Best sub 300Euro IEMs for Jazz/HipHop/Elekcronic Music
Dec 16, 2019 at 10:35 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Dec 16, 2019
Hello people,

I am currently getting into the head-fi game. What are some nice IEMs for Jazz/HipHop/Elektronic Music ?
Some things:
50-70s Blue Note, Imoulse and Prestige and some modern stuff
Things like D'Angelo, tribe called quest, Erykah Badu
Things like Flying Lotus, Squarepusher

Upper Limit is 300 dollars, but if you have cheaper alternatives I will gladly listen to you. If it is any help in Speakers I adore the Harbeth SHL5+

Source is currently not here yet. I am contemplating picking up a Dethonray DTR1...
Dec 16, 2019 at 2:55 PM Post #2 of 6
Listened a bit into this music, and to me the mixes sound strongly boosted in bass and sharp in treble.
So I’d look for an IEM with smooth treble first and foremost, and decide on the bass signature based on whether you like a thumpy bass or something more neutral.

Smooth treble is not that easy to find, so I would stay away from IEMs with treble spikes or too much high frequency push.

If you like your bass strong, then this makes me think of the Sony XBA-N3, which would just be within your budget.
i do not own this however, I am going by my memory from testing it in April and FR graph

Out of the ones I own, the JVC FDX1 from Drop would be my recommendation, also because you can change the tuning with the 3 included nozzles, but mostly because of it’s smooth treble and overall signature which works well with the aggressive mixes IMO.
The sound is quite different though comparing the iPhone output with a proper DAC, CHORD Mojo in my case. The phone is more forgiving, and more mid centric, so less critical.

purely based on reviews the Tin Hifi P4 comes to mind as a neutral option, the FIIO FH5 as a bassy one.

Dec 17, 2019 at 3:16 PM Post #3 of 6
Hey Surgeorge,

I agree that Flyinglotus etc. are heavily boosted in bass and treble, however the jazz recordings usually aren't. Since I have the Tin Hifi T4 on the way, I will wait and see how these work out. I kind of liked the T3s...

Now I still have to decide in regards towards the source. ... To DTR1 or not, that is the question...
Dec 18, 2019 at 6:21 AM Post #4 of 6
Hi @bluelu,

Good music you listen to, I listen to a lot of Jazz myself though these days I tend to mainly stick to John Coltrane though 40's to 70's Jazz I like a lot...

Just my two cents, either the following IEMs will work for you :

iBasso IT 01
iBasso IT 01s

If you looking for a good source & you don't need Bluetooth or WiFi, I suggest the Cowon Plenue D.

Hope you have a great day !
Dec 19, 2019 at 7:47 PM Post #5 of 6
I would second the recommendation for the iBasso IT01 and IT01s
Dec 20, 2019 at 4:14 AM Post #6 of 6
Hey Surgeorge,

I agree that Flyinglotus etc. are heavily boosted in bass and treble, however the jazz recordings usually aren't. Since I have the Tin Hifi T4 on the way, I will wait and see how these work out. I kind of liked the T3s...

Now I still have to decide in regards towards the source. ... To DTR1 or not, that is the question...

Looking forward to your impressions!
Regarding DAP - IMO it's worth having a good source.
In my case it's a Chord Mojo stacked with a HiBy R3, and I just don't want to listen to the R3's output let alone a phone after getting used to the SQ of the Mojo. It's subtle but makes a big difference in how I enjoy music.
Not saying that you should get a Mojo, just saying that if you don't already have a good source, get one.

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