Beyer DT-931 as the perfect complement to Senns HD-600?
Sep 17, 2002 at 11:33 PM Post #16 of 20

Originally posted by kelly
I do wish I could spend more time with the DT931, myself. I'd like to hear it on the RKV.

Kelly, PM or e-mail me...

I'll be glad to send you my 931s/120ohm adaptor for a few weeks. Take your time...I use my Stax downstairs in my main system and my HD600/Equinox up in the bedroom with the EMP. I'm really not listening to the Beyers right now.

I'd like to know how you feel about them.

Sep 17, 2002 at 11:36 PM Post #17 of 20

When switching back and forth between the 600 and the 931, I will plug the 600 into the 0 ohm jack, or the 931 into the 120 ohm jack, unless I'm doing an actual recording comparison. In theory you could have them both plugged in at the same time, but I notice that each one sounds slightly better if it's the only one currently plugged in.

As for the bass, I must say that I prefer less bass than some of the bass-heads on this forum. I prefer to say that I don't have enjoy exaggerated bass, but someone else would think my bass too thin. Anyway, I do think the 931 gives good bass when it exists on the recording. I prefer the 931 over the 831 primarily because for me, even the 120 ohm jack couldn't tame the 831s brightness. The 831 bass seemed less crisp than the 931, although there was a little more of it.

The 931 is quite different than the 770. Each would have its supporters as the "ultimate" Beyer. I found the 770 to be way too bass-heavy, with insufficent mid-upper and upper range. But others consider it to be the king of bass, and like its overall sound as well.
Sep 18, 2002 at 9:03 PM Post #18 of 20
Thanks to all of you for your advices and comments!

I am now hesitating between Beyer DT 931 and Beyer DT 770 (remember, I would buy a new pair of headphones to excel for rock music!).

dougli: is the 770's brightness (if any) close to the one of the 831s or to the 931s to your ears?

MacDEF: you're categoric on this issue, and I tend now to lean towards the 770s ... but a bit more help is needed
... also because new questions arise (see below).

j-curve: it's not that I am looking for cans to fit my amp, but, if I have to choose between a couple of different cans which all fit my needs (Grado / Beyer), I'll choose Beyers, since it seems that the Corda amp has that 120 ohm output which fits Beyers, that's all. Moreover, Beyers are cheaper than Grados

braillediver: I don't use portable sources. I read your thread, I understand that you did not make your mind yet
Can you, please, tell me more on your pros and cons for specific cans?

Here is a question I just put in another thread, but please allow me to quote myself, it gives a nice feeling and it really fits my current concerns and, as a consequence, this thread also

DT 770 or DT 770 PRO??? 250 ohms or 600 ohms???

Please enlighten me: some mention [on this forum] the "Beyer DT 770" and some others mention the "Beyer DT 770 PRO"... Are these different models, or it's a one and only model (the one to be seen on Dr. Meier's website and which has the word "professional" printed on it)?

NotoriousBIG_PJ wrote: "There are 250 and 600 ohm versions of the beyer dt770 pro".

On Dr. Meier's website only the 250 ohm seems to be available. Which are the differences between the two impedance versions? Where would be the 600 ohms available (if it's better than the 250 ohms)?

Thanks again (also in advance) to all,

Sep 18, 2002 at 10:04 PM Post #19 of 20

Originally posted by greenhorn
MacDEF: you're categoric on this issue, and I tend now to lean towards the 770s ... but a bit more help is needed
... also because new questions arise (see below).

Like I mentioned above, if the main purpose is listening to rock music, I think you'll apprciate the "slam" and lack of grating highs on the DT770 much more than the DT931 which is, IMO, much more of a classical/jazz/acoustic headphone.


Please enlighten me: some mention [on this forum] the "Beyer DT 770" and some others mention the "Beyer DT 770 PRO"... Are these different models, or it's a one and only model (the one to be seen on Dr. Meier's website and which has the word "professional" printed on it)?

According to the Beyer website, there is only the DT770 Pro. In addition, while they list two versions of the DT250 (80 and 250 ohm), they only list a single version of the DT770 (600 ohm).
Sep 18, 2002 at 10:11 PM Post #20 of 20

I don't think anyone could ever apply the word "bright" to the DT770. I turn and run the other direction when I encounter bright headphones. One of the additional reasons that I sold my DT770 is that I felt it was lacking in the upper frequencies. However, I primarily listen to female vocalists. Although some are definitely in the area of rock, I still did not prefer the 770 for any of these recordings.

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