Between HD600 and ATH-A1000 which is the winner?
Mar 30, 2003 at 5:12 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


Mar 18, 2003
I hope someone can help me to judging which one is the winner but we only talk about the sound quality. So please forget about price, comfort, size, weight, build, upgradeability, looks, and compatibility with portable.
Maybe many of you have using those reasons to judging phones, but for this time can you help to measure based on sound quality only.

I have a chance to buy one of them but I hope I get the best one. My music will be Jazz Vocal, Classics, and Instruments like Piano or Acoustic Guitar.


Mar 30, 2003 at 5:46 AM Post #3 of 12
i think it is a matter of preference and it is you that will listen to it.

tough for people to answer this question coz they might have a different preference than you do.
Mar 30, 2003 at 6:24 AM Post #4 of 12

Originally posted by Frag|LE-
they sound completely different. for example one is open and one is closed... which is already a huge difference in sound.

for a closed can, AT's sure sound open.
Mar 30, 2003 at 9:41 AM Post #7 of 12
The HD600 is a more docile sounding phone than the A1000. I think on first listen for your music you might prefer the HD600, providing it's properly amped. The A1000's don't have that limitation, since they'll even work unamped pretty amazingly well off an old-school PCDP.

For want of a better word, the A1000 sounds more aggressive and 'phat'. The HD600 presents you with a large soundstage and an agreeble, measured sound for classical and so forth. For certain types of jazz the A1000's might work better, for certain types of classical the HD600's might work better. And yes, the A1000 definitely sounds closed in comparison.

Ultimately it comes down to convenience. The A1000's are closed and more versatile. Although they are not portable, there's more options as to what you can drive them out of. The HD600 is firmly quiet room dedicated with a good amp to get the best out of it... Otherwise they can sound flat.
Mar 30, 2003 at 6:08 PM Post #9 of 12
A1000 - for acoustic guitar and paino. you may have a problem with vocals, though. You'll have to listen to them and decide yourself. let's hope it's not a Mary Hart headphone, to you. (for those that don't know, a woman had seizures every time she supposedly heard Mary Hart's voice (ET, Entertainment Tonight)).

much more energy. more engaging. can play air guitar. ATH sound signature. (sprinter, short distance runner). may be fatiguing.

what's "Classics"? is that classical music? if so, then the HD600 may hedge out the A1000. bass may sound better than A1000. think 'acoustic suspension' instead of 'ported'. the HD600 does everything pretty much well. (long distance runner). not fatiguing.

I've heard the HD600. I've only heard the AD10 and W2002. A1000 is all conjecture and second hand assumptions.
Apr 2, 2003 at 2:51 AM Post #10 of 12
Maybe only several of you have both of them, I think that’s why not many person can give opinion about the comparisons.

Bangraman and Wallijohn thanks for the advice.
In my country not much people sold any headphone for hi-fi or high end audio.

My friends at the office I think one of the headphone geek I ever met. He has many of headphone collections; maybe someday I will go to his place to try something.

Apr 2, 2003 at 8:36 AM Post #11 of 12
since walli talks about the fatiguing nature of the a1000..... I was wondering if the A900 has the same fatiguing quality (bangra, i know you'll jump in on this one,
Apr 2, 2003 at 8:50 AM Post #12 of 12
My memory doesn't serve me well on that one... I will have to wait until I get the A900 back in a few days. Then I'll be listening to the CD3K, W2002, W1000, A1000 and the A900. Anyone got the number for a good geneticist able to grow me a spare... ooh 4 sets of ears?

But I don't find the A1000 fatiguing at low volume levels. At louder levels they do sound a bit 'Grado'.

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