Best soundcard for use without an amp.
Jun 15, 2006 at 2:07 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 28, 2004
Im looking for the best sound card to use with my Ms-1s that wouldnt require an amp. What would my best bet be? Price range is probably within the 100 dollar area. Would it maybe be cheaper to get an av710 and an amp though? I need guidance on the subject.
Jun 15, 2006 at 2:40 AM Post #2 of 16
Get a sound card with integrated amp? I had AudioTrak Prodigy 7.1 (actually still have it) it it drove HD600 just fine. The only thing it had trouble handling is DVD movies because they have ridiculously low sound recording level. But even then it was listenable, just not extra loud. I haven't had much experience with amps, haven't been to any meets, but IMO Prodigy 7.1 + built in amp will sound much better than an entry level amp. I had pimeta and was disappointed with its sound compared to straight out of my prodigy 7.1. Of course prodigy 7.1 isn't the only choice, Audiotrak has several cards in its lineup and there is always terratec although I wouldn't recommend it becaus of the drivers (apparently horrible).
Jun 15, 2006 at 6:30 AM Post #4 of 16
laptop or desktop?
Jun 15, 2006 at 10:14 AM Post #5 of 16
Yeah, get something with something intergrated, if you plan to use phones that are harder to drive (either way, an amp is good), the M-audio Revolution 5.1 apparently has one, and Cyrillix was rather happy with it (although he's moved onto a better amp now.)

If you are looking for some easier to drive phones, I'de recommend 555's and 595's (although you didn't ask, and others probably will recommend the A900), I have personally used the 595's temporarily unamped and they were rather nice sounding (probably better then my 600's unamped now as these are somewhat thin and lacking in various areas, can't wait till I get my amp and can comment on the huge differences.)
Jun 15, 2006 at 10:45 AM Post #6 of 16

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
Yeah, get something with something intergrated, if you plan to use phones that are harder to drive (either way, an amp is good), the M-audio Revolution 5.1 apparently has one, and Cyrillix was rather happy with it (although he's moved onto a better amp now.)

If you are looking for some easier to drive phones, I'de recommend 555's and 595's (although you didn't ask, and others probably will recommend the A900), I have personally used the 595's temporarily unamped and they were rather nice sounding (probably better then my 600's unamped now as these are somewhat thin and lacking in various areas, can't wait till I get my amp and can comment on the huge differences.)

Creative SB live 24-bit can drive my A900LTD better then Revolution 7.1. But both can't drive like an AMP and even not close to it. IMO no soundcard can drive headphones like dedicated amps.
Jun 15, 2006 at 10:46 AM Post #7 of 16

Originally Posted by manchau
Creative SB live 24-bit can drive my A900LTD better then Revolution 7.1. But both can't drive like an AMP and even not close to it. IMO no soundcard can drive headphones like dedicated amps.

The 7.1 doesn't have a dedicated intergrated amplifier, the 5.1 does, that's why they both have the same jacks, the 5.1's (I believe silevr jack) is for headphone out. On the 7.1, it is used for the 2 extra speakers.
Jun 15, 2006 at 10:54 AM Post #8 of 16

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
The 7.1 doesn't have a dedicated intergrated amplifier, the 5.1 does, that's why they both have the same jacks, the 5.1's (I believe silevr jack) is for headphone out. On the 7.1, it is used for the 2 extra speakers.

Will check it.

If you have any link then please provide that 5.1 haves integrated amp and 7.1 not.
Jun 15, 2006 at 10:59 AM Post #9 of 16

Originally Posted by manchau
Will check it.

If you have any link then please provide that 5.1 haves integrated amp and 7.1 not.

A bit lazy now, but compare the manuals between the 5.1 and 7.1, I used to own the 5.1, I even posted a thread, I was sad to find out that the extra silver port on the 7.1 is for the extra surround speakers, and on the 5.1 it's for the intergrated amp.
The m-audio site should have a picture of the ports with labels, one should say headphone out or whatever.
Jun 15, 2006 at 11:11 AM Post #10 of 16

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
A bit lazy now, but compare the manuals between the 5.1 and 7.1, I used to own the 5.1, I even posted a thread, I was sad to find out that the extra silver port on the 7.1 is for the extra surround speakers, and on the 5.1 it's for the intergrated amp.
The m-audio site should have a picture of the ports with labels, one should say headphone out or whatever.

outputs may have different sockets. But 7.1 also haves headphone amp IMO. when I select headphone in control panel, it becomes louder.

Second thing that I tried with borrowed Audigy 2 with front panel which haves integrated amp and dedicated headphone input with dedicated volume level control. and this one also failed to produce like AMPs. Anyway. Do you personally got similar results like amp by pairing HP's to souncards direct outs ? IMO they all can drive headphones but we can say decently while not as impressive as AMP's. Even disputed Zhaolu's amp can beat those card's amp.

BTW... Still curious to know about Revo's 5.1 and 7.1 difference.
Jun 15, 2006 at 11:20 AM Post #11 of 16

Originally Posted by manchau
outputs may have different sockets. But 7.1 also haves headphone amp IMO. when I select headphone in control panel, it becomes louder.

Second thing that I tried with borrowed Audigy 2 with front panel which haves integrated amp and dedicated headphone input with dedicated volume level control. and this one also failed to produce like AMPs. Anyway. Do you personally got similar results like amp by pairing HP's to souncards direct outs ? IMO they all can drive headphones but we can say decently while not as impressive as AMP's. Even disputed Zhaolu's amp can beat those card's amp.

BTW... Still curious to know about Revo's 5.1 and 7.1 difference.

*Shrug*. Your phones sound louder because it is a different setting, like an equalizer.

See? Silver jack is for headphone out, it has an intergrated headphone amp.

See? Surround sound center left/right, no headphone out on that jack. If you don't believe me, try using that jack. The 5.1 won't use it's headphone amp either if you use the green jack, you need the silver jack, and the 7.1's silver jack won't work because it's designed for 7.1.
Jun 15, 2006 at 1:45 PM Post #12 of 16

Originally Posted by manchau
Creative SB live 24-bit can drive my A900LTD better then Revolution 7.1. But both can't drive like an AMP and even not close to it. IMO no soundcard can drive headphones like dedicated amps.

Depends if the card has integrated amp and what kind of dedicated amp you are comparing it to. I don't know if revo 7.1 has an integrated amp, but I did prefer the sound of Prodigy 7.1 + builtin amp to Prodigy 7.1 + pimeta. Pimeta sounded slightly more aggressive, but Prodigy 7.1 w/ built in amp instead sounded so much cleaner. I'd take the latter any day. It's a different story if you are using a much better amp than pimeta. However if op is looking for a budget solution, a card with built in amp will sound better.
Jun 15, 2006 at 2:26 PM Post #13 of 16

Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit
Depends if the card has integrated amp and what kind of dedicated amp you are comparing it to. I don't know if revo 7.1 has an integrated amp, but I did prefer the sound of Prodigy 7.1 + builtin amp to Prodigy 7.1 + pimeta. Pimeta sounded slightly more aggressive, but Prodigy 7.1 w/ built in amp instead sounded so much cleaner. I'd take the latter any day. It's a different story if you are using a much better amp than pimeta. However if op is looking for a budget solution, a card with built in amp will sound better.

How the Pimeta works will be dependent several factors:
Voltage and power source (battery power vs. wall power)
Gain setting

Another option:
The AV710 has a well respected Wolfson DAC feeding its 7/8 output jack (this card will need to be tweaked to get it to work, but all the info is here).

The Apherhead A47- It's a DIY amp that is essential a modified Cmoy. The Grado RA-1 is essential a Cmoy. I had a pair of SR-80s once and a Cmoy drove them nicely. The A47 should do an even better job. It may be a bit difficult to source if you don't want to build it, but you may contact some of the DIY'ers and ask or put an ad in the Amp FS forum. A Cmoy from Ebay or here would also be a good cheap solution. It just my opinion, but I would amp them over using a sound card to drive them.

Card and amp sould cost no more that $100.
Jun 15, 2006 at 2:52 PM Post #14 of 16

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
*Shrug*. Your phones sound louder because it is a different setting, like an equalizer.

See? Silver jack is for headphone out, it has an intergrated headphone amp.

See? Surround sound center left/right, no headphone out on that jack. If you don't believe me, try using that jack. The 5.1 won't use it's headphone amp either if you use the green jack, you need the silver jack, and the 7.1's silver jack won't work because it's designed for 7.1.

It doesn't justify the main point if they just combined the socket due to lack of space. I am seeking written difference.


Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit
Depends if the card has integrated amp and what kind of dedicated amp you are comparing it to. I don't know if revo 7.1 has an integrated amp, but I did prefer the sound of Prodigy 7.1 + builtin amp to Prodigy 7.1 + pimeta. Pimeta sounded slightly more aggressive, but Prodigy 7.1 w/ built in amp instead sounded so much cleaner. I'd take the latter any day. It's a different story if you are using a much better amp than pimeta. However if op is looking for a budget solution, a card with built in amp will sound better.

I red Prodigy's specification regarding it's amp. But as Samgotit said it depends on some factors if you're not getting better sound out of Pimeta.

BTW... I am using Zhaolu D2 and it's amp. It's new level of sound whether it's clearity OR power.

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