ebay which has the custom connector. I now use the 600's exclusively for music and the Custom Studios for film.
Jul 18, 2018 at 2:59 PM Post #59 of 73
Welp... I just got these stealth black guys today... So far, meh... honestly I don't hear a big diff between these 2 guys except the Custom Studio's maybe a hair less trebly. I did the toilet paper mod to my CS so I don't remember how it sounded like without em.

Nov 24, 2018 at 11:43 AM Post #60 of 73
Is it a good idea to get Custom Studio for general usage like gaming, videos/movies, sometimes music? Or DT 770 is better for that?

I have Creative Aurvana Live now but it's not very comfortable and I am planning to replace it with DT 770 or Custom Studio (there is also Custom One Pro but it has leather pads which as I understand are less comfortable and I don't want to bother changing them).

So I like that Custom Studio is newer and a bit more customizable, detachable cable etc.
But it has "studio" in the name and supposed to be more neutral, so I am not sure if it's good for my use case.

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