Best jazz headphones under 100$
Nov 16, 2014 at 6:23 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 47


New Head-Fier
Nov 16, 2014
Hi everyone!

So yeah I'm re-discovering by leaving aside progressive rock to listen to JAZZ! And I just love it!!

So I'm tired of my Apple Earbuds.. I want real over-the-ear headphones (but still portable) under 100$.

I came over the Sony MDR-V6 and the Grado SR80e...

People say the Grado has his own touch /signature that is great, but it has a lot of sound leakage... And that's a problem because I really want to use these as everyday portable headphones, and in places that can by noisy like crowded streets or the subway.

And the reviews of the Sony MDR-V6 are also really great, and it has not any cons really, except that, if I understood right, it's really a studio headphone that's meant to be neutral, and I would probably like a slight little warm touch the Grado maybe has...

So what headphones should I buy? Do you have other propositions?
Nov 16, 2014 at 8:52 PM Post #2 of 47
You certainly cannot go wrong with the Sony V6 or 7506 (same headphone). They sound great, are very durable, and do not like a lot of sound. And I for one would recommend putting the Bayerdynamic DT 250 Velour pads on them for a step up and comfort and bass response.
Nov 17, 2014 at 12:42 AM Post #4 of 47
I love my Jazz. So warm headphones sound excellent. Those Sony's aren't warm, they are peaky and more monitor like, would not recommend. Grados are just bright as hell, energetic so people like em for rock and such, not a fan. I love the CAL! but they don't isolate very well at all. I LOVE the Sony ZX700, UE6000 and Takstar Pro80 which can all be found under your budget they are warm and pleasant with the UE6000 being a bit bassier and Takstar having a bit more treble, the ZX700 splits the difference and is more midrange forward. Sennheiser HD439 is also an excellent choice. Good luck :)
Nov 17, 2014 at 6:37 AM Post #5 of 47
Thanks guys ! 
But I rally can't make my choice now...  All the headphones you listed have some bad reviews sound-wise and quality-duration-lifetime wise.
Only the Sony MDR v6 seems to be loved by a lot of people.  But yeah it's a bummer that they are more monitoring-perfect sound, because, I would kind of like to have like that 1% of personnal warm touch signature that a headset could have...
Arg !
Nov 17, 2014 at 6:54 AM Post #7 of 47
V6 on the other hand are very polarizing. Hated by many and loved by many. Mostly loved by people who are just starting out in the hobby, such as amazon reviewers :) if youre gonna go the monitor route just get an M50 or Shure 840
Nov 17, 2014 at 7:44 AM Post #8 of 47
V6 on the other hand are very polarizing. Hated by many and loved by many. Mostly loved by people who are just starting out in the hobby, such as amazon reviewers :)

Idk about that mate. The V6 has been a staple in recording studios for years. I love mine for both monitoring and General listening.
Nov 17, 2014 at 12:20 PM Post #10 of 47
Idk about that mate. The V6 has been a staple in recording studios for years. I love mine for both monitoring and General listening.

Looking at your sig, you like he500 grados and hp25s. So safe to say you like your treble a little spicy, so of course youll like the v6. Doesnt do jazz well. And zx700 is a much better option given the genre. V6 is a bit of a ringing mess. Some people likr that though. And thats ok
Nov 17, 2014 at 12:21 PM Post #11 of 47
Thanks for the replies !
And if I get the V6, and I want to add a sort of color to it, I can just play gently with the EQ on my player app on my android phone right ?   
Yes because I'm gonna be using the headphones outside mostly. (Are the V6 good portable headphones ?)
Nov 17, 2014 at 12:29 PM Post #12 of 47
Correct. They'll respond just fine to EQ. 
They'll be fine for portable use. The coiled cable makes cable management easier albeit a little heavier. 
And again as I mentioned before, the DT250 velour pads work wonders for these cans in terms of comfort. They aren't uncomfortable with the stock pads but the velours make 'em way better!
Nov 17, 2014 at 12:31 PM Post #13 of 47
Thanks for the replies !

And if I get the V6, and I want to add a sort of color to it, I can just play gently with the EQ on my player app on my android phone right ?   

Yes because I'm gonna be using the headphones outside mostly. (Are the V6 good portable headphones ?)

Definitely. You can adjust the EQ of the sound.

And yes. The V6 have decent isolation.
Nov 17, 2014 at 12:40 PM Post #14 of 47
Arg but...  I really like the design of the Grado.. :]
Are you guys sure it isn't goof for Jazz ?  Because I saw an entire article saying that it was a really good headset, and jazz was highly mentioned. But on forums and stuff people kind of say it has too much bass etc...   An its sound really leaks that bad ?   Like if i'm listening to it in a silenced car,   or a crowdy subway,  would people hear my music ?
Man... choice is so hard !
Nov 17, 2014 at 12:48 PM Post #15 of 47
Oh I think the SR80 is a great headphone! Serious bang for your buck. But, unlike the V6, it is an open back so lots of sound escapes out of the cup as you listen. Anyone within 5 feet of you would hear your music very easily.

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