Best IEMS under $7? (+4 Free Schick Razors)
Jan 2, 2007 at 4:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Jul 20, 2004
Image Link (Help! I can't get it in my post):

Before reading this thread, please lower you expectations on what you will experience with free IEMs. Alright?

OK, I have a pair of Sony EX71s and was looking for disposable razors at Walgreens yesterday and ran across the Schick Xtreme3's with free IEMs. I thought the tips looked like my Sony's mediums, and my roomate lost his medium tips to his Sonys. What the heck - I opted for the brand name razors instead of the cheap generics, just so I could have a go at modding them to see what I could achieve. At the least I'd have the tips and a few good shaves.

First impression(this is comparison to K81DJs, and I didn't have my Sony's at home): Terribly muffled mids and highs, bass not impressive.

I Bored out the tip opening with a small Swiss Army Knife to make the single "dot" and "cresent" sound port as large as the inside diameter of the tube. (looks like my Sonys without the paper insert). Impression - undefined mids and highs, bass wasn't punchy.

Took the silver cap off the back of the earphone exposing two vent holes. I thought maybe I could improve the bass - was the opposite - sounded hollow. I bored both holes that held the cap on to make them quite large and the bass got worse (nearly non-existent).

Superglued the caps back on to fill the holes -bass returned.

Packed cotton in the tubes, pretty much filling the cavity, moderately packed - sound got very muffled.

Removing one-half the cotton, cavity still full, but lightly packed, the sound was still pretty muffled in the mids and high didn't "sing"

At just enough to make a nice fluffy ball about the size of an eraser head, I fill the cavity gently with cotton - no packing. This achieved the best sound.

Results? Well, the highs and lows are quite good. For electronic music this earphones are passible. The mids are bit muffled. If anybody has a mod method for "unmuffling" mids - have at it.

I let my freind try them with his iPod shuffle, and he liked them over the stock buds for the bass response, and the comfort is great. So for free, not bad.

Just do Step#1 and Step#6 and you should be good. It'll take 10 minutes.

I can't say much about the razors, hey it's New's Year's Day - head still hurts from last night - wasn't feeling like shaving today.

Link to Schick:
Jan 2, 2007 at 6:29 AM Post #2 of 6

Here is my ideas that improved the mids on the EX71's without making them sound harsh. The tube though needs to come from the old style Koss The Plugs Or Sparkplug with the grey not white cord. The old grey cord sparkplugs got hard to find really quick.
Jan 2, 2007 at 6:39 AM Post #3 of 6
I'm more inclined to question why IEMs come with razors as opposed to how they sound.
Jan 4, 2007 at 2:49 AM Post #4 of 6

Originally Posted by supermoo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm more inclined to question why IEMs come with razors as opposed to how they sound.

When you find the answer, let me know. I was just looking for a clean, close shave and thought, "Alright, what the heck..."
Jan 4, 2007 at 5:10 AM Post #6 of 6

Originally Posted by supermoo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm more inclined to question why IEMs come with razors as opposed to how they sound.

I guess Schick is trying to land the iPod generation as a customer.

That's the normal reason for product freebies. Just like cereal companies putting game CDs in the box.

Just for the heck of it, I'll look for 'em the next time I'm in the States.


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